How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
First off, I'm not in any danger of losing my PS status. Just wanted to clear that up 🙂

I just want to know, how strict are the requirements, in terms of current PowerSellers being kicked out of the program? I read the user agreement, and the three requirements which seem to apply the most are:

1.2.2 You must maintain a minimum feedback rating of 100 and 98% positive feedback rating at all times.

1.2.3 You must meet or exceed an average monthly gross sales minimum for the program for which you qualify for each month of the preceding 3-month period The average monthly gross sales minimum applicable to any 3-month period may be changed by eBay from time to time. Current average monthly minimum requirements are US$1,000 for Bronze, US$3,000 for Silver, US$10,000 for Gold, US $25,000 for Platinum, and US $150,000 for Titanium.

1.2.4 You must have a minimum average total listings of 4 for each month of the preceding 3-month period.

Once you get to 100, you aren't likely to drop below 100 and still meet the other requirements, so that doesn't apply. 98% feedback, that definitely applies. Does anyone know of anyone losing their status for that? I'm at 98.6% right now (mostly due to a few feedback assassins harassing me) but it would take quite a few negatives to drop me below 98%. I'm sure it can happen though.

The total of 4 listings per month, I imagine is pretty easy for most sellers to do. I doubt anyone loses their status because of this.

The sales levels are obviously the most likely reason a PS could lose their status. How often do they check your sales totals? Is it done monthly? If so, is it done on the first of each month? What happens if you get upgraded, do you get an email? I'm bronze, and I don't think I'll be able to attain silver unless I get REALLY serious about eBay. I work part time, and my wife works full time, and I take care of a 1.5 year old boy, and we're having another in June. I plan to maintain bronze, though. 🙂 What happens if you're, say, gold, and you don't make the cut? Are they really strict, and they downgrade you? Anyone wanna enlighten me?

I sell collectable cards (called Magic the Gathering). I mostly open new boxes, sort the cards, and sell them in lots. A new set comes out every four months. It takes me about two months to sell off a set, and then there are usaully two slower months where I'm selling off bits and peices, or selling cards from my collection, etc. I wonder if I'm going to be a seasonal PowerSeller? (ie: getting status for two months, losing it for two months, and then getting it for another two months when the next set comes out)

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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
Reading more closely, it looks like I won't end up being "seasonal" because they use a three month system. As long as I have two strong months, two slower months aren't going to kill me.

My other questions still stand.
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
I'm not sure how strict things are but I do know that I was Silver, and last month lost that and was knocked down to bronze, for lower sales. I've heard that some PS'ers have less than 98% feedback so that part can't be too strict.

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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
I have seen people lose their PS status for both lower sales and feedback dropping below the 98% mark. I think its automatically calculated every month. The reason you see some PS with below 98% hang on to the PS status is that the 98% is calculated differently for PS status than for the scorecard totals on your feedback page. They take the TOTAL numbers of positives divided by the TOTAL positive & negatives for PS status feedback ratings. Whereas the totals you'll see on your scorecard represent the UNIQUE feedback numbers. That is what gives you that extra breathing room to retain your PS status.
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
Why not invest some time to find an additional product line to take up the slack during your predicted slow periods.
It doesnt have to be a blockbuster of a seller, but it may help at keeping your business operating on an even keel without facing 2 up months and then 2 down months. Even if you profit margins werent as great on the second product line, it can provide other benefits including maintaining your PS status.
Its always good to have something else to fall back on should your main line go through some unfavourable sales periods.
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
I have had a bad car accident earlier this year and was in hospital for 3 months streight. Naturally I have no sell for at least 2 full months.

As I'd got back home 3 months after, I received a mail from e-bay stating that I'm below PS requirements based on sales for last 3 months and they give me one extra month to fix it. I start selling and have never heard about this problem any more.

Bottom line is PS program is checked on 3 months period.


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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
I've been told that they review the 3 month rolling average in the middle of the month, so approx. dec. 15th they would look at sales from sept., oct., and nov., average them and move you accordingly - up or down tiers or out. One nice thing about the sales, it's based on gross sales, not "net". ie credits from FVF do not have an impact on your tier.

I would assume they notify you when you move up a tier, but I guess I'll find out around the 15th of this month as we will be moving up one 🙂

I don't know when they'd look at the feedback % - I doubt it's "instant" though. Pure speculation, but I'd imagine they look at feedback % at the same time they look at sales #'s.

