July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Hello Canadian eBayers,


We are back after a week off for Canada Day. Please go ahead and start posting, we'll be with you at 1 PM Eastern as usual.

Message 1 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Gallery Photos


Over the past year it has been noticed that more, and more listings in the books category do not have a gallery photo.


The booksellers without a gallery photo have hundreds of thousand listings…..  200,000….. 500,000 …..one million and close to 1.7 million.


It is understood that eBay has a rule about a requirement for a gallery photo.


One seller with 1.7 million listings  has  a very… very high percentage of listings without a gallery photo.


How does this occur  and why has it not been questioned?   And then adjusted


From personal experience it is known that a listing cannot be uploaded without a gallery photo when Turbolister is used…. How do these book sellers get a pass on the gallery photo required rule.



Other book sellers play with photos to provide a photo…


(1) Photo contains the statement…. Photo not available,


(2) Photo contains the statement … Photo to come


(3) Seller has a photo used most often…..  The photo contains a stack of about five books…. And is used  for many listings…..  the book being listed is not in the photo


(4) Seller has a photo with something that looks like the cover of a book…..  a single color on cover of the “book”…  with the title of the book….  And the statement…..This is not the actual book cover.


These are many ways to bypass the gallery photo required rule….


Booksellers are about the only sellers doing this.


Based on feedback received one finds a lot of condition problems with a purchased book once received.


Booksellers tend to use stock photos for all listings, regardless of the book’s condition


These booksellers have to be reminded that gallery photos are required.


Using a stock photo for any book other than a brand new copy, must be questioned…. based on feedback received….by these booksellers

Message 2 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Duplicated listings….


That seller with the 1.7 million listings  has a lot … lots of duplicate listings.


Listings vary in relation to condition and price……. But the problem with these listings is that duplicates use the same stock photo…


A difference in condition of the book cannot be seen a stock photo is used in the gallery photo.


If two listings of the same book use a stock photo… the same stock photo… then the two listings are a duplicate.


This seller also has triplicates differing in condition acceptable, good, very good.   But… all three listings have the same gallery photo….  A stock photo.


Why duplicate listings?


Why so many?


Why clog up the listings,  and make it difficult for a potential buyer to differentiate among the many different books listed.



Booksellers with hundreds of thousands listing are overloading the book category with duplicates (and some triplicates)


These high volume sellers make it very difficult for other booksellers…. Too many duplicates. And then add in a few triplicates

Message 3 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

An Overview


Booksellers with listing numbering in the range of 500,000 and much more listings, as high as 1.7 million,  tend to disregard rules…..


This should not occur..  for if they  are not told to adjust to the rule… then these rules cannot be enforced….with other sellers..


It is like a   seller who reported on a discussion group that his listing was removed  because of a lack of gallery photo….. Yet….. listings without gallery photos in the books category are not touched…


And then duplicates (triplicates)…. Several listings with the same photo….   a stock photo ….  are duplicates……  Booksellers are overloading the eBay  system   and making it difficult for all sellers of books.


eBay has to deal with these book sellers…..  no gallery photo… misuse of the gallery photo concept  when not showing the exact book for sale,  and then duplicates when no duplicates… or triplicates can be justified…..  when the same photo, a stock photo is used for duplicate ( and triplicate) listings…


These booksellers have terrible feedback profiles….  Not bad enough with respect to defects because of their high volume of sale…..  Yet these must be reminded that they “must” address their poor level of customer service… in spite of their volume of sales.


Booksellers do love to use stock photo, irrespective of the book’s condition.


And … if I remember correctly…  there is a rule with respect to how a stock photo can be used….that is ….. Primarily for new items….listed on eBay

Message 4 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@cumos55 wrote:

Gallery Photos


Over the past year it has been noticed that more, and more listings in the books category do not have a gallery photo.


The booksellers without a gallery photo have hundreds of thousand listings…..  200,000….. 500,000 …..one million and close to 1.7 million.


It is understood that eBay has a rule about a requirement for a gallery photo.


One seller with 1.7 million listings  has  a very… very high percentage of listings without a gallery photo.


How does this occur  and why has it not been questioned?   And then adjusted


From personal experience it is known that a listing cannot be uploaded without a gallery photo when Turbolister is used…. How do these book sellers get a pass on the gallery photo required rule.



