RBC workers replaced by foreigners under Harper program

A lot of people calling for a boycott of the Royal Bank.


Of course the CEO, aptly named "Nixon" is denying the obvious.


Whether it be RBC's already healthy profits ($1.9 bil. last quarter) or the obvious connection with Harper's give-your-job-to-a-foreign-worker program, the news of RBC's 3rd world job outsourcing has got folks a mite upset.


This of course is what many companies, such as Bell Canada, are doing all the time. In fact, outsourcing jobs to the 3rd world is the rubber backbone of Conservative economic policy and the maximum extent of their stunted ingenuity.


For Harper, "thinking outside the box" means instead of just directly giving your job to a low earning worker, it means subcontracting a job to a company that outsources it to the 3rd world, allowing weasels like RBC's Nixon a sliver of deniability.



Message 1 of 26
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Re: RBC workers replaced by foreigners under Harper program

WHY do you think so many people have 2 work at 2 jobs now,  and  both parents working.

Message 21 of 26
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Re: RBC workers replaced by foreigners under Harper program

At this point I feel terrible for the manatee


Was never a big fan of target. Was in a super target recently. Did like the free umbrella condoms dispensed at the entrace. Grabbed a handful on the way to the starbucks.:-p




Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 22 of 26
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Re: RBC workers replaced by foreigners under Harper program

Not sure if there is one open in Winnipeg just yet.


Not a fan of Big Box Stores, of course i am in the minority.


and both parents working.


That was really frowned upon in the neighbourhood where i grew up. All the mothers worked their butts off at home though.

Message 23 of 26
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Re: RBC workers replaced by foreigners under Harper program

In our area there is nothing but big box stores.


Home Hardware

Canadian Tire



Message 24 of 26
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Re: RBC workers replaced by foreigners under Harper program


If you read the book  'The Walmart Effect' by Charles Fishman you would be forever sickened and would never set foot inside their doors ever again.


The horrors 'outed' by the author  have remained with me since I read it years ago.  I don't care how cheap they are, I cannot in good conscience enable Walmart to do what they do to their suppliers and manufacturers.  I don't need a 'deal' that badly.   'Shudder'


On the other hand, apparently I need educating about Amazon's socio-economics....




Ridiculous comment and hypocritical.

This day and age the majority of consumer products are produced in china. How does one avoid chinese products? Read the back of your beloved ipad.

All countries have many human rights violations skeletons stacked in their closets,and are building new closets,eh canada




Beware of muffin bakin cellulite packin hot flashin dogmatic fibbin braggard nana's
Message 25 of 26
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Re: RBC workers replaced by foreigners under Harper program

Oh please - this act was initially passed through Parliament in 1973 under a Liberal Government when Pierre Trudeau was the PM.


I'm not passing judgement - but at least get it right.


Very true, but that act does not even shadow the one that the Harper government has redesigned. An act which was to allow TEMPORARY FOREIGN WORKERS into the country to fill positions that Canadians wouldn't because of location problems or educational and qualifications shortcomings, has now become a program that allows any company or employer to hire foreign workers at a 15% decrease in pay value with no other criteria other than the employer saying I can't find the help.


The original Trudeau idea was introduced to help struggling industries that could not find qualified Canadian workers and would place time restrictions on the Temporary Worker so a future qualified college graduate could be hired at a later time. Stats Canada has produced numbers that show since the change in the program, of the almost 400,000 jobs created between 2007 and 2011, almost 30% were taken by the Temporary Worker Program. Now with the high unemployment rate that graduates from post secondary education are experiencing, does this not atleast raise some alarms that employers are using the program to drive down wages?


Mr. Harper was in Calgary today to help reopen a child abuse centre and during the press conference he praised his TFW program and the government's ability to create 900,000 jobs since the onset of the recession. When pushed further on the RBC controversy he only said his government would reevaluate the current problem and check into how it may be failing the original intent it was designed for. I think it is a serious problem as I have witnessed and heard from others how companies are utilizing these foreign workers to keep salary costs down. I have no problem with allowing foreign workers to have jobs Canadians refuse to do, but I think this should also allow them a rapid track to becoming citizens and thus keeping the revenues in Canada.

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