How does one complain about unfair practices related to this global shiiping program?

I want to complain about the Global Shipping Program. I live in Canada I just purchased an item from the US for $10.49 In addition to paying a brutal $16. something for postage, I have been hit with a $3.34 "import charge". By law, Canada nothing on items coming in worth under $20.00 In actual practice they never charge me any import charges on anything up to $100.00


Is this simply another gouging by Ebay? Do I hit the seller and demand satisfactions?  They'll just tell me they have no control over the what the program does.


Where can let sellers know I will no longer bid on things using the global shipping program?




- Outraged in Ottawa.

Message 1 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

Its not duty or sales tax. It is a service fee charged by Pitney Bowes.

There is no duty on items under $20. You were not charged duty.

There is no sales tax on imports under $20 . You were not charged sales tax.

Under the GSP  the US seller ships to a central location, where tracking barcodes are attached to the parcel, and it goes on its way to the buyer.

You're paying a fee for the tracking. Which you don't need.


Message 2 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...


thanks for the clarification. So essentially, Ebay has seen a way to make even more profit of foreign buyers while driving up our shipping costs and slowing down the service. My only recourse is to advise sellers of items I'm interested in that if they are using the GSP then I won't be bidding. Too bad there is no means of braodcasting this...but thanks again for the clarification.
Message 3 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

The seller is likely not aware of the GSP fees you are charged and agreed to when buying the item. You could let the seller know you think the GSP fees are too high and may not be good for their sales. USPS FCMI provides tracking to Canada.

Message 4 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

I would also like to know where to log our complaints to EBay and PB about Global Shipping. As noted, many items that would previously go through customs as international mail were not charged duty or fees, and now we have no choice but to use this expensive program - and the money is going into PB's pocket, and this process adds extra delays. Who is listening at EBay?

Message 5 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buying from eBay, I have only been charged duty once.


My question, is about the ability of sellers to opt out of the Global Shipping Program. As it seems that not all US eBay sellers are participating in it. I am looking for one specific item, and some sellers are charging import fees, others are not. I've emailed one seller in California and she had no idea about the extra charges.

Message 6 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

Let them know, most are unaware they are signed up.


Same thing happened to me yesterday.


Seller was selling some Game Worn Jerseys at a great price, but the dreaded GSP was included in their shipping price.


Inquired whether he could ship without the GSP.


Bingo, bango , all his listings today exclude the GSP.


However, GSP does offer seller protection for high priced items.

Message 7 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

@bb_cool_stuff wrote:

Let them know, most are unaware they are signed up.


Same thing happened to me yesterday.


Seller was selling some Game Worn Jerseys at a great price, but the dreaded GSP was included in their shipping price.


Inquired whether he could ship without the GSP.


Bingo, bango , all his listings today exclude the GSP.


However, GSP does offer seller protection for high priced items.

Or if they are aware they've signed up, they don't have an understanding or appreciation of the costs involved on the buyer's end.


Just out of curiosity, what was the difference in costs to the buyer in your case, BB?

Message 8 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I am including an actual image of an items I was just about to bid on. The GSP was 41% of the bid price! how can anyone justify that amount? A total ripoff with NO reasonable explanation! I just read some outlandish posts on here defending the GSP! Are you serious? I tell sellers I would buy their item if it wasn't for the GSP. I also had a GSP product held in the US for ONE ENTIRE MONTH before they decided to send it to me. The seller felt bad and then refunded me 1/2 the money I paid. So who won in that? eBan and Pitney-Bowes.... The seller did not benefit and I sure did not. 

Message 9 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

@ttoddh wrote:

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I am including an actual image of an items I was just about to bid on. The GSP was 41% of the bid price! how can anyone justify that amount? A total ripoff with NO reasonable explanation! I just read some outlandish posts on here defending the GSP! Are you serious? I tell sellers I would buy their item if it wasn't for the GSP. I also had a GSP product held in the US for ONE ENTIRE MONTH before they decided to send it to me. The seller felt bad and then refunded me 1/2 the money I paid. So who won in that? eBan and Pitney-Bowes.... The seller did not benefit and I sure did not. 

What would you be paying to the Canada Border Services Agency in the admittedly unlikely event that you got charged taxes and processing fees on the Hotspot?  Assuming that you're paying just 5% HST, that would be roughly C$1.00 + C$9.95 = C$10.95.


Seems to me that the GSP is a better deal than CBSA for import charges when CBSA charges 'em.


Shipping price seems pretty fair to me, too.  Found a similar listing using the mail system and the seller wants $10.55 for First Class International.


Message 10 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

Hello. I refuse to purchase any eBay Item shipped through the "Global Shipping Program", which is exploitative of all CANADIAN buyers--unless the item is valued over. $400.00 or weighs more than 3 and a half pounds. I have complained to eBay . A waste of energy. Senior staff there agree it is inappropriate" for shipping to Canada, and they will explain this to neophyte sellers who assume they MUST use Global Shipping, but only if a buyer complains and the seller takes the time and energy to contact eBay.

So, unless I am very interested in an item where the shipping cost reveals Global Shipping extortion, or it is outright named as such, I just sail on past such listings. If I am very interested, I write the buyer to say that I am interested but I do not use the Glob Shippjng Program. I use only USPS FIRST CLASS INTERNATIONAL PACKAGE with e-Delcon Service, and why. Will the buyer send me my purchase by my preferred method?

Most agree, but sadly, most do not have a clue how to execute it, so I find myself spending more time and energy leading them through how to do it their first time, and why they will find including it in their listing as a shipping option will attract far more interested viewers, bidders, and buyers.

I am reviewing my use of eBay as I have become aware of how much scamming goes on there by sellers, buyers, and EBay. Glovsl Shipping Program is newspeak for. "Courier shipping hugely expensive to buyer, easy for seller , and lucrative to eBay and courier".

Message 11 of 12
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I have exactly the same complaint. After 7+ years of buyi...

Your item was $19.99 US or about$22,98 CDN,

So you can expect to have between $2 and $4 in sales tax to pay.

And there is a $5 service fee to PitneyBowes/GSP for customs brokerage and transport.

That's most of the $8.19 GSP right there.

In addition, you may have to pay duty if the item was not manufactured in a NAFTA signatory country.


EBay does not recommend using GSP for selling items under $50, but they don't do much to remind sellers of this when the seller is listing.


If you think the limit for imports is too low, write to this address.


The Honourable Stephen Harper, PC, MP

Office of the Prime Minister

East Block, Parliament Hill

Wellington Street



It is not necessary to stamp the envelope. Just print OHMS in the upper right corner.



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