Other book sellers play with photos to provide a photo…


(1) Photo contains the statement…. Photo not available,


(2) Photo contains the statement … Photo to come


(3) Seller has a photo used most often…..  The photo contains a stack of about five books…. And is used  for many listings…..  the book being listed is not in the photo


(4) Seller has a photo with something that looks like the cover of a book…..  a single color on cover of the “book”…  with the title of the book….  And the statement…..This is not the actual book cover.


These are many ways to bypass the gallery photo required rule….


Booksellers are about the only sellers doing this.


Based on feedback received one finds a lot of condition problems with a purchased book once received.


Booksellers tend to use stock photos for all listings, regardless of the book’s condition


These booksellers have to be reminded that gallery photos are required.


Using a stock photo for any book other than a brand new copy, must be questioned…. based on feedback received….by these booksellers

Hello cumos55,


With literally millions of new listings being published every day, it is impossible for eBay to catch every seller who bends or breaks the rules. We do have some processes in place to catch what we can but since software can't make the right call every time, we have to rely on human review which greatly limits the yield of what we are able to look at before it hits the site. But I'm sure I'm not saying anything you didn't already know. 🙂


With that said, this doesn't mean you shouldn't do things the right way. At the end of the day, the rules we put forth and the guidelines we advise sellers to follow are based on what we know help buyers buy more. So if a seller decides to not follow the guidelines or to break our rules, even if we don't necessarily catch them, it will ultimately play against them.


If you have a specific seller to report, you can either use the "Report item" link on the item page or send me a private email with the seller's ID. I can't promise any outcome but I can pass the info on to the appropriate CS group so they take a look.

Message 5 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@cumos55 wrote:

Duplicated listings….


That seller with the 1.7 million listings  has a lot … lots of duplicate listings.


Listings vary in relation to condition and price……. But the problem with these listings is that duplicates use the same stock photo…


A difference in condition of the book cannot be seen a stock photo is used in the gallery photo.


If two listings of the same book use a stock photo… the same stock photo… then the two listings are a duplicate.


This seller also has triplicates differing in condition acceptable, good, very good.   But… all three listings have the same gallery photo….  A stock photo.


Why duplicate listings?


Why so many?


Why clog up the listings,  and make it difficult for a potential buyer to differentiate among the many different books listed.



Booksellers with hundreds of thousands listing are overloading the book category with duplicates (and some triplicates)


These high volume sellers make it very difficult for other booksellers…. Too many duplicates. And then add in a few triplicates

This sounds more like a stock photo issue than a duplicate listings issue. I know from experience that our duplicate listings detection systems are very robust. Hardly anyone should be able to get away with truly duplicated listings. Condition and price are obviously attributes that can make a listing be distinguished from another similar one. In a nutshell, if a seller has more than one of the same item that are different in condition, they are allowed to list separate listings for them.

Message 6 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

The photo in the listing should reflect the condition of the item being sold.


A stock photo, the same gallery photo for listings of the same book  with a different condition does not do this.



Message 7 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@cumos55 wrote:

The photo in the listing should reflect the condition of the item being sold.


A stock photo, the same gallery photo for listings of the same book  with a different condition does not do this.  

Stock photos are not allowed on items that aren't new. Sellers who do that are in violation of eBay policy. If you see any such listings, please use the Report this item link on the item page. As mentioned earlier, eBay unfortunately doesn't have the resources to catch everyone who breaks listing rules.

Message 8 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

This week you will be spared my twenty questions; I still have 99 listings left that require product identifiers and I mean to have them done, once and for all. Enjoy the peace and quiet! I'll be back next week, mwa ha ha ha. 

Message 9 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@mjwl2006 wrote:

This week you will be spared my twenty questions; I still have 99 listings left that require product identifiers and I mean to have them done, once and for all. Enjoy the peace and quiet! I'll be back next week, mwa ha ha ha. 

Hi Maureen,


I just sent you an email with the steps that seem to work for me. Can you take a look and maybe try for yourself?



