03-18-2016 02:59 PM
Hello Canadian sellers,
This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.
03-24-2016 01:24 PM
Maybe you expect too much! eBay is constantly referring to improvements in the range of 5% to 15% only..
03-24-2016 01:36 PM
I wanted to check to be sure I pay fees in Cdn$. I found the following message on eBay.ca (see below).
The problem is, under My eBay there is no link called "Account"
Could the eBay tech support people work on this, so we can check easily to confirm we are being billed in Cdn$?
Remember we are on eBay.CA not .COM.
To update your account information in My eBay:
Go to My eBay > Account
Click one of the links on the left to update your account information.
03-24-2016 02:07 PM
@your_update_is_here wrote:I wanted to check to be sure I pay fees in Cdn$. I found the following message on eBay.ca (see below).
The problem is, under My eBay there is no link called "Account"
Could the eBay tech support people work on this, so we can check easily to confirm we are being billed in Cdn$?
Remember we are on eBay.CA not .COM.
To update your account information in My eBay:
Go to My eBay > Account
Click one of the links on the left to update your account information.
I normally use selling manager but if I go to the summary page of my ebay I see the account link. It is on the left side under my eBay Summary.
03-24-2016 02:07 PM
I face the same problem with all of my listings. It is good business to include shipping options in the item description, despite what Rodney says. The bulk tool will not accommodate this. The amount of labour hours that I will have to put into changing my listings is ridiculous.
Unfortunately, they have demonstrated that they really don't care about what we think or the logistical nightmare that this decision creates for us.
03-24-2016 02:07 PM - edited 03-24-2016 02:09 PM
"I wanted to check to be sure I pay fees in Cdn$"
On top of the "My eBay" page, you are given four links:
Activity - Messages - Account - Applications.
Click on Account. Also:
How do you pay your fees?
Credit card? Check your credit card statement
PayPal? Check your PayPal transaction page
Cheque? Check the invoice eBay sends you each month.
Better yet, upgrade from "my eBay" to "Selling Manager"
03-24-2016 02:08 PM
Maybe you expect too much! eBay is constantly referring to improvements in the range of 5% to 15% only..
pretty sure that was sarcasm.. lol
03-24-2016 02:22 PM - last edited on 03-24-2016 03:04 PM by lizzier-ca
I start to sell on Etsy,
03-24-2016 02:29 PM
There is no such thing as "Account" under "My eBay". Where do we find the link "Account" to make changes from $US to CAD$???
03-24-2016 02:34 PM
03-24-2016 02:58 PM
03-24-2016 02:58 PM
03-24-2016 03:01 PM - edited 03-24-2016 03:03 PM
I don't have that issue. My CAD items listed from .ca show up in USD under the search results. When you view the item, the US price is next to both CA item price and shipping price.
I am going to roll with the change since it's impossible to compete with the USA for low priced items on .com though I truly still don't understand why US buyers are more likely to buy if it's in CAD with prices like 94.28 that keep fluctuating up and down.
03-24-2016 03:14 PM
These decision makers do not care about the nightmare this has caused for so many!
Not just the listings having to be changed or redone, or calculation adjustments, shipping issues, but also accounting issues bank accounts etc. I doubt any of these decision makers realize all the work and time that goes into selling for the individual. For some it has taken years to get things set up in a comfortable way for so many of us to sell on this site in a smooth way. We have all conformed to many adjustments and most I found never for us the Seller in mind. Sad to be treated this way and we should have been at least given more time. I am sure it has a great deal to do with the now ever increasing dollar and not a thing to do with our well being!
Why not leave us alone Ebay we have all been good to you, sucked it up more than once. We know how things work best for us and if we see it is better to sell in CAD let us decide when.
03-24-2016 03:25 PM
Sorry Ebay but you are overestimating the openness of a vast majority of americans ... Very self-centered population who are still putting everything american on a pedestal... First and foremost their currency...
And no, i havent read that on huffingtonpost.com....i travel regularly to ?uncle Sam's country for my work ... North south east west...
west coast people are the coolest and they wont mind...they are more open minded but... Of course there is a but... Shipping from my location to california with tracking is a minimum of $19...after paypal discount...so roughly ...22$...
its cheaper for americans to purchase from UK sellers because of lower shipping charges from UK to USA...go figure...
Canadian laws and regulations may play a role in this 180 shift....
Ebay must obei to more stringent rules here...
No, im no advocate to conspiracy theories... But this decision is a non-sense in regards to thenew global economy
what is the real motivation behing all this ? Come on ebay... A little honesty and transparency would be appreciated.
