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04-04-2014 09:32 PM
the conservative attack ads at Trudeau are giving the wrong message?
I saw the attack ad where Trudeau says he wants to legalise pot.
Does Harper not realise that most Canadians feel that way?
Or when Trudeau wants to find out what **bleep** off terrorists.
It makes sense to find out what drives them crazy and stop doing it.
I still don't like Trudeau, but I am beginning to dislike Harper and his messages more.
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04-04-2014 11:01 PM
Harper's TV ads against Trudeau are repetitive and boring. The ad content is taken out of context and it gets tiring seeing Trudeau taking off his shirt, which he did for a fundraiser. Maybe Harper is upset Trudeau can actually take of his shirt and he's in good shape compared to our PM who seems to have got fat as of late while dining on free food as he travelled from country to country selling Canada off.
The ads are the lowest form of politics and I think they are backfiring on him by the populace. Hopefully Trudeau will take the high road and wait till nearer the election and let fly when he sees the whites of Harper's eyes. Never underestimate Trudeau, he comes from a line of educated people and he has a lot of good people in the war room. My personal feeling is Harper's days are over, but I still haven't decided on Trudeau as of yet.......but then again......I want to see Harper and his tyrannical crew Gone.
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04-05-2014 11:54 AM
I think the same those attack add are overplayed an in my eyes only make Trudeau look good...
Raise money for Charity good on you ..
Legalize Pot means LOTS even harper hadn't notice it could change alot..
From tax money spent on feeding and clothing pot heads locked up
Creating HUGE amount of funding for the goverment which could help Canadians work towards lowering Taxes and bring down out Debt...
Free up Officers of the laws time to pay attention to more things in return preventing many serious crimes...
Would remove Alot of the Violence and crimes associated with Drug dealers and gangs involved in Selling Illegal Pot ..
I mean You support Giving a bottle of rye to someone to beat there spouse after or Crash and kill a family in the car accident So what is the big deal about supporting Pot and Providing more business for the corner stores and grocery stores..
I am not sure what to think about Trudeau but I do know Harper should tuck his tails between his legs and go away...
To be Honest nobody stands out to me as the sure thing but only Harper Stands out to me as 100% NO WAY
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04-05-2014 08:57 PM
I used to, and still do, see negative ads from the US from Michigan for years and they mostly make me want to vote for whoever was attacked. I can't stand to allow the Canadian versions play for more than a second if I can change the channel, so happily I rarely see the guy without a shirt parading his nips. For crying out loud, the tacky ads are bad enough during election seasons, but to play this junk when I just want to watch a TV show about undersea creatures or investing in stocks, year after horrible year, when there isn't even a current election, just tells me that the people behind the ads are simply bad examples of human beings, much like the creep who sells medical secrets "they don't want you to know".
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04-05-2014 09:43 PM
Were the conservatives using the same tactics during the last election?. Maybe it works for alot of our fellow canadians if it was used before.
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04-05-2014 11:02 PM
Yes he used the same tactics during the last election. He has to keep pandering to his vote base made up of something between jelly fish and poster children for door to door salesmen who can talk these people into buying anything. Last elections what did Harper have to face, a candidate who could hardly communicate in English and another candidate who just couldn't communicate.
But now, well it's a whole new ballgame. With a long list of years of Harper's lies dragging behind him like the chains of Jacob Marley's sins and Harper's distain for democracy, not to mention his corrupt senators and staff, he now has to face an articulate younger man who appeals to a new generation and that's a generation looking for a future that Harper is not providing. Do I think Trudeau will win? Maybe, maybe not, because there are still enough poster children who are devote followers of the Harper cult, but, his days of a majority government are over, that's my prediction. Trudeau could be another Kennedy, the young man, son of an elder statesman who defeats the person who people felt was the obvious winner.
If Harper stays in power he will sell more of Canada off, making his friends out west richer and the rest of the country he doesn't care about. What was it Harper said years ago........
"I was asked to speak about Canadian politics. It may not be true, but it's legendary that if you're like all Americans, you know almost nothing except for your own country. Which makes you probably knowledgeable about one more country than most Canadians."
- Conservative leader Stephen Harper, then vice-president of the National Citizens Coalition
"Canada is a Northern European welfare state in the worst sense of the term, and very proud of it."
- Conservative leader Stephen Harper, then vice-president of the National Citizens Coalition.
We will also lose our Canadian Health Act as Harper slowly wants to put Canada into a situation where private insurance companies will walk across the border and find a new land to reap money from. What was it Harper said about that?............
"It's past time the feds scrapped the Canada Health Act."
