Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.

Message 1 of 1,448
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1,447 REPLIES 1,447

Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@ecgt wrote:

First sale since starting to convert to CDN. Here is what the buyer said:


"Im sorry but i didnt realize how much that would be in USD.. i thought it would come out to less than 300 including the shipping. Sorry for the inconvenience but if you could cancel my bid id greatly appreciate it"


Great start! Thanks a lot I expect more of this to come.



I had that happen with a KIWI buyer on a USD listing a couple months ago. Because of whatever mistake on his end, whether it was the mobile app not logged in correctly or he logged onto to buy or whatever he seemed to think a USD listing was the same number figure but CAD dollars, and then balked at following through with payment when the invoice arrived, even though when he'd messaged for a shipping rate (for a bicycle frame) before purchase that it would be $400USD.

Message 921 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@pierrelebel wrote:

"Ebay claims that Sellers who use free shipping do better"


That claim is quite correct.

It is, after you bury the domestic shipping cost into the item price, more so for international sales because then you can charge LESS for international shipping (and thus be at least appearing competitive compared to say, US postal rates... on small items anyway, on big bulky stuff it won't really seem that much better) and since the FVF on shipping is based on your lowest domestic shipping service... if you offer free domestic shipping, your international shipping FVF is treated as if you charged zero for shipping also.


All my sticker/decal sales follow this pattern already. As I am forced over to CAD listings I will spread that policy to other items. If ebay is going to cost me money and sales, I'm going to cost them extra fees.

Message 922 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@pierrelebel wrote:

"Why are there no import charges and duties if a Canadian seller ships to the USA."


That has nothing to do with eBay.


The Canadian government (not eBay or any other online retailer or wholesaler) requires payment of GST/HST by Canadian importers (buyers) when purchasing by mail goods with a value of Cdn$ 20.00


Here is the link to the Government of Canada site:


Americans, on the other hand, do NOT have to worry about such things as there is no national sales tax in the USA, the only industrialized country in the world without a national sales tax.


" paypals bottom line and out right rips off Canadian purchasers."


PayPal is an independent company that has nothing to do with eBay.

Well paypal is owned by eBay but they now operate independently again because of some US anti-competitive trade law court ruling a few years ago. As to americans importing goods... their basic duty-free personal exemption limit for imports is $800USD... canadians ? $20CAD.



Message 923 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@pierrelebel wrote:

"I have over 600000 in sales on Ebay. With extensive sales data..."


I have millions of dollars in sales on eBay and millions more over eighteen years on my own website and other venues (Amazon, etc,,,) and "free shipping" works.  More than half all eBay listings offer "free shipping": those sellers are not crazy.

Given that your responses generally sound like an Ebay "implant", the response you provided was expected. My data is very clear. Free shipping does not get better pricing for product at lower price ranges. It's irrelevant at higher prices since it can be easily absorbed by the sales price. I consistently sell $20-$30 dollar range items with 2$ shipping added and do better that way on price. I'll challenge any data to the contrary. Yours or EBay's.

Message 924 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Ok I've started listing decals/stickers in CAD, which thanks to the exchange appear to be priced lower...however in listings I have in both USD and CAD, US buyers are still opting for the USD listed ones. On a whim I just just checked this by looking on another browser where I am not logged into ebay and it is showing my listings as offering free INTERNATIONAL shipping. I cannot help but think that this will cause me no end of grief when people then log into ebay to purchase something, don't see that there isn't free international shipping and then message to cancel the transaction... especially if I then go to free domestic on all my other listings (by burying the domestic shipping price into the item price, and then reducing the international shipping rates). Additionally, what happens when a US buyer purchases one day and then pays the next and the CAD dollar has increased in value say, one cent ? On a cheap item they may not notice that their USD equivalent price has gone up, but on an expensive item, say a thousand dollar one... a one US cent increase on the value of the CAD dollar means the item price they have to then pay has jumped $10 USD. Same goes for the seller if the CAD dollar falls the same amount... now we've lost $10USD in exchange value.




Message 925 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

"paypal is owned by eBay"


NO.  eBay and PayPal are now two totally separate companies, both listed on the stock exchanges in the USA.  Neither owns any interest in the other.


" because of some US anti-competitive trade law court ruling a few years ago"


Not quite.  The decision was made by the board of directors of eBay to generate more money for its shareholders.  That information is public is easily available from financial sites.

Message 926 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

however in listings I have in both USD and CAD, US buyers are still opting for the USD listed ones


Actually, it is considered a duplicate if the only difference is in the currency/price so you shouldn't have the same listing on both sites.

Which listings do you have in both currencies where the USD one sold? 



I cannot help but think that this will cause me no end of grief when people then log into ebay to purchase something, don't see that there isn't free international shipping and then message to cancel the transaction.



