How do I proceed on this?

Community Member

Last week I found more than 350 of my photos had been used by another Power Seller. I contacted the PS and asked her to change them because I considered it theft. She was extremely angry with me and told me that I should consider it a compliment that she was using my photos. I replied that I didn't consider it a compliment and wanted them down or I would turn it over to eBay. She took them all down.

Now early this morning......

Imagine my surprise when I received an e-mail from another seller on eBay suggesting that I take a look at a specific listing. (160250908233)

I did.

It was my photo. It was my write-up. It was the template that I have used from Seller Source Book to which I pay a yearly subscription.

The funny part about it is that this seller (different from the first one mentioned) when copying my entire listing ALSO included MY store search AND MY entire category list that you would see IF YOU WERE IN MY STORE.

How do I know? Well, silly me clicked on one of the categories and of course it took me right to the home page of my store where I saw OUR THREE BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS! *S*

Too bad my store is on holidays!

I went through 375 listings and found that 95 of them had been copied from my work. And a whole whack more from other sellers as well.

So, I went to Live Chat and they gave me a link to report this to Trust & Safety. I can only report 10 at a time. Is there another way to contact T & S?

In the meantime I've blocked all of my images...but my write-ups and SSB templates are still in use.

Any suggestions as to how to proceed?

Why do sellers do this to other sellers? I work hard at scanning, on my write-ups and listings in general. It's work.

And, to think that I'm on holidays!

Thanks in advance,
Message 1 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

Community Member
With all your links still active within her auctions did you notice your visitor stats go up quite a bit? It may have been worth it to let the dumb**s keep advertising for you.
Message 21 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

Oh Susan....don't forget to put her on your BBL if you haven't already!
Message 22 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

I find it incredible that she actually thinks she was doing you a favour by copying your listings and that you should be flattered that she used them. She does not seem to understand the words "theft", "stolen" or "plagiarized".

And eBay should suspend her. How much is she allowed to steal before they do something?

Speaking of which, how does everyone else handle it when someone constantly steals phrases that you use, copies your style, titles, and even creates the same categories in their store? They change the words around but draw all of their ideas from your listings right down to your shipping and payment policies. In fact they try to make buyers think they are you. How closely can they copy you and get away with it?

I suppose the answer is self evident because eBay has not suspended the seller copying Susan's listings when it is so blatantly obvious that they have done so.

I still think that people like this are low life and will reap what they sow. Buyers comparing different sellers can easily figure out who is copying whom as long as they bother to read the descriptions.
Message 23 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

Community Member
Hi All,

I just got off the phone with Trust & Safety because they sent me an e-mail saying...prove that your listing (the double stroller one) was up longer than hers.

So, I decided it was worth a call. I reminded them that Seller Source Book had already reported this listing and that I PERSONALLY had reported the listing and had provided all of the information that they needed and found it ridiculous that I had to supply the information again.

I asked the rep if he liked the photo in the copier's listing. He looked at it and replied, "It has stolen image."

I assured him that he was seeing correctly and told him that I was able to do that through Seller Source Book since she had copied my photo. I then gave him my listing number which she copied and asked him to check mine against hers. He did. He said...they look identical except she has Stolen Image and yours doesn't. Hmmmmm..

I gave him the date, time right on down to the second that my listing had been put up and then asked him what more did Trust and Safety need to see that this Power Seller was a thief to the nth degree.

He said that they would REVIEW IT YET AGAIN and make their decision.

Contacting the seller directly.....let's that seller know that I know she is a thief. Even though she spouted her anger at me...I know in reality she is angry with herself for getting caught!

Seller Source Book does have code in place to prevent lifting of any of a person's listing. However, if you do a revision...including markdown manager, eBay wipes the code out apparently. That's why she was able to steal some and not others. And, lordy....from looking at her others she is in desperate need of putting her funds towards a new scanner and lessons on scanning!

I have to find the humor in this somewhere.

It's bad enough when we as sellers have to deal with buyers who are having a bad day, however, when Power Sellers knowingly rip another seller off....shame on them.

Right now all of my listings are out of my store and when I eventually open back up again, they will have a similar look, but will have my e-mail address gone, refund policy in place and shipping stated. I'll be set to go with a smile on!

I've been enjoying my time with our four daughters & granddaughter. However, I think I'm more tired than all five of them put together! Our granddaughter will say to's because you are old, BomBom. Yes...tis true!

I'm not sure when I'll be up and running, but hopefully some time in August I will be even if not at full speed! It takes time to tend to 3000 listings.

Here's wishing all of you a great week of sales and positive attitudes!

Message 24 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

Community Member
I'm happy to report that the last listing is being removed by eBay.