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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
Having lost PowerSeller status for a day over low sales volume, I can assure you that they are quite prompt to remove PS status after their 15th of the month calculations. We took August off for a two week holiday which meant we had to stop listing about three weeks before we left to clear up any sales. Took a week to get caught up and then started listing. Must have missed eBay's warning email, because a couple weeks ago we received the "good bye PS" email. And we were just talking about how soon we would hit Silver. A couple of emails to support got us back on track. Sales volume does matter, but the program is run by decent people and they can be reasoned with.

I can tell you what won't make you lose your PowerSeller status and that is losing a fraud claim. We had an ongoing dispute with a expensive item on our buying account from another PS that arrived DOA. At times both our accounts were NARU over this dispute and then I finally won the fraud claim and received some of my money back. The seller was still NARU and then the other day I saw he was listing again WITH THE POWERSELLER LOGO by his name. No listings for over 6 weeks while NARU and bang they are back like nothing happened. So there is hope for both the good and the bad.

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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
If you know you're not going to be listing for awhile, email PS support and let them know -- they'll put your status on hold for the duration and give you some slack while you're catching up -- I know, I'm on catch-up time for another month! We are allowed holidays, ya know!! We're also allowed sick time ... but we really don't want to take advantage of that!



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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
Well I just emailed Canadian PS and asked for a little grace in Dec because of holidays I am taking for 3 weeks on Ebay . I will see what they say
Message 10 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
This was the response

Hello Todd,

Thank you for taking the time to write to us about this issue. I'd be
happy to help!

I have gone ahead and added your account to our exception list, and it
will be exempt until the end of the March. Exempting your account until
then will keep it in the PowerSeller program at it's current level and
prevent it from review until the April evaluation, at which point we
will be calculating the averages from the months of January, February
and March. Your PowerSeller status will remain on your account
automatically until April, and as long as your sales numbers for that
month's review are above Silver level requirements, your PowerSeller
standing will continue going forward. If you feel that you'll need more
time than this, please let us know!

I would like to go over how we figure the sales requirement for Silver
level for future reference. The sales average requirement is calculated
based on a three month rolling average and requires an account to
average $3,000 per month during that time (for Silver level), which
means that an account must sell a total of at least $9,000 for each
three month period evaluated. The sales are determined on the calendar
month, with each sale counting for the month in which the listing ended.
Since we take the monthly sales average for the past three months when
we review sales, it lends some flexibility. For instance, you might be
below the $3,000.00 for one or two of those three months, but you can
make up for it in the remaining month, as long as the three month total
is above $9,000.

Thanks again for writing and have a great day!


Gary C. L.
eBay PowerSeller Support
Message 11 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
I did about $7,000 in eBay sales for November and I expect to do about $10,000 this month alone in eBay sales so the way I read this, I should be elligible for the Silver.

Looking forward to seeing the silver lining!

Message 12 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
That's cool. I guess it confirms when they evaluate your totals - the end of every calendar month. Thanks chic shopper.
Message 13 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
I think if you've been a PS for awhile, they are more apt to be lenient too. I take summers off from selling and last year they sent a warning when I'd fallen below--they said I'd need to get them back up if I wanted to stay a PS. Naturally, I got kicked out eventually!! But, I enjoyed the boards most of the summer, then got kicked out when I needed to gear up for selling anyway. When I'm selling I don't find alot of time to come here and read and chat since my listings are all "unique" and must be individually written
Message 14 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member

Well you have a good sell through rate , your sitting at 54% for your items . In the Ebay world that's good ;0)

Message 15 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
how do I check mine or another sellers "sell through rate"??? thanks

Message 16 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
your sell through rate is 75% for last 30 days. Your adverge bid on your items is 6.7 . Email me and I will show you the program
Message 17 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
We just received a notice from eBay that we have graduated to the Gold Power Seller level.
While I can appreciate the status it doen't affect the way we do business.
Try to keep everyone happy, watch for the kooks and ship on time.
The PS label and $2.00 will get on the TTC.
Just an observation.

Message 18 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
Congrats hdwrench!!! I was silver but last month got bumped down to Bronze. I'll never be gold as I don't sell enough, but that's great!! LOL re the $2 and TTC.
Message 19 of 21
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How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Community Member
How strict are the PowerSeller program requirements?

Apparently not very.
They let us in!
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