Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
I dont know what is happening however several times today when I update the Cdn PS Discussion Board, I get a page with eBay java script and I find that I am unable to get back into the Cdn PS Discussion board for at least an hour despite logging off and signing back on.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Message 1 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Well... a little progress may have been made. I still get the error but the subsequent code is now missing.
Message 21 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
Same here.....

Message 22 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
I am now finding the PS Discussion board is taking longer to load, between 4 and 10 times the amount of time as any of the other eBay links that I go to.

Sometimes, I am receiving an error message that the page was not able to load.

I assume that this is because the eBay techies are working on the problem or perhaps the problem is just evolving into a new problem.


Message 23 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
I get the error messages, too. Have for a couple of days now. Just for the record.
Message 24 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
It's getting really strange now! For the last little while when I try to log into this board I am redirected to the following "Adult themed" search engine after entering my user id and password in the eBay log-on screen. Maybe eBay has a hacker with a strange sense of humor!

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Message 25 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
I went to refresh PS Discussion Board and had to log in again (nothing new) except this time it defaulted to a page saying something like "Discussion Board Error" or something similar in big bold letters.

Each time I tried to back out it defaulted to the same page.

I hope eBay is not paying their technical staff by the hour. Maybe they are paying them with eBay points or gift certificates.

This is eBay's business. They are an online company. I could understand it if they were a retail store that ran an online service but they are an online business and you would think that they would put some of their profits into their business.


Message 26 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
Here is what the darn this says "Community Forums Error"
It happened to me again 3 times this morning.

I also notice that when signing into the US PS Forum, I my id is already there (saved on my computer as a cookie) however not so with the Cdn PS Board.

Also, I have to sign into the Cdn PS Board more often when doing a refresh than the US Board (about 5 times as often).

Message 27 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
This is garbage that has been going on for weeks now and not one pink has come in here to address the situation. It's pretty pathetic.
Message 28 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
Got worse again tonight. First time I ended up getting a notice that the page didnt download and then after back clicking, signing in with my id and passwaord 2 more times, end up at the "Community Forums Error" page.

Back click all the way out and sign back in. 5 minutes to get this forum to finally load.

deltone you are too polite in your comment about it being pathetic.


Message 29 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
Well fellow Cdn PSers, we can feel some comfort as the problems that began experiencing on the Cdn PS Discussion Board have started to surface on the US board

I just had my first "Community Boards Forum Error" pop up on the US Discussion board, replicating some of the glitches that we have been experiencing here first.

I guess its just like us having Thanksgiving before them!


Message 30 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
I'm still having the error, ever single time I visit.

I'm wondering if there are some less computer savvy members who have been getting the error page, and never learning how to get past it. Things have been quiet around here lately.
Message 31 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
The Cdn PS Board has been pretty dead for about 2 weeks now. I pop in several times but dont bother starting any new threads, just seeing who is around.

I will update the board if there is any news but I have been more active on the US Board.

Boy talk about cat fights over there. People cant put their emotions in their back pockets, they just let it fly from their mouths (by way of the keyboard).

There are some ranting and raving lunatics that have permanent hate relationships with others and it comes across on everythread where the same 3 or 4 posters take their name calling.

They have wrecked some good discussions.

Message 32 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

I periodically get these error messages as well and I have also reported them.

It's nice for eBay staff to work in a protected environment where they fail to experience or to be able to replicate the glitches that plaque many of us on eBay.ca.

If they can't replicate, the problem will be ignored and we will have to learn to live with them.


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Message 33 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
The problem is, about half our regulars disappeared as soon as the glitch came. I guess they logged in and got the error, and didn't know how to get around it. They probably tried again a few days later, and maybe a couple weeks after that, and got the same result. They've likely decided the PS board got discontinued.
Message 34 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

It just took me 15 minutes to get here and that's after eating all cache content and cookies ;(

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Message 35 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
Sheesh, this problem started before I left for 4 weeks of trade shows and here it is -- still not fixed!

I've found that I don't get the error if I come directly from my saved link shortcut, but if I try to get here through EBay's circuitous route I get the error. Weird!! I did try briefly to have a look-in while I was borrowing a friend's computer but logged out at the error message so "shooger's" probably right - we've likely lost a few who didn't think we were still here.


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Message 36 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
Okay, why don't we plan some form of organized email to Ebay asking them to fix this damn problem.....

Message 37 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
Okay, now when I open a thread, it takes me to the location of my last read in that thread, but if I add a comment, it then takes me to the very beginning of the thread, which is aggrevating if you are participating in a long thread.... (not many of those here now-a-days with the lack of people on this board.....)


Message 38 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member

I e-mailed Avery after Malcolm posted the link to the support on the American board a few weeks back. In response to my e-mail she showed up on the board once or twice but has since disappeared again.

I really don't think we rank on the eBay scale of importance.



Message 39 of 53
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Has anyone else experience discussion board problems?

Community Member
Avery emailed me the day after the Hello I'm Avery was posted on our board April 19th. I was assured that I would be contacted by someone from eBay the following day. In that email, Avery was to be away one day.

Well today is April 28th, I have had additional problems and no response to any of the others. No one from eBay called me, emailed me, faxed me or visited me except the person who gave me a pink slap for including my email address in a post I copied and pasted from a German email eBay sent one of my customers (yes another eBay glitch).

You would know more about this German glitch except eBay pulled my entire post on it.

I am almost 100% certain that there is a problem with their email system as I was told by Avery that there is no record of their receiving any of my emails to them.

So collectively sending an email means we will have one very large email floating around in cyberspace.

The worst part is they are aware of the problem, they are just ignoring it. Face it, there is no eBay support any longer. They are maximizing their profits by eliminating support staff.

If you ask me, they are gearing up for a sale of their company by sweetening their numbers. Their change in fee structure was not one that made long-term sense but it was one that would provide more cash for them in the short run, no matter how poorly the economy was as they were maximizing the fees they collected at the front end.

The reduction in support staff coupled with increasing technical glitches that are not being immediately (or ever) fixed, reflects a reduction in overhead that would not be readily detected by prospective buyers except as a positive reflection on the financial statements.

Regardless of their reasons, it is not right and we have a right to be furious.


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