This is a member to member Board and neither your seller nor any eBay employee will see your query.
Go to the listing and look for Contact Seller on the right side of the page.
If you have trouble, click on the feedback number beside the seller's name and look on the right side of the page than appears.
Ask the seller for the date of shipping, the service used and the tracking number. Ask ONCE and don't get into a conversation.
Don't worry if there is no tracking number, many sellers never use them and things go just fine.
If he does give you a tracking number go to the website of the postal system (China Post does have English pages) and see if it has been 'accepted for processing".
Then go to Canada Post ( and do the same. Canada Post will be able to tell you where it is IF it is in Canada.
Allow about 20 days from payment for arrival from North America. Thirty days for arrival from Asia.
Do NOT accept an offer of a replacement. Neither it nor the original item will ever arrive, if they ever existed.
If you don't get an acceptable answer, then it is time to go to the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page and open an Item Not Recieved Dispute.
But not for 20-30 days after payment.