Message 10 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Gallery photos.  I can speak for games, assume books are similar


Lately relist/sell similar are sometimes dropping the photos.  Also ebay's own catalog has increasingly replaced photos that used to be there with "coming soon" or don't have photos at all for newer releases.  So I go and relsit everything that ended that had photos, and multiple lsitings no longer have photos.  Though they aren't prevented from being listed with ebay's "coming soon" as an image there.  Its a problem with ebay that is causing lost gallery images.  Used media items can use stock photos



Message 11 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@tobyshitzu wrote:

Gallery photos.  I can speak for games, assume books are similar


Lately relist/sell similar are sometimes dropping the photos.  Also ebay's own catalog has increasingly replaced photos that used to be there with "coming soon" or don't have photos at all for newer releases.  So I go and relsit everything that ended that had photos, and multiple lsitings no longer have photos.  Though they aren't prevented from being listed with ebay's "coming soon" as an image there.  Its a problem with ebay that is causing lost gallery images.  Used media items can use stock photos



Hi tobyshitzu,


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll alert the appropriate team.


Can you tell if this happens only when relisting with BEAR, or does it also happen when relisting a single item?

Message 12 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Ebay has made such a big deal about usign the catalog, but the catalog is beoming near useless.  This is a very popular game that is missing all the images.  I added images, and my image is remvoed on every relist, left with the coming soon image. The number of popular items that don't even have a listing in the ebay catalog seems to be growing too.  The competing marketplace seems to be able to maintain a catalog that is 100% perfect




Message 13 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Yes it happens regardless of being single item or bulk, sell similar or relist

Message 14 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Just curious on your take on this Disclaimer buried at the bottom of one of the more 'suspect' golf accessory listings;


"Disclaimer: By purchasing the product in this listing you agree to the following: The buyer will not leave a negative or neutral feedback without contacting us first, We are here to help, If the product doesn’t work on your driver, don’t worry it usually is your loft and or hand speed. We will refund your full amount with no return needed. The product works for many golfers. We are fair to all buyers. By leaving a negative and unfair neutral feedback without contacting us first you agree to pay a $250 defamation fee to Layerco."


What, if any, policies does eBay have regarding sellers using a "defamation fee"?

I remain as I started,
Message 15 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@cdn_figment wrote:

Just curious on your take on this Disclaimer buried at the bottom of one of the more 'suspect' golf accessory listings;


"Disclaimer: By purchasing the product in this listing you agree to the following: The buyer will not leave a negative or neutral feedback without contacting us first, We are here to help, If the product doesn’t work on your driver, don’t worry it usually is your loft and or hand speed. We will refund your full amount with no return needed. The product works for many golfers. We are fair to all buyers. By leaving a negative and unfair neutral feedback without contacting us first you agree to pay a $250 defamation fee to Layerco."


What, if any, policies does eBay have regarding sellers using a "defamation fee"?

Hi cdn_figment,


That's a first for me, and I thought I had seen it all... I'm actually not sure how the eBay policy applies on this.


The only comment I can offer on this is, how would that seller enforce this? They can't force a buyer to pay such a fee. eBay doesn't have anything in its process to support something like this. At the end of the day, sellers may write whatever terms they wish on their listings, but the eBay rules and policies prevail in case of conflict. And in this case, eBay doesn't allow sellers to charge arbitrary fees for leaving negative or neutral feedback.


May I have the seller's ID in private please?


EDIT: Found them. Thanks for the report, I'll ask someone in CS to take a look.

Message 16 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

Thanks for checking on it. Although I understand the sellers concerns regarding unfair feedback I don't think this is the best solution. I'm not sure the seller could have used a smaller font to post this disclaimer.

I remain as I started,
Message 17 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

@cdn_figment wrote:

Thanks for checking on it. Although I understand the sellers concerns regarding unfair feedback I don't think this is the best solution. I'm not sure the seller could have used a smaller font to post this disclaimer.

I've discussed this with a trusted CS contact and we agreed that this disclaimer is likely more harmful to the seller than anyone else. As I said earlier there is no way for them to enforce this, which makes it pretty much a harmless, empty threat. Not the best way to acquire buyers in my opinion.

Message 18 of 19
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Re: July 8th 2015 Weekly Board Hour

This concludes our weekly chat for today. See you all next week!

Message 19 of 19
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