How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
Today I received an email from a fellow Canadian. I haven't answered it yet but it sure p*ssed me off. What would YOU answer, if you would answer at all?

"What would the shipping cost be to Edmonton for this. I only deal with sellers that don't mark up shipping. Thanks for your time."
Message 1 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
I would hit delete and not answer it's a loaded question
Message 2 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
If you add margin to your shipping, don't answer. If you charge acutal freight, answer. What do you have to loose.

Message 3 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
Actually, I charge $2 to Canadians to ship the one dvd. I do make a bit of handling of of it, but not really much after I add in the cost of the packaging (which I purchase). It was the way the person worded the question that bugged the heck out of me. I get emails every day from Canadians asking me the shipping cost as I put that right in my auction that costs may vary within Canada, but I've never had one pose the question in such a manner......almost like a threat. I wouldn't want this person to bid on my auctions as they seem to me to be the type that will be nothing but trouble. I think I'll just not answer the person. THANKS everyone!!
Message 4 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
Break it down into materials (cardboard, tape, whatever) and time.
Message 5 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
I would tell him what the shipping cost is and let him decide if he wants to proceed. He didnt ask how much the postage was, he asked how much it cost to ship.

I sure as heck wouldnt break it down. Just tell him this is the shipping COST: $XX.XX!

I had a similar querie from someone in the US. The guy said he shipped gold bullion and knew to the penny what shipping costs were ahead of time so I should be able to tell him EXACTLY what it would cost to ship a musical instrument to him.

I replied that I wasnt shipping identical weight and identically-sized gold bullion, I was shipping odd-shaped musical instruments where the packaging of the instruments could alter the final weight by as much as 10%.

Further because of the shapes of the instruments and their size, cubing was involved in determining shipping costs, something that cant be measured until the instrument has been packed and is ready to be shipped.

I said that based on previous shipments, we estimate how much it will cost and that in all, the rates are fairly representative of our costs to ship.

He fully accepted the explanation, although I could have told him to go fly a kite instead as it is really none of his business. It was a toss up what to do.

Message 6 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
Oh, I think that is the easiest question to answer. I only WISH it had been directed at me. I would answer this way...

"My shipping fees are not inflated. They are fair and reasonable. They cover actual costs and some shipping supplies. But having said that, I request that you not bid on my auctions. I prefer not to do business with people who's primary communication is a 'threat'. Good luck with your future bidding, elsewhere!"

Message 7 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
Ask him to send you the shipping products needed to ship his item, then you will only charge him actual postage.

then block him from bidding

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 8 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
Or ask if there is a particular side of the product on which he would prefer the stamp to be affixed.

Explain that it is in perfect condition now but that it may get scuffed/scratched/wrinkled/bent/etc. going through the postal system without any packaging to protect it.

Then reassure him that you will charge him your exact cost and not a penny more. Of course, that means he should be prepared to pay your exact cost and not a penny more. If he wants it in a box with bubble wrap to protect it your costs go up and he should be prepared to pay those.

If not -

hit the road, ya bum!




Message 9 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
You know, I was watching an item on the Discovery Channel about this type of issue... (not a threatening email from someone on Ebay) but how we percieve insults...

It seems that we take large insults better than small threats as we are better suited to deal with large insults, while small threats tend to remain with us for a longer period of time.

Also, some people are just jerks and don't know how to communicate in a personalable polite manner, but just automatically fly off the handle and include idle threats with their correspondence....

I had a guy who wrote on a quote which we completed, (including taxes) and then he wrote back in a threatening manner that he didn't pay taxes on ebay items...

Sometimes you just have to consider the source.

Message 10 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
One other thing to consider as well.

I have bid on some auctions where the shipping prices were not quoted in the listing. Mine arent because they vary quite a bit from place to place that I would have to ship.

At the end of one aution, a Seller tells me that it will cost $35 US to ship a $14 item from Utah via USPS, delivery within 2 weeks. Sorry but that is gouging.

Similarly, and ESPECIALLY for Canadians, alot of US vendors charge extremely high shipping rates to Canada. They will post that shipping to anywhere in the lower 48 states is $5.95 so you would assume that at most shipping to Canada may cost $10 but then they tell you that shipping to Canada will be $27 US.

We all know that their cost is probably only $3 or $4 but the upcharge is wild.

So if someone who has experienced this a few times on eBay wants to purchase something from one of us, they might start out slightly on the offensive by suggesting that they are knowledgeable shoppers and aware of eBay Sellers inflating shipping costs and tell you that they want to know the actual shipping cost without any padding.

I think that most of these buyers would accept the fact that you have packing costs so simply quoting them the cost to ship to them (postage, packing materials and labour) without breaking it down would be enough to satisfy them that you werent gouging.

I dont believe that these people would be upset at a charge of $11 if the actual postage cost was $8 however they are cautious over being charged $30 against a postage cost of $8.

