Just read Auction Bytes news today and ebay has made Paypal a required offering for all sellers on .UK - I'm sure it won't be long before they force the same requirements on .ca and .com

Although I offer Paypal, I resent being told I MUST !

I have no option except to mail from Canada which means that small packages are not trackable - a requirement for seller protection from Paypal. If we are going to be required to accept Paypal under all circumstances then the ebay rep/team who is the go-between with Canada Post needs to make them realize that we need tracking on ALL packages. I would happily pay $1 a package for that service. The alternative of no longer offering small parcel rates is just not viable. If I were to quote all packages to the US at the expedited rate, I would lose all my business for smaller items. It would in effect double (or more) the postage. My international business would definitely disappear as well.

When is ebay ever going to see that making one change can have long reaching consequences!!!!! Don't make a change that we don't have the tools in place to deal with!

The dollar amount that Canadian ebay sellers contributes to Canada Post's bottom line must be substantial since the volume of letter mail has decreased and it was not a money maker in any case. Canada Post needs to be made aware that they have to service ebay sellers as a group or they will lose a huge chunk of business.
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Although I offer Paypal, I resent being told I MUST !


I am in the same boat as you, shipping by light and small packet with the occasional expedited within Canada. I have the disadvantage that CP does not insure jewellery no matter what method you use to ship it. I would like to see that change too but I may not live that!!:^O
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well this will be harder for new sellers which rather deal locally only

i always accept PP, but yes it's not nice if they force you
Message 3 of 6
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Community Member
I also resent being told how I have to accept payments also.

Interesting point of precedence:

Some decades ago do you all remember that our only phone service was Bell? We HAD to pay Their rates, go exclusively by Bell's rules etc. as there simply was no other service for this type of communication.

In the early 1970's a man in Kingston, ONT. decided enough was enough and he proceeded to open his own telephone Co. there. He accumulated approximately 10,000 clients in less then a year and was expanding rapidly. His service was a lot cheaper in all aspects and his growth and clientele rate of exponentiation was at an incredible rate, at least until BELL finally said enough is enough and took legal action.
Being driven almost exclusively by principle this good man (now Co.) persisted with his life savings to pursue this issue in court. He simply hated that Bell dictated what service he had to use and having to pay their rates undisputed.
Bell initially claimed that he was putting his own wires on Bell telephone posts. His lawyer argued that these poles were on community property, that this man and all of us pay for.
Bottom line, the court ruled in favor of Bell but that didn't stop this person. He took all of the rest of his life savings, mortgaged all properties etc. until he was less than broke and still persisted.
This went back to court and they upheld the original decision, BUT, the Supreme Court of British Columbia bought another argument set forth by now this mans team of lawyers and ruled that although he couldn't use Bell's telephone poles, that in fact, Monopolies in Canada are illegal and unconstitutional.

Though now at this time he had exhausted all monies, was deeply in debt...

This is a very true story and you can see how things have changed and the vast amount of services we are now able to choose from.

I've heard the title 'Monopoly' used with eBay a lot of times in here and I can see the relevance, i.e. eBay buying out Paypal some years ago. maybe next they'll buy out Canada Post.

Point, were forced to use them, go by their rules etc. ...well, at least until someone or group forces a change as this man did.

Just thought this might be an interesting point of precedence for anyone here who might be interested.

Have an Amazing day!
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Community Member
eBay/PayPal is in business to make money. This is no surprise. Didn't you notice that they DO NOT ALLOW Google checkout even though they are an EXTREMELY reputable company?

See my post on expanding your horizons to an off-ebay site.


Message 5 of 6
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Community Member
Thank very kindly Monique. I feel that this is a SUPER good point. It's so refreshing to know that albeit only a very small number of us are ready to stand up to these issues!

And no, I wasn't aware that they don't ALLOW GOOGLE Checkout. Your very right again, I personally primarily use google search etc. for all of my sites and they are the best service I have found to date. It leaves me wondering who or what other reputable service is not allowed? I really question that and I'm very surprised that they don't? I will personally check with Google and ask them....really.

I can appreciate that eBay is in the business to make money, but who the heck isn't? ...but does that mean they can monopolize? It truly is illegal to have a monopoly in Canada. In fact, when the Supreme Court made this rule I mentioned it wasn't unique for them. Further, when they did make this ruling a few decades ago, Bell was the last existing monopoly in Canada. Who the heck made the rule we just can't use them on eBay? I wonder.

I love Google and a lot of other reputable Co's. I will definitely check your site on this matter as you obviously have not only done your homework, you also must have went to a lot of work & effort for interested people! I shure am!

Thanx again Monique!
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