Recent Changes - Helpful Links
Community Member
Hello folks,

Here are some links for information on the changes that were announced on 1/29.

Bill Cobb's announcement:

Jim Ambach's announcement:

Overview of Changes:

Fees Changes:

Fees FAQs:

Rewards & Standards:

Rewards & Standards FAQs:

eBay eCommerce Forum Keynote Archive:

eBay eCommerce Forum Q&A Session Archive:

eBay Seller Webinar Archive:

PowerSeller Changes:

PowerSeller Fee Discounts:

PowerSeller Fee Discounts FAQ:

Hope this helps.


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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

Community Member
But remember, they can't do nothing to you, if you stop selling here. Give yourself a break. Quit Ebay!!
Message 61 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

Miriam - my suggestion was not meant as a ROADBLOCK rather is was meant as a NOTICE that they are buying an item that is LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE USA and as such the EXPECT SHIPPPING TIME and DELIVERY TIME will be longer than what they are NORMALLY USED TO via USPS.

I understand that the BUYER experience levels need to be improved and all but improving them also means giving the buyer PROPER INFORMATION UPFRONT when they choose to purchase something from OUTSIDE of the USA -- it is called BUYER EDUCATION.

In our case all the negatives we have ever reached were from MIS-INFORMED BUYERS that have no clue that they are buying an item from CANADA and that they CANNOT and SHOULD NOT expect 5days delivery timesframes.

What part of this does EBAY NOT understand...the world in not USA ONLY and it is UNFAIR and UNETHICAL for eBaY to expect SELLERS outside of the USA to adhere to the same standards as those enjoyed LOCALLY.

If ebaY is a global company then it is about time they freaken act like a global company and have policies and procedures that conform to each marketplace.

The expectations you are falsely setting in the minds of your precious buyers is both unfair, improper and highly UNETHICAL.

Take a look at our last negative we just received, because of your shipping calculator not working this BUYER was unaware of the shipping costs but still bid on the item and when we quoted the buyer the EXACT CANADAPOST shipping rates to him/her they refused to pay citing the costs being excessive and demand we ship it regular mail and only wanted to pay US$6.00. We refused and then this BUYER requested to cancel the sale which we did. Right after we issued the Mutual Request to Cancel he/she accepted and immediately left NEGATIVE FEEDBACK - so I guess in eBaY's eyes this negative is deserved by US since we refused to ship the item at a lost to an BUYER that REFUSED to pay the actual shipping costs.

Do you think this BUYER is a happy one - I don't think so, no matter how mis-informed they are about international shipments and the costs.

We now have a NEGATIVE ontop of even lower DSR ratings because of your screwed up shipping calculator not freaken working how the hell is that FAIR!!! and I do not mean only on this one situation - its any and ALL items were we have CALCULATED SHIPPING chosen, we put in 1-lbs as weight only to find that your system changes it to 125LBS after the item is posted.

The sad part is - we actually pay you for this lousy service that we get plus we now will enjoy the benefit of being screwed twice, once by the buyer and then by eBaY for not offering the best level of service - kinda hard when your CORE application that we use and pay to use DOES NOT WORK.

I need a break now cause my blood is boiling - I think I will call in to the support line and complain some more and ruin on of your reps day - since my day is ruined thanks to GREEDBAY!
Message 62 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

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And don't forget to be "Optimistic"
Message 63 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

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tea-will u marry me?
Message 64 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

KAT-N-TPT - now that has a nice ring to it - don't it 🙂
Message 65 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

Community Member
Hi Miriam!

First of all thank you very kindly for taking all of your valuable time to put all of these helpul links in your 1rst posting. Even if only a few like myself can only take advantage of one or two of them, your information is well thought out, invaluable, diligent, lucid, & very helpful. It must have taken you a lot of effort to do this for intelligent, interested sellers here!

Fortune, I was going to berate you for your quick response to miriam by having you repeat after me:

"Hi, my name is Tim and I'm and I'm Not smarter than a 5th grader"

But you compensated very well starting with post # 30 I believe, which was also very appologising, helpful to all of us and very informative. Good work!

Dipmicro all i want to say to your response is.......................................................................WHAT?

CanadianClearances, ...can I suggest "JeffBay" as an aternative selling site.

Tea, your a wealth of info & a pleasure to read as usual!
Excellent well thought out responses!


