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09-14-2008 12:28 AM
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09-14-2008 10:42 AM

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
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09-14-2008 04:38 PM
I actually ordered a postal meter from Pitney Bowes.
I am a Venture One account holder at Canada Post but the only problem with their service is everytime you use the online tool to make a purchase you need to use your credit card. So if you use the tool thirty times a month you have thirty cardit card transaction fees.
But again thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
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09-14-2008 06:01 PM
You need a real Canada Post account to avoid the credit card issue.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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09-14-2008 09:29 PM
So that takes care of the credit card transaction fees.
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09-15-2008 07:03 AM
I sold a xbox and the buyer only received the label, The Label was attached to a bubble wrap which had a power cord and was taped to the box.
The buyer filed a dispute at paypal right away , so I called him and it seems he is honest.
I tried to fill in a report at CanadaPost but the system won't allow it since it says item delivered
Should the Post man not check the label like the weight 4 Kilo etc.
Looks like I have to go in person and i bet i have a hard time at this
Thanks for any advise
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09-16-2008 09:59 PM
I don't get it. Someone stole the XBOX from the package?
If that's the case, CP's claim that it's been delivered is quite ridiculous.
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09-17-2008 06:33 AM
I went in person twice and since the tracking shows shipped they can't do nothing.
So today I will contact the RCMP that's all & hope they don't give me the run around
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09-17-2008 11:11 PM
I don't understand their logic. Instead of resolving it internally, they actually prefer to deal with police, waste their own and police resources, get negative publicity and perhaps get disciplined in the process (the person you spoke to)? CP employee's are not rational ...
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09-18-2008 10:33 PM
I don't believe that something bubble wrapped and taped to the outside of the box meets Canada Post's guidelines for parcels.
Other than that, your post does not contain enough specific information to make an informed comment.
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09-25-2008 12:03 AM
where did you order your postal meter from? How exactly does that work? Does it measure everything, then print up a label, eliminating me from waiting in line at the post office? How is that different from processing labels through Paypals/CanadaPost shipping?
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09-25-2008 12:28 AM〈=en
Do many of you sellers use them? I don't really want to add $20 a month to my fees if it isn't beneficial or necessary. And, I'm assuming we have to pay for labels for the meter?
Any input on meters, etc would be much appreciated. THanks!
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09-25-2008 12:49 AM
The only reason that I've not gone with one is that you end up paying tax on all of the postage which adds up over time.
Most definitely I would be interested in hearing from others who USE a postage meter on a regular basis..the pros and cons!
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09-25-2008 02:06 AM

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
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09-25-2008 03:00 AM
When you load a postage meter you pay tax on EVERYTHING!
Depending on where you live in Canada- it may be GST ONLY, GST + A Provincial Sales Tax- or HST.
Now, as everyone should know- when mailing outside of Canada- and the CUMULATIVE postage is over $5.oo- THERE IS NO TAX APPLICABLE!
So- until Canada Post, and the Post Office figure out how to charge CORRECT taxes- ANY FREESTANDING postage meter should be avoided !!!!!
Besides- beyond the TAX- and rental fees- and the COST to load postage- WHY WOULD ANYONE BOTHER to WANT to pay MORE for what is already an overpriced service?
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09-25-2008 03:07 AM
''Tax rules relating to items mailed to foreign destinations and Canadian Forces Post Offices are as follows: not subject to sales taxes if the total price per transaction is $5.00 or more; if less than $5.00, subject to GST and QST if mailed from Québec, HST if mailed from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia or Newfoundland and Labrador, and GST only if from mailed the other Provinces and Territories.''
I wrote an eBay GUIDE on this some time ago (2006/07/30)
MAILING to the US - Is there GST on postage? Yes or No?
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09-25-2008 08:41 AM
I'm registered to collect tax, so I can apply for my tax back, so that isn't an issue for me.
Whenever I send ONE book to the US (which would be the majority of what I send), and I print the label through the Paypal/CPost system, I pay tax on that transaction. I don't mind that little bit coming out over and over though because I know I'm going to get a return when I submit my tax remittance.
Do you find there are any other downfalls to the meter besides the tax issue?
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09-25-2008 10:48 AM
I am sorry I have not answered your question but I have been swamped.
When you use a metered mail it tender to slide through faster as it has already been weighed. This is what my Post Master told me.
I had an issue that CP held mail for 19 days before returning it to me as they said it was under funded on postage. I took all 42 pieces to the postal outlet and they weighed them and they were NOT over weight!
My biggest issue was where was my mail for 19 days?
For me the speed and convenience of not having to go to pick up stamps is what I wanted.
I got mine from Pitney Bowes and am very happy with it.
All costs associated with it are a business deduction anyway.
Time to me is money and shipping does not make me money. I like the fact that I have lots of shipping to do but I look at it as moving to the next streamlined level.
Again sorry took so long to get back to you.
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09-25-2008 07:11 PM
So what if that money is not taxed- IT STILL COSTS !!!!
Too many people overlook the reality of paying, just because you can 'write it off your taxes'. Don't be fooled!
With a METER- you pay 100% the cost of POSTAGE.
(No ability to buy discounted postage- and yes, it is out there.
at Christmas SHOPPERS DRUG MART has had sales on BOOKS of CHRISTMAS stamps! STOCK UP!!!)
You pay all the required taxes on that postage.
IF (big IF considering so many here are not required to be) you are REGISTERED with GST- you may file for an ITC.
You pay a FEE (PLUS TAXES) to 'LOAD' your meter.
You pay a RENTAL FEE (PLUS TAXES) for that meter.
AND- based on the amount of postage on YOUR meter, you are extending an INTEREST FREE loan to the CANADA Post. Capital is tied up, and non-productive until used.
So, using a meter has major issues. Having worked with an organization that used one (PB5600)- we would mail 2000+ letters a week. At that point- it made sense. For even a few dozen packages a week- you really have to add up the EXTRA COSTS- (deductible or not) and ask yourself whether wasting your time, and money, having a meter is really worth it.
An accurate scale, and a computer based postage programme is all you need- WITHOUT all the nonsense of tying up YOUR MONEY, paying RENTAL FEES- and possibly paying accountants to enter all those "TAX DEDUCTIONS".
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09-26-2008 12:05 AM
Problem is you are not very creative it seems. Do you not send out flyers? Advertisements? Be creative you will save and make more money if you do!
I'm not sure how you are not tying up your money when you are purchasing and "stocking up" on stamps!
Just a little tid bit for you. I get billed once a month I DO NOT pay as I load.
I am not new to the business world and I hold a couple useless degrees on the subject so you will not be teaching me anything I am not aware of with your fee talk and uncreative deductions.
It's not just the tax that is a right off honey!
Bottom line is time is money and I run out of hours in the day.