Retirement of USD from Selling Flows

Hello Canadian sellers,


This thread is open for discussion regarding the recent announcement about eBay Canada retiring USD support from its selling flows. Myself and other employees will come visit this thread and do our best to answer any questions on this topic.

Message 1 of 1,448
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1,447 REPLIES 1,447

eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

Hi there,

Funny thing of listing in the US. if I choose Inter'l postage the  item is listed automatically on 

Many US buyers like the 20%+ due to exchange rate discount. However it does create confusion when they will not see US$ on my store from Canada...see how it unfolds....

Message 1041 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

I do not know why viewers from would not see the US$ equivalent when viewing your store,


Mine shows US$ equivalent for all Cdn$ listings - when viewed on

Message 1042 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

Hello how can i change to ? Because i sell in usd

Message 1043 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

@juliec2830 wrote:

Hello how can i change to ? Because i sell in usd

The eBay migration tool is available in Early May. May 2 is what I see posted. See this page.  (English)  (French)


From the English page, here is what the page says.


eBay Listing Migration Tool

An early version of the eBay Listing Migration Tool is available now. Use the Tool to look up and download a list of your US dollar listings.

Coming in May: The full Listing Migration Tool


Starting in early May, the full version of the eBay Listing Migration Tool will be available to help you either convert your US dollar (USD) listings to Canadian dollars (CAD) and keep them on, or move your listings to and keep them in USD. You will be able to select a choice for each listing.

Affected sellers will receive communication when the Listing Migration Tool is live. Additionally, this page will be updated with illustrated steps on how to use the tool. In the meantime, you can learn more about how the Listing Migration Tool will work below

Message 1044 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

 Canadian shoppers are going to have to support Canadian sellers and Canada eBay is going to have to do a better job promoting Canadian upstarts especially the eBay stores operators;  search results should be supporting best price! Over priced shipping rates from the US to Canada should be something that Canadian shoppers look for, and incorporate into their search results; its clear that US sellers do not have the best prices in many categories! I have been surprised so far that US buyers havent been more aggressive considering the strength of the US dollar!

Message 1045 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

"Canadian shoppers are going to have to support Canadian sellers..."

Really? That would be idyllic however why would I support Canadian sellers if they don't have what I want? I sell mainly apparel, 99%, of my sales are from US buyers (as are most buyers from Canadian sellers in many categories). In some categories Canadians simply do not have the inventory.


"...and ebay is going to have to do a better job promoting Canadian upstarts.."

With due respect, ebay doesn't have to do anything, especially not what we TELL them what they "better" do. It's apparent the majority of us don't want this particular change, are they complying to our appeals because we think or say so? 


"over priced shipping rates from the US to Canada should be something that Canadian shoppers look for..."

No doubt the majority of people who shop online do take shipping rates into consideration but once again, why would anyone purchase an item because the shipping rate is less from one seller than another if the item isn't exactly as the buyer wanted unless of course they choose to settle?

Message 1046 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

I did not read all the messages yet, so maybe this explanation was offered... if so, I apologize. A little question first: do you list in US $ when you encounter this problem?


If so, the difference is caused by the exchange rate being different from eBay and PayPal. The quote eBay gives to buyers is always way below what PayPal will charge (a difference of about 5%). It is not caused by the shipping calculator itself, but by the exchange rate calculator.


The only solution for this difference in exchange rate that I found is to charge a little bit of "handling". For my calculated Light/Small packets, I add US $0.50. For bigger items, it varies from US $1.00 to $2.00.

Message 1047 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

No, the problem is not the US $.  I listed 2 large boxes of items yesterday in Canadian $ and the same problem arose.  The exact measurements of the box in cm was input but, once again, I had to input 2 times the weight in order for the calculated cost to equal the actual Canada Post cost.


Everything is "under control" ~ I won't be listing large items that require a calculated shipping amount for much longer.  I'm clearing out anything that will give me a problem and downsizing to strictly items that I know can ship by Lettermail/Letterpost, Light/Small Packet or Tracked Packet.  Those prices are firmly "embedded" in my memory banks and I can input the the actual cost for each countries that I ship to.

Message 1048 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

Has there ever been an answer about those of us who list in USD, and have set shipping rates that provide a bit of a discount to US buyers?

I charge $3.50USD flat rate for anything that goes Light Packet to the US. So am I now supposed to manually update my listings every time the conversion rate fluctuates, since I have to list entirely in CAD?

Congratulations to eBay on driving away even more sellers at a time when your competition has never been more competitive.
Message 1049 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

I don't understand why you would change your shipping rate just because of the exchange rate.  The amount you pay for shipping doesn't change so if you price it in Canadian, wouldn't it be even more accurate than it would be in $US?



Message 1050 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

Does this mean that Paypal Shipping With Canada Post will not be available to sellers who list on in USD?


ALSO, what happens if Ebay limits the shipping cost to listings made on Does the limitation apply to  Canadian sellers? There is no listing tool available when listing on that allows you to use a shipping calculator to specify shipping costs for items. You have US based shipping services and only a choice between Expedited Shipping, or Standard shipping. The actual services utilized by Canada post do not show up when making new listings for in US dollars.

Message 1051 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

What improvements are you talking about - for over 10yrs now the CanadaPOST shipping calculator has not worked properly when it comes to any listing that has multiple quantities. It currently calculates