Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe


TORONTO - Police have charged a University of Toronto prof and a member of Ontario Premier Premier Kathleen Wynne's transition government with numerous child pornography offences.

Message 1 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

Awwwwwww come'on, you know that you just had to put that in because Wynne's name was part of it. Smiley LOL So obvious.

Message 2 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

where are all the liberals that complain when someone even slightly conected to conservatism get caught?  Common you 2 speak up this guy was helping build the platform that Ontario is to be run on and is caught in a chuild pornography case!!!


how much you want to bet that if it was someone on Mr. Harper's team this would be plastered all over here


Message 3 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

LOL your saliva dripping is showing.

If Harper had someone who was caught on these charges I wouldn't be small enough to blame him. It's the 'individual', not the employer (unless there is some indication that the employer knew like the college football case in the US). Would you blame IBM if one of their people was arrested? Would you blame the owner of a small variety store if they had a staff member arrested?

Sorry mikey, but you will have to dig for drama somewhere else.

Message 4 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

Could you make the name Wolfgang? I always liked that name. Thanks mikey.

Message 5 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

really?? and yet when one of HIS minister's (yep that would be an employee) gets caught doing something or when a senator (again not him but an employee) gets caught you call for his head!!


need examples??


the wheels on the bus go round and round

Message 6 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

When it's within the confines of government and government duties, yes the buck stops at the boss.........aka leader......aka Harper. The second part is what he choses to do about it.

When it comes to what someone does in the confines of their home, behind closed doors, how would anyone, boss or leader, have any knowledge of that? They couldn't.

The only wheels that go round and round are the wheels on the drama train and no one wants a ride on this one.

Message 7 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

it really is a shame that the Liberals are trying to hide from this!! You would think that they would comment on how wrong it is and how disgusted they are, etc. etc. etc.  but they are just playing games with it.

Message 8 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

Spin spin spin.


Message 9 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

"a shame that the Liberals are trying to hide from this"


The guy (Levin) is employed by the University of Toronto (tenure professor).


What did the University have to say about their employee? 


Message 10 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

"the Liberals are trying to hide from this!!"




Don't let the facts get in the way of a good spin.


"Levin was a deputy education minister under former Premier Gary Doer. He was a longtime education professor at the University of Manitoba. In 2004 he was presented with the Lieutenant Governor's Medal for Excellence in Public Administration."


What next?  Blame the NDP?

Message 11 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

I dislike the current liberal government with a passion, but I don't see how they are connected to the criminal acts that this professor is being charged with unless it can be proven that they knew about it and either hid information from the police or were complicit.


Message 12 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

"OMG!!!! What a horrible man. How Disgusting of him!!!!!!"


(did I miss anything?)


Unfortunetly I'm not a "Liberal" but I thought someone better say something before he has a tantrum.

Message 13 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

 but I don't see how they are connected to the criminal acts that this professor is being charged with unless it can be proven that they knew about it and either hid information from the police or were complicit


well I seem to recall a few "people" saying that Mr. Harper must know everything that happens in his office!

This guy was deputy minister of education under Ms. Wynne for 3 years. Peophilia does not occur overnight. She must have known (well since Mr. Harper knows everything that happens in all departments at all times) what his private life was like or had some sort of idea.

Yet she has said nothing. She worked very closley with him for at least 3 years (in the same ministry) and then thought so much about him that she made him a key part of her transition team when she took over as premier.

mr. Harper has been accused of knowing that one of his staff members wrote a PERSONAL cheque to Mr. Duffy yet everybody involved including the lawyers involved in the dealings say Mr. Harper was not aware of the transaction.




Message 14 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

well I seem to recall a few "people" saying that Mr. Harper must know everything that happens in his office!


We both know that they are a few bricks short of a full load and no one really cares what they think.

Message 15 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

Levin was a deputy education minister under former Premier Gary Doer


really????????   when was Doer premier of Ontario??????





2005                                   - 2007

Deputy                                   Minister of Education, Province of Ontario




Message 16 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

Pierre here is a copy of his Curriculum Vitae!!!


Who is WRONG here you or is he lying on his Resume??????


says on there he was deputy education minister in ONTARIO and Doer was NEVER Premier of ONTARIO.


Was Deputy Minister from 2005-2007 and Secodment as Deputy Minister in ONTARIO from 2008 to June 2009.


Message 17 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

"everybody involved including the lawyers involved in the dealings say Mr. Harper was not aware of the transaction."


Here you go again spinning.....


According to the RCMP and it appears from his comments that the Prime Minister agrees with it, four people were aware of the cheque issued to Mike Duffy within the Prime Minister office.


So far, Nigel Wright, through his lawyers, has indicated he had not told the Prime Minister about it.


The other three ......


Keep the facts straight. From the RCMP court documents:


"But the decision came only after the Conservative Party of Canada considered paying the bill for Duffy's inappropriately claimed expenses when it was thought he owed $32,000. The party has a fund controlled by Duffy's colleague in the upper chamber, Senator Irving Gerstein.


When the amount owed jumped to $90,000, the party decided it was too much to cover. Duffy was concerned he didn't have the money to cover the reimbursement, the lawyers told the RCMP, and he was also worried that if he didn't claim a primary residence in Prince Edward Island, his eligibility for a Senate seat would be at risk.


But the court documents say Wright let the RCMP know on June 21 that he told Gerstein and three people in Harper's office that he was going to write Duffy a cheque: David van Hemmen, Chris Woodcock, and Benjamin Perrin.


Perrin worked in the Prime Minister's Office as Harper's legal adviser and some media reports have said he was involved in arranging the Duffy deal, a claim he denies. Perrin issued a statement on May 21 saying he "was not consulted on, and did not participate in" Wright's decision and that he never talked to Harper about the matter. He recently left his job in the PMO and is employed by the University of British Columbia.

Message 18 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

nice reply now WHEN was Doer Premier of Ontario since you have ALL the FACTS!!!

Message 19 of 40
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Re: Nice to see the Liberals are keeping Ontario safe

"Who is WRONG here"


I am so sorry.  You are so blinded by hatred that you fail to read and accept the facts as they are.


Levin came from Manitoba where he worked in a similar capacity under the NDP government.


Why can't you read the whole story?

Message 20 of 40
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