Kat, would you please consider working for eBay? ( With you behind the helm, all of our sellers complaints are completely over..your majic! Even tho you now broke my heart....thought you were going to marry me? Dibs on the next lifetime?


Post Script:
I have the solution to the DSR and Feedback problem(s)...really. Just don't want to complicate this incredibly longer than War & Peace blog any further.
Have a good one people....your All Super!
Message 66 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

Community Member
you got it, but you may have to wait in line...;-)..or take a number actually, that would probably speed it up more:-)
Message 67 of 131
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Community Member ok Kat, your well worth waiting for!;-)
Message 68 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

Community Member
Hi Jeff!

I think Miriam has left the building. She said she would be back after the weekend to answer our questions, but perhaps she has been told not to talk to us anymore:-(

Or maybe she is working on changes, changes and more changes:-x

Is that right Miriam?

Message 69 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

Community Member
Hi Karen,

I think were ...sorry, a lot of us good sellers are working on changes.

Thanx for your reply,

Message 70 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

Community Member
P.S. Karen, seems were working in a communist state here sometimes huh?
Message 71 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

I think Miriam has left the building.

She posted on another thread (or maybe even this one?), gone to Vancouver for a few days to kick some butt at the CS call centre.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 72 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links
Community Member
LOL at the butt-kicking. No, I'm not doing butt-kicking, but I am spending a lot of time in meetings, watching the reps handle live chats and answer emails.

Just so all of you know, there will be times when I can't spend as much time here on the boards as I'd like. I have several other responsibilities that I am charged with, one of which is helping to improve the written responses that come out of CS. This has an impact on a huge number of members, so it is also worth investing time in.

I've got a little free time now and will be spending some of it on the boards to see what folks have to say.

Message 73 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links
Community Member
OK, as far as the new listing format ... the first time I saw it is when this link started to float around the boards. So I don't have a ton of inside info here.

On the US Auction Listings board, there's a thread with much commentary around this. The project manager, Subha, is monitoring this thread and answering questions, so that might be a good place to voice your concerns. According to her, the new layout is being tested in US and UK for 0.25% and 2% of traffic.

Here's the thread:

I agree that there's a disconnect around the DSR score messaging. I'd send that one back to the drawing board myself.

I see there is also a link on all the pages in this new layout where you can submit comments - suggest you send your ideas in that way too.

Will let you know if I learn more on this topic.

Message 74 of 131
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Monitoring and answering questions? Subha made one comment and ran for the hills. LOL


Message 75 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

Community Member
Hi Miriam,

Very happy to see thst you took comment(s) in very good humor!

I'm shure I speak for most of us here that were not out to 'kill the messenger. It's just (a (very strong) matter of getting our points across re- especially the DSR & Feedback new rules.

None of the come anywhere near an iota of 'Fair Playing' and I believe you recognise that.

Also, as a 'messeger only' rather than the 'decision maker' please also regognise that most of us will not give up, in the near future, or forever. Exception of course is just "ok, we'll sell somewhere else.

Not a threat, just that were here now bwcause up to this point at least, eBay was the best. Now eBay has changed that.

In any case I'm certain you have recently heard all of this over & over again by me and most of my collegues.

Have an Amazing day Miriam!

Message 76 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

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Post Script:

Soryy nout me spelin again, it's not thatjudt my tyoin skills. Have to go back to college & major in typin so I can be schmarter than a 5th grader.

Message 77 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

Community Member
Gald to see that link is getting lots of attention on the other thread :-). Maybe I will fly around the world tonight and post it some more . . . on various International boards. Always wanted to go to Australia and the UK :-x Bye for now. Happy travels.
Message 78 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links

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Good for you Cider!
Message 79 of 131
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Recent Changes - Helpful Links
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Hey gamers_place (and company),

I do my best not to take myself too seriously ... it's bad for my blood pressure. 🙂

You're right, I can't enact most of the changes that plenty of folks here would like to see happen, even if I wanted to. So in that regard, I am the messenger and I am cool with ducking bullets during this time.

What I can do is help clarify points that are unclear, listen and, where I can add value, throw my own ideas into the ring to help you guys adjust and survive.

I don't expect you to give up ... I'd be rather disappointed if you did. I get some of my best laughs from the sarcastic comments on the boards ... and we get many solid ideas and suggestions here too.

OK, off to meetings.

And whoscloset ... you have to keep reading. She made two comments last I saw. Subha's made of stern stuff so she'll be back.

Happy Friday to all,

Message 80 of 131
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