What can I say... slow night LOL
BUT, I think that this is a very pertinent question to ask in these times of rolling eBay hills.
Many of us have expressed ourselves in different threads, I thought of doing a roundup in 1 thread of the present situation...
This is not an eBay survey, I am just very curious and I have time to burn
A - Are you a Buyer, a Seller or Both ?
B- Do you have an eBay store?
C- If a buyer:
1- are you finding real deals cheaper than usual?
2- the same?
D- If a seller:
1- are you selling as usual for this time of year?
2- at auction or in your store?
3- have you converted your auctions to store items (reduced the number of items at auction) in the last few weeks?
4- have you become more of a buyer in recent weeks?
E- Do you have a web site?
1- If so, are you selling more from your web site?
F- Do you have more than 1 eBay ID?
