I purchased item the seller cancelled stating they did not ship to canada they advertised

I recently purchased an item and the seller cancelled stating they do not ship to canada, however they advertise in their listing they do. When I looked at their other listings they all state the seller ships to canada. why is a seller allowed to continue listing ships to other countries when they don't


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Hello 'blue-glass-57', Is that about this:  271478751804...


Hello 'blue-glass-57',

Is that about this:  271478751804 ?


If so, your seller seems to be one of those Americans who wishes only to sell within the US but

has been lassoed into the GSP program, and may not know how to get out of it and just

list for the US.

Still, I don't see why she didn't just mail her items to Kentucky, whereby the folks there

forward it on to you. 


It is best to avoid GSP listings.  The reasons for doing so are endless, but ultimately would

you not rather buy from someone who actually wants to sell to you?


Ways to detect GSP listings:

When scrolling down a Search list, GSP items are those where you can see the grey words:

Customs services and international tracking provided.

Clicking on the listing shows the loud bold phrase, No additional import charges at delivery!

It would be nice if we here on ebay Canada could click a box somewhere on the left side of the page,
under Location maybe, that gave us the option to peruse only GSP-free listings.  Haha, not likely in
our lifetime.  But that's no reason not to do it manually.
For now though, annoying as the experience was, you might like to sweetly explain to the seller
that if she does not want to sell internationally, until she opts out of the GSP her listings will
show up everywhere. 
And if you got refunded, that's not so bad.  You can leave feedback, but if it were me I'd just
archive it and not leave any.  A negative over a trivial mistake will make you look worse than her,
and obviously the experience was not a positive one.  In future just watch out for those GSP
listings and move on as fast as your fingers will let you.
Happy shopping  Smiley Happy
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