I agree with jewery_quest...
Yes, everyone including eBay benefits from a 5¢ listing day, especially with the higher FVF on sold items...
The 5¢ listing day allows sellers to list more of their items in an Auction Format, for a lot less money. Listings that they choose not to enact because of the higher costs to list your items... The BIN items still exist and will continue to exist until cancelled, at least that is the criteria I have in place for my BIN items.
Buyers benefit from the lower auction price as opposed to the BIN price, and our listings get better exposure because the Best Match search format shows the auction items first, with the BIN items thrown in between for good measure...
Visits to our eBay Stores increases with increased exposure and inevitably, more sales directly from our eBay store, and other sales directly related to our BIN listings as well.
Logically, if you have 300 different items listed on eBay with the BIN format, then depending on what the buyer is looking for, they may only see a small portion of the products you have for sale. The whole idea is to get them to your eBay Store where they can view all the products you have for sale, and possibly buy other items they find in your eBay Store. By having more listings on eBay, I think the chances of them visiting your eBay store increases dramatically!
One aspect of marketing your products is getting people to actually look at what you have for sale. You can sell the best products in the world, but if nobody knows you have them for sale, then they won't sell!! Remember, Sales are derived from the Marketing effort you make, not the other way around...
With millions of sellers listing many products on eBay, exposure is a huge conern, especially if your products are not 'unique' in nature, and the search results for common products are in the thousands...
We need the reduced listing fee breaks to properly list our items via the Auction format for better exposure, the 'Best Match' search parameter is certainly not doing that for us!!
As stated in an earlier reply to this post, "it is almost getting too late to have a 5¢ listing day, as the cut off period for delivery to the U.S., etc., is only a couple of weeks away, depending on how you ship your items..."
I do not believe the premise that 'why provide a 5¢ listing day when this is a high sales time of the year?'... My sales are not up as expected, with the recession in the U.S., I think everyone is watching for the best sale possible, and the best bang for the buck as they say... What better platform to use for sales at this time than the Auction Format with reduced prices??
Hopefully the above makes sense from a marketing perspective...

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."