03-24-2016 03:30 PM - edited 03-24-2016 03:31 PM
I called eBay about this and you are still going to have to pay your eBay.ca fees in US$ because eBay.ca is US company.
The migration tool does not work there is no box to select the listings to move them to eBay.com-
I was told be eBay support I am going to have to manually end all my listings then re-create them on eBay.com (at least I only have 50 listings to do - still it's going to take me a lot of time.
This info provided on the eBay website DOES NOT WORK.....
Move your listings to eBay.com
Go to https://ebay.promotionexpert.com/migrationtool. You may be asked to log in and give authorization for the Tool to access your eBay account.
The Tool will automatically load a list of all your active and ended USD listings on eBay.ca.
Choose one or more listings by selecting the appropriate check box, and then select Move to eBay.com.
Select Save and close.
Draft listings that mirror the ones you selected in the Tool will be created in Selling Manager on eBay.com, with the shipping services updated to their closest eBay.com equivalent:
Flat rate services will retain their USD shipping cost
Canada Post calculated shipping services will be changed to flat rate, as they aren’t supported on eBay.com. In such cases, the shipping cost will be left blank so you can set it as required.
To review and publish your newly created drafts, go to the Selling Manager drafts container on eBay.com. From there, select one or more drafts and select Complete drafts.
The selected drafts will be loaded in the bulk listing tool, where you can make final revisions and submit them.
Once your drafts have been published, go to your active listings container in Selling Manager on eBay.ca and end the corresponding original eBay.ca listings to avoid leaving duplicate listings on the site.
You can return to the Tool and repeat these steps as needed for your remaining eBay.ca USD listings.
03-24-2016 03:45 PM
Pierrelebel and anyone else who wants to chime in, I need your expert advice here 🙂
The majority (80%) of the items I sell are on the .ca site (due to lower final value fees based on lowest domestic shipping). Should I be switching my billing currency over to CAD?
It seems to me it would be better for me to pay my bill in CAD but my brain is not working properly right now due to spending the last day and a half switching over 1,000 items in Turbo Lister to CAD. Since the billing currency can only be changed once every 12 months I want to be sure that I'm not overlooking something in doing this.
thank you
03-24-2016 03:45 PM
@slonik61 wrote:There is no such thing as "Account" under "My eBay". Where do we find the link "Account" to make changes from $US to CAD$???
Under the words My eBay you should see
Activity Messages Account
The default is to be billed in Canadian dollars regardless of which currency you listed in. Unless you requested to switch to being billed in $U.S. you are already being billed in Canadian.
03-24-2016 04:14 PM - edited 03-24-2016 04:15 PM
'The majority (80%) of the items I sell are on the .ca site (due to lower final value fees based on lowest domestic shipping). Should I be switching my billing currency over to CAD?"
Are you currently being invoiced in US$ or Cdn$ - Where and how does eBay charge your monthly fees?
Personally - for eighteen years - I have always preferred to have eBay charge my monthly fees to my credit card.
1) a credit card statement comes about a month later (I like the extra time)
2) If there is a dispute in the amount billed, you can dispute it. If you allow eBay to charge your fees to PayPal, you are out the money.A bit more difficult to fight it
3) My credit card gives me Air Miles. Most credit cards in Canada offer some type of "reward" program. Select what is best for you. All I know is that my daughter-in-law is now using thousands of Airmiles earned from my eBay fees. There is no better way to pay!
If the majority of the fees are in Cdn$, it makes sense to have the "Billing Currency" in Cdn$
03-24-2016 04:38 PM
03-24-2016 04:47 PM
@pierrelebel wrote:'The majority (80%) of the items I sell are on the .ca site (due to lower final value fees based on lowest domestic shipping). Should I be switching my billing currency over to CAD?"
Are you currently being invoiced in US$ or Cdn$ - Where and how does eBay charge your monthly fees?
Personally - for eighteen years - I have always preferred to have eBay charge my monthly fees to my credit card.
1) a credit card statement comes about a month later (I like the extra time)
2) If there is a dispute in the amount billed, you can dispute it. If you allow eBay to charge your fees to PayPal, you are out the money.A bit more difficult to fight it
3) My credit card gives me Air Miles. Most credit cards in Canada offer some type of "reward" program. Select what is best for you. All I know is that my daughter-in-law is now using thousands of Airmiles earned from my eBay fees. There is no better way to pay!
If the majority of the fees are in Cdn$, it makes sense to have the "Billing Currency" in Cdn$
I'm currently billed in USD$ directly through my paypal balance. Per your good advice I will set my currency to CAD$ through my credit card. Thanks!