- Stephen Harper, then Vice-President of the National Citizens Coalition
I fear for the future of this once great country if Harper has his long term plans realized.
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04-06-2014 08:39 AM
Trudeau should put out an attack add..
Do you know how many taxes dollars Harper has spent to to have attack adds on me raising money for charity and wanting to legalize what most Canadians have wanted to do for decades...
I will not be voting for Harper this year not a chance never have and don't plan on starting now ...
IF he serves another term this country will be turned upside down and you may see some 3rd world protests going on 😉
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04-06-2014 11:14 AM
Like it or not it's been proven attack ads work. And they all use them.
The truth about attack ads: They work
"Change the Channel on Attack Ads," pleads the Green Party of Canada in its own ads. "It doesn't have to be like this." The Greens are right in theory, wrong in practice.
Actually, it does have to be this way, because attack ads work. And as long as they work, parties will use them - the only difference today being that the Conservatives deploy more of them than any party in Canadian history.
Attack ads are also deeply ingrained in the way the Harper Government - the new name for the Government of Canada, according to instructions from the office of the imperial Prime Minister - does politics. Imagining that the Harper party wouldn't descend to low blows by whatever means is, well, unimaginable.
Liberals, lest they get too precious about attack ads, have also used them. The Trudeau Liberals went after Progressive Conservative leaders Robert Stanfield and Joe Clark. The Martin Liberals ripped Stephen Harper in the 2004 election for his "hidden agenda." "Going negative" has been part of the Liberals' **bleep**nal since the age of television began dominating political communications.
The Harper party has taken the Liberal practices two steps further. They've launched extremely personal attacks against Liberal leaders between elections, courtesy of the fundraising machine that the Harper party has built. And they've used more of these sorts of negative ads than Canadians have seen before.
Of course, attack ads demean politics. Of course, they scare away potential entrants into politics. Of course, they prevent even a minimal understanding of issues. Of course, they induce greater public cynicism about politicians, thereby making everyone more skeptical about the role government plays in society. Of course, they reflect badly on those who use them. So why do we see them?
Well, if they didn't work, parties wouldn't use them. Every ad for soap, travel or politics is only crafted after extensive testing of messages with focus groups. Every line, every word, in an advertising script is retested with focus groups to see what moves people. And not just people in general, but specific kinds of people.
Attack ads aren't aimed at everyone. That supporters of the leader and party being attacked gag at these ads is of no consequence to the attacker. That well-informed people hate them is irrelevant. Attack ads are intended largely for two slices of the electorate.
In the Harper party's case, the first group is the core of its own supporters. They don't need attack ads to solidify their Conservative preferences. What attack ads do is stoke their anger and fear, heightening the chance they'll vote and - of critical importance - reach for their chequebooks each time one of those "sky is falling" letters arrives from the Conservatives' chief fundraiser, Senator Irving Gerstein.
An even more important group is what we might pejoratively call the ill-informed and uninterested. These are voters who don't follow politics, don't track issues, are aware only in the vaguest way of what governments do (except levy taxes) and make up their minds (if they vote at all) largely on the basis of image and impressions of party leaders. These are often "swing" voters in that they don't have anchors in partisanship or issues. They're heavily influenced by what they see on TV, since they get almost all of their political information from that medium.
When, for example, the Conservatives were holding focus groups before their first attack ads against Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff, they found that voters were only vaguely aware he'd spent a lot of time outside Canada. When respondents discovered how long he'd lived abroad, they became decidedly more negative. Hence, the attack ads' focus on the length of time Mr. Ignatieff was out of Canada.
Attack ads are part of the way the Harper party does politics and, as such, won't disappear. They also work, the other reason they won't disappear.
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04-06-2014 10:28 PM
It's all dependent on the definition of "attack". Attacking someone's platform or their history in politics is acceptable, as long as it's accurate and not taken out of context. But the attack ads against Trudeau and constantly showing him taking off his shirt at a fund raiser has Zip to do with anything but the lowest end of politics and represents Harper's mentality well.
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04-07-2014 08:15 AM
But Trudeau seems to think that budgets balance themselves !
Just ask him.
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04-07-2014 01:44 PM
Even that sound clip sounds like part of a much longer (and hopefully more nuanced) sentence.
Like "Take back the tax cuts to business interests that equal the deficit the Conservatives have built up and the budget balances itself."
See what I did there?
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04-07-2014 02:27 PM
@reallynicestamps wrote:Even that sound clip sounds like part of a much longer (and hopefully more nuanced) sentence.
Like "Take back the tax cuts to business interests that equal the deficit the Conservatives have built up and the budget balances itself."
See what I did there?
I see what you did . You made up something !