Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Just received Neutral feedback from a customer due to their statement,' Express delivery, 5 days before Christmas, Received in 7 days '. So after having a good laugh I have emailed the customer for a more elaborate explanation for this Neutral Feedback. Best part is that I shipped the item Canada Post Expedited which now has a 4 to 8 business day delivery time and at Christmas 7 days would be considered pretty good especially to the USA.
Never had an email from the customer wanting faster delivery service, and my listing explains delivery times for all Canada Post services.
No response from the customer so far. eBay Live Customer service said I should be able to have this type of feedback removed if the customer does not respond to my emails.
What sucks is that my 100% feed back is in tack but my DSR went down with the customers feedback.
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Community Member
I am sorry this happened to you. I was very disappointed in Canada Post this past Christmas. Five of my customers did not receive their items on time & they were all shipped in plenty of time. I haven't received neutral or negative feedback yet but it still could happen as I haven't heard from three of these disappointed customers.
Message 2 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Community Member
I have to agree, very bad Canada Post - USPS delivery this past Holiday season.
Message 3 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Expedited Parcel processed in Vancouver (BC) December 19. Finally scanned on December 30 in Mississauga (Ontario). That's 11 days.

However, since then (11 days ago) it is still sitting in Mississauga, waiting to be transported to Windsor (ON), presumably by dogsled.

Try explaining that to a customer. I finally re-shipped today because I don't believe the buyer deserves this (waiting so long for his $90 worth of merchandise).

Then a customer in Brazil emailed today that he just received his Air Mail package, mailed 17.11 (that's almost 2 months).

Shipping time DSR's are way down, fer sure

Message 4 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Shipping times seemed ok for me this year. I did have one bonehead who left a neutral, but I "begged for mercy with one kind hearted email" .....;-) and they changed it to positive within minutes.

But one poor soul I had at the beginning of October, bought a 700 dollar item and insisted on expedited surface to Australia,- I told him at least two to three months, but he insisted....and it just arrived last week! But actually, they seemed happy to get it finally, after three million emails. And of course they cant leave feedback anyway after 60 days, and they didnt blame us anyway. Long story short- no more Expedited outside of North America...if another buyer like this "insists", I will say "See Ya!"

Air Xpresspost to Brazil, I've had zero issues.
Air Small Packet though, has been consistantly way too long to several different countries.

Message 5 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Contacted eBay customer service, nothing they can do for me. The customer is not replying to my emails through eBay. Sent an email outside of eBay with a read receipt but no indication that the customer has read that email either.
Left a good reply to the feedback statement just now, curious to see if the customer will respond to my statement.

In general Canada Post and all the beyond couriers down the food chain do their best, depending on who is doing the driving that day and who is processing the goods on a poverty salary.
Message 6 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Good response to neutral.
Message 7 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Canada Post slack off and we get dinged with strikes for shipping delay 😞

while eBay profit (with less discount)

this post office here downtown shuts down the whole day for "computer issue" every once in a while and the shopper's drug mart postal outlet line up to the door.

there's one people there vs 6 people in the post office.

i guess they can simply shut down/strike whenever they have a birthday party or something and call it a day with pay.
Message 8 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas


25, 26, 27, and 28 were all holidays.

They worked December 29, 30 and 31

January 1, 2 and 3 were holidays

3 business days


10 calendar days

and then December 24, and 31 were perhaps not full days worked...


How many took the 29, 30 and 31 as holidays in order to get 10 full days of ... No Work...
Message 9 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas


25, 26, 27, and 28 were all holidays.

They worked December 29, 30 and 31

January 1, 2 and 3 were holidays

3 business days


10 calendar days

and then December 24, and 31 were perhaps not full days worked...


How many took the 29, 30 and 31 as holidays in order to get 10 full days of ... No Work...

Only at Canada Post. The USPS takes far fewer holiday days, consequentially your US buyers have higher expectations.
Message 10 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Just received Neutral feedback from a customer due to their statement,' Express delivery, 5 days before Christmas, Received in 7 days '. So after having a good laugh I have emailed the customer for a more elaborate explanation for this Neutral Feedback. Best part is that I shipped the item Canada Post Expedited which now has a 4 to 8 business day delivery time and at Christmas 7 days would be considered pretty good especially to the USA.
Never had an email from the customer wanting faster delivery service, and my listing explains delivery times for all Canada Post services.
No response from the customer so far. eBay Live Customer service said I should be able to have this type of feedback removed if the customer does not respond to my emails.
What sucks is that my 100% feed back is in tack but my DSR went down with the customers feedback.

There but for the grace...

I don't ever recall so many "Where is my item" e-mails during a single holiday season, and I ship air or better exclusively. At first, I thought these might just be wrong addys or overtures to a scam, but the pattern of pokey delivery was an unmistakable. At least two such delays resulted in full refunds, one of which was repaid later when finally received. The other...well..."Merry Christmas to you too."

In particular, it seemed anything that had to run the guantlet of the Chicago mail hub on its way to mid-west states was delayed longest. Thankfully, I got through this holiday season without any Neg/Neutrals (so far), but the added drama has given me pause about selling or sitting it out next year.
Message 11 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Expedited Parcel processed in Vancouver (BC) December 19. Finally scanned on December 30 in Mississauga (Ontario). That's 11 days.

However, since then (11 days ago) it is still sitting in Mississauga, waiting to be transported to Windsor (ON), presumably by dogsled.

That was the other thing I noticed this year; domestic service was way off at every rate level. I mean letter rate from Alberta to Nova Scotia taking 2 or more weeks. Unthinkable!
Message 12 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

CanadaPost was pretty bad this holiday season on every level. USPS wasn't a lot better, although they didn't take nearly as much time off.

Personally, I think the amount of time mail service was closed in Canada for "Holidays" was pathetic. Just another way Canada is losing it's competitive edge. Add in the price increases, and I'm doing more and more shipping out of the US.
Message 13 of 14
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Neutral Feedback due to delivery service time at Christmas

Just received Neutral feedback from a customer due to their statement,' Express delivery, 5 days before Christmas, Received in 7 days '. So after having a good laugh I have emailed the customer for a more elaborate explanation for this Neutral Feedback. Best part is that I shipped the item Canada Post Expedited which now has a 4 to 8 business day delivery time and at Christmas 7 days would be considered pretty good especially to the USA.
Never had an email from the customer wanting faster delivery service, and my listing explains delivery times for all Canada Post services.
No response from the customer so far. eBay Live Customer service said I should be able to have this type of feedback removed if the customer does not respond to my emails.
What sucks is that my 100% feed back is in tack but my DSR went down with the customers feedback.

My DSR's took a nosedive for a few days this past week, especially the shipping time & charges. Then just as suddenly they jumped back up again. That would make it coincide with the people leaving shipping time right before & after Christmas...figures.
Message 14 of 14
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