The site knows that you are in Canada even if you signed out so you see free international shipping because it is free shipping to Canada. If someone from the U.S. or another country looks at those listings, they will see the shipping cost that you've put in.

Message 927 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Marked the calendar for 31 May 2016. Remove all eBay listings and shift sales to another platform.

Some time last year, made CAD the default currency (this appears to reverted to USD recently).

All of our listings are in USD. So when we re/listed an item, the currency automatically changed to CAD from USD. Because we did not catch the change, we went ahead and listed in USD, as all of our online business is inUSD.

Some of our high-priced items immediately sold in CAD, which resulted in significant losses due to the exchange rate being close to 1.30 at the time. Thanks for that eBay!

One of the reasons why US customers (who make up 75% of our sales--the rest is a split between domestic and overseas), avoid buying in foreign currencies is that the US price changes on a daily basis. This makes it difficult for buyers to judge the value of an item, and compare it to the same item offered by a US seller. This is compounded by the fact that shipping rates will likewise appear to change daily.

The reason that most Canadian sellers prefer to list in USD is obvious. The US accounts for the bulk of our sales, and we would be idiots not to cater to our largest customer base by providing "stable" pricing in USD.

We don't care what the real rationale for the change is. It doesn't matter. If goes ahead with the change to CAD, we will find another place to hang our sign.

Message 928 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Why would we be surprised??? Why not just tell us the numbers... How many items they sell and what the $$ value is. That would clear up a lot.

Message 929 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

You missed the point again!
I don't adjust prices. I don't care what CAD funds are. $12.99USF is $12.99USF - What ever it ends up in CAD doesn't matter to me. It has no relevance.

Message 930 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

So how do you enjoy working for EBay? Lmfao
Message 931 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

With due respect, it works for you because the items you sell cost very little to ship. To absorb into the cost  of the item the heavier items that cost $18 and up will not fare so well.

Message 932 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

@tweetie4620092009 wrote:
Marked the calendar for 31 May 2016. Remove all eBay listings and shift sales to another platform.

Some time last year, made CAD the default currency (this appears to reverted to USD recently).

All of our listings are in USD. So when we re/listed an item, the currency automatically changed to CAD from USD. Because we did not catch the change, we went ahead and listed in USD, as all of our online business is inUSD.

Some of our high-priced items immediately sold in CAD, which resulted in significant losses due to the exchange rate being close to 1.30 at the time. Thanks for that eBay!

One of the reasons why US customers (who make up 75% of our sales--the rest is a split between domestic and overseas), avoid buying in foreign currencies is that the US price changes on a daily basis. This makes it difficult for buyers to judge the value of an item, and compare it to the same item offered by a US seller. This is compounded by the fact that shipping rates will likewise appear to change daily.

The reason that most Canadian sellers prefer to list in USD is obvious. The US accounts for the bulk of our sales, and we would be idiots not to cater to our largest customer base by providing "stable" pricing in USD.

We don't care what the real rationale for the change is. It doesn't matter. If goes ahead with the change to CAD, we will find another place to hang our sign.

Your experience with eBay's recent fiddling with currency defaults was exactly mine.  I lost money on several important sales because they were automatically relisted in $Cdn, when I thought I was relisting in my usual $US. 


I completely agree with your other comments as well.  For a seller whose buyer base is primarily in the U.S. (and especially if you have mainly US competitors), it makes absolutely no sense to list in any currency that will fluctuate as against the US dollar. 


But I'm even more cynical about the banning of $US listings on .ca.  EBay is grubbing for extra income wherever it can find it.  What better way to make extra money than to create an exodus of Canadian sellers onto  


Why?  Because most of us will no longer be able to offer free domestic shipping (which on .com means to the United States) and thus avoid FVFs on shipping elsewhere.  For those of us who sell primarily to the States, being able to reduce FVFs on shipping was a significant cost savings, particularly for a smaller seller.  It was a cornerstone of my business model on .ca.  But it simply won't work on .com.  What Cdn seller can afford to offer free shipping to the U.S. unless they are selling items of high value?


Consider this: for every Cdn seller who migrates listings to .com and is unable to offer free 'domestic' shipping (i.e. to the U.S.) on .com, eBay will make 9% to 10% on the shipping cost of every item sold, that it would not be making if that Cdn seller were listing on .ca and offering free domestic shipping.  


How many thousands of dollars a day does this represent for eBay?  If only 3,000 individual sales are made per day by newly-migrated Cdn sellers listing on .com (assuming a minimum $1.00 in fees per sale on shipping, i.e. shipping charge to the U.S. of about $10 to $12), that represents over $1million extra per year for eBay.  Add to this the increased monthly store fees and voilà!  New money. 


EBay is now even openly encouraging Cdn sellers to move over to .com to solve problems that eBay has created -- namely the cart dysfunction, and now the banning of $US listings on .ca.  Just check the FAQs on the Spring Seller Update if you don't believe it.  They are even offering a helpful migration tool to ease us along -- how kind of them.  I find this not only disingenuous but downright reprehensible.  Still, I have to say it's the only explanation that makes sense and that is typical of eBay. 