I am shipping antique Oriental furniture right now and for some of it, I have indicated right in my terms what the packing cost is that is in addition to the delivery cost with some of those packing costs being as much as $80 US.

I just sold something the other day that will give me about $85 Cdn to cover my cost of materials and my time to pack 3 very large boxes with one item in each box.

The buyer had no problem with it at all and quite frankly it would not be worth my time to do it for anything less than that. After my material costs I hopefully get about $35 for the labour which will take over 2 hours including purchasing the materials and special packing the containers.

I think therefore the best way to procced, is to tell the person exactly what you will charge him to ship the product and let him decide if he wants to proceed and bid and purchase thereby ackowledging that what you quoted was acceptable.


Message 11 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
Personaly I do not normally mark up freight however its none of the customers business if I DO mark up myfreight. I would answer it with

"Thank you for your email. We do not disclose our margins to any business or individual who is making the inquiry. If you find the total price + shipping to be competitive please feel free to bid. If you do not find the total price of the auction + shipping to be competitive, we would advise you not to bid. Thank you for your interest and understanding".
Message 12 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
I like that. YOu're completely right, it's no one's business.

Can you imagine anyone phoning or writing the Shopping Channel or Book of the Month club and querying them about their S&H!!, and if anyone DID have the gall, I'd like to hear the answer!

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 13 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
I like all of the responses!! THANKS everyone!! I didn't bother answering the person. This was several days ago so no point now I have found that the past week or so I've had more PITA bidders than I've had in the over 5 years I've been selling on ebay. Once stupid thing after another.
Message 14 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
I buy and sell collectible cards (very small playingcard-sized items that fit in a regular envelope). Some sellers from the US charge 75c to ship within the US, and $4 anywhere else (including Canada), even though it costs them a 47c stamp to mail within the US and a 60c stamp to mail to Canada. Gross.

I've had "buyers" email me with stuff like:

"Hi. I don't want to buy your stupid cards, but I will, if you promise to leave positive feedback, and have it in my hands within 3 days. If not, I'll report you to eBay, and give negative feedback. I don't trust people on eBay, I've been burned before by jerks like you, etc. That's why I'm so cautious. Reply asap or else. Thanks!"

This comes after ZERO previous contact with the person. Just right out of the blue. Makes you feel kind of vulnerable, when everything you sell is BIN and these people can buy stuff and have you at their mercy, on a whim.
Message 15 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
It's amazing how many fruitcakes are out there. I mean the majority of people are good, and no problem, (THANK GOODNESS), but those idiots that seem to come in groups can waste more time and effort, and p*ss you off so much that you wonder if it's worth doing ebay. I just cannot believe how many have come out of the woodwork these past couple of weeks. I also think that a big part of some of the problems is some ISP's (insert AOL here) are bouncing so many emails. I'm getting so many emails lately from people saying I'm not answering their emails which is cr*p. I always answer emails........they're just not getting them, as their ISP is bouncing them........yet I will probable end up with a negative or two due to this. RIDICULOUS
Message 16 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
Hi Guys:
Great discussion.
Some issues that come out of it...
1. "I had a guy who wrote on a quote which we completed, (including taxes) and then he wrote back in a threatening manner that he didn't pay taxes on ebay items..."
Should people like this be reported by ebay for attempting to break the law..the honest people on ebay pay our fair share...
2. "What would the shipping cost be to Edmonton for this. I only deal with sellers that don't mark up shipping. Thanks for your time."
The profit margin is minimal on a lot of small stuff many of use sell. Do some of these silly individuals need to be told they should go back to school and learn how to we need this type of customer on line using Ebay email as a soap box?

Ok I will step down off my Soap Box....oops I thought I stepped on something as I got off the soap its just packaging bubble paper that they sell at the store for free....well come to think about it I did pay for it.....
All the best from the snow pile....oh spring where are you... JB
Message 17 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
I had one the other day (still hasn't paid, I've filed for my fees), who right after winning the auction, emailed me with:
phone me at 555-..... to get paid.

right, like I'm gonna spend my meager profits phoning someone long distance when they won't even tell me why!

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 18 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
I call all of the time to get payment info over the phone.

Long distance tolls are cheap, and I normally ending up saving money by processing the credit card myself via my terminal versus Paypal.

It also lets me talk to some great people from around North America and it also from time to time it creates a small relationship that ends up with repeat sales (often they just call back instead of going through Ebay that also saves me Ebay fees....)

Message 19 of 21
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How the heck would YOU answer this question from ebayer. SHEESH

Community Member
Well, maybe long distance is cheap for you, but it isn't for me! (I only use my cell for eBay, I refuse to give out my home phone) If she had given me a good reason, I might have considered it. All my terms are in my auction, and my payment options. If she took the time to read the auction, there is no reason for a phone call since it's very explicit.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 20 of 21
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