I did write to T & S and asked them for curiosity sake just how many violations is a seller permitted before having more than a slap on the pinkie.

Here is part of their response:

"In regards to the number of violations, unfortunately, we cannot divulge that information but we do give members a chance to correct their mistakes before more strict actions are taken. If you see other
listings that are using your images or text, please report them to us for a review."

So, I guess there are really no set rules for stealing write-ups, photos and templates.

Have a good one!
Message 25 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

Is there no end to it?

Here is copycat #3 for me....# 140251704937

I have just reported it to trust & safety and I am about to contact Seller Sourcebook since she copied their template as well. The only thing she was smart enough to do was to supply her own photo.

I am glad the listings were finally pulled for you Susan. I can't believe that they didn't suspend her. It will catch up with her if she continues to copy listings.

Message 26 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

This is the reply I just received from "Trust & Safety".

Thank you for writing to eBay with your unauthorized use of your image
and text concerns.

I have reviewed the information that you provided regarding the use of
images or text in item number 140251704937\, but at this point find that
I do not have enough evidence to show that the member has violated any
eBay rules.

Regrettably, we will only be able to take action if the owner of the
images or text such as the The Seller Sourcebook writes to us. In some
instances, sellers may have obtained permission to use the material.

We do understand the potential for further issues in this type of
situation. That is why, if you feel strongly about this issue, we
recommend that you contact The Seller Sourcebook, and recommend that
they contact us directly. Once we hear from them, we will take
appropriate action.

I appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.


eBay Community Support

Now compare her listing with the one she copied from me back in May .....# 120263430023

I sent a reply asking how he could not see that this was copied and that it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it. I also informed him that Seller Sourcebook has already confirmed that it was stolen and would be filing a complaint.

Apparently you can get away with anything on eBay.
Message 27 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?


No satisfaction from eBay T&S but the SSB block works and the picture displayed in the listing now shows the big red "Stolen Image" symbol. I wonder how long it will take the seller to notice.....
Message 28 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

Listing was pulled after I informed T&S that the Stolen Image symbol was showing on her listing.
Message 29 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

Community Member
Hi Judy,

Sorry for the delay in responding. I was away with our four daughters and granddaughter to the lake for the past few days. No phones, no internet, no TV. We had a blast! is responsible for taking the last listing of nebraskanangel_1 down on the 17th.

In reviewing my e-mails that came in while I was away I see that (Trust & Safety) e-mailed me and asked me to take my store off of vacation so that they could compare the last listing I reported and mine.

5 days....after took it down.

I'm glad that Seller Source Book helped you out here. And, don't you just love that STOLEN IMAGE option?!! I would think that it would make buyers think twice about purchasing an item from a seller that has that showing.

Let's face it....stealing is stealing and it doesn't matter if it is from a brick and mortar store, a bank or online.

Running a business takes morals and eventually it catches up with dishonest individuals.

nebraskanangel_1 has gotten her own Seller Source Book account now. She's using her own pics which do not compare to the ones she had up. Her write-ups....she's kept part of mine in but not enough that I can do anything about it. Sad that people can't do their own work. I think when I was teaching and you copied from a book without giving meant you were a failure.

Mind you....perhaps sellers who copy are like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz who didn't have a brain.

Judy....glad all worked out! We'll have to keep an eye on each other's listings. Mind you...I only have one in my store right now!

Have a wonderful night!
Message 30 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

I think when I was teaching and you copied from a book without giving meant you were a failure.

I remember clearly the teachers stressing that fact in highschool.

The Stolen Image feature is great but I also learned something else that can happen.

When I looked for the oldest listing for this item I found it on the very last page of my unsold items that were eligible for relisting. It was the very last one so I relisted it. I was horrified when I looked at my own listing for this item later, because the Stolen Image also appeared on it. I quickly revised the item and listed a different design.

Why would that happen when my own auction number was not listed in the blocked image feature? I can only guess that it was linked to hers because she copied it from that particular listing. I would hate to think that all of my identical items would show the Stolen Image symbol. That was the only one of that design I had listed so I couldn't check on that theory.
Message 31 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?

Community Member
Hi Judy,

Actually, if you refresh your listing and or hit Control and'll see that yours really does not have Stolen Image on it.

I had asked about that and Elizabeth told me what to do. She went and perused many of my listings to double check and all were fine.

Message 32 of 33
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How do I proceed on this?


Thanks Susan. The listing hadn't been up for long but there had been some viewers and I had figured that those potential customers would be lost if they had seen that image. It is nice to know that they did not.

I'm glad that you are having a good time with your family. I spent the day babysitting my 10 month old grandson and we had a great time too. Things have been rather hectic but I will email you soon.

Have a good night.

Message 33 of 33
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