This is an ingenious business scheme when you really look at it, and may also explain why no effort has ever been made to fix the "cart disconnect" problem between .com and .ca.  EBay must surely know that a large portion of Cdn sellers rely on U.S. sales.  If the "cart disconnect" didn't drive us en masse to .com, maybe forced $Cdn listing will.  


I don't buy the argument that restricting listing to one currency only is in line with other international sites.  EBay Canada has had dual currency listing available for years, and has been structured that way.  Changing back to a single currency must be costing eBay money in programming time, so they must believe the return will be worth it if more Cdn sellers move over to .com.  I also don't buy the whole line about "surveys", "studies" and "focus groups" showing that listing in $Cdn is better for us.  Without actually sharing the data or sampling information with sellers, that claim is simply worthless, a cheap trick meant to sooth the anger of Cdn sellers who know they are losing a valuable feature (ability to list in $US).  


Like many Cdn sellers, I feel I have no choice but to migrate my listings to .com in order to continue to list in $US and have any chance of surviving on eBay.  This will continually cost me more in FVFs on shipping, sometimes quite a bit more, for example when I ship a valuable, rather large and heavy item to the U.S.  But 95% of my buyers are in the U.S., so eBay will be extracting a little more of my already slim profits from me and many other Cdn sellers in order to satisfy the insatiable demands of their shareholders.  


Wouldn't it have been better (and more lucrative for eBay in the longer run) to leave things alone on this site for a year and let sellers actually build up their businesses, rather than wasting their time and effort trying to comply with eBay's ever-shifting landscape and creating obvious roadblocks to their success? 


I'm more disgusted with eBay right now than I can ever remember being.  



Message 933 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

I am still hoping someone here can address or answer my two questions below which were posted over a week ago...


Even some recent phone calls made to eBay, the rep I finally spoke couldn't give me an answer, though he did agree it would have been better if eBay had bulk editing tools already in place to make the USD currency transition easier. He would pass on my recommendations.  When I was selected through eBay's Entrepreneur of The Year to become an official spokesperson for eBay Canada's 2010 Spring Campaign it seemed eBay had Canadian Sellers best interests in mind however afterwards I noticed several 'seller dashboard' changes that were unfairly penalizing Canadian sellers. I reported this for many months to no avail. By 2012 I realized eBay's changes were negatively affecting Canadian sellers. These changes (that continue) are subtle but negative nonetheless for Canadians. It forced me to downgrade my Premium Store subscription a year ago and I am feeling more convinced than ever that it is time to cancel with eBay completely and focus on my other shops (off eBay) 



First point/question;  There appears to be no way currently to bulk edit listing currency to CAN from USD - meaning we are left having to edit currencies on several hundreds of listings one by one.  I am willing to give this a try but am frustrated that ebay's bulk editing department wasn't set up for this change from the start so sellers could transition quickly within an hour as opposed to days or weeks. Will there be a bulk editing tool for currency switching anytime soon?


Second point/question;  Unlike eBay, other marketplaces that I currently sell on show no plans to cancel USD pricing for Canadian sellers.  What if ebay's future statistics or studies recommend reverting back to USD for Canadian sellers? Will we have choice of currency again or be solely locked into USD all of a sudden?

Message 934 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

"There appears to be no way currently to bulk edit listing currency to CAN from USD -"


Answer: That is correct.  Editing tool will be available in May.  This question had been answered often.


"Will we have choice of currency again or be solely locked into USD all of a sudden?"


Answer: will become a single currency site this year, like ALL other eBay sites around the world.  I do not expect to ever spend the money to re-engineer this site to work with two currencies again. Ever.


Canadians, like all worldwide sellers have the option to sell in domestic currency ( or US$ if they opt to list on



Message 935 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Thanks for the reply,


The rep I spoke to couldn't confirm any bulk currency editor tool was being implemented.  Just to be sure there is no misunderstanding, where can I find further information or links to confirm such an editing tool will be available in May?



Message 936 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Did you read the announcement and the links made? Everything is there.


The migration tool below

Message 937 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

 Thank you for that!


Checking back I never got those links in my inbox and was obviously mis-informed over the phone leading me back to the community discussion thread.


I wanted to test CAD currency out now but I guess I'll hold off revising until May then...






Message 938 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Community Member

Why do you always make it so complicated for us!

Maybe it's time to change site.

Message 939 of 1,448
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Re: Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Not sure why EBay do it, buyer from us never want to pay the exchange, if EBay force us to do it, we will change our price more higher. Many of my listing can't to be open, so they will retired my listing, I will lost my sell, today I start to cancel some my listing, better they stay in my container. Too much work for nothing.

Message 940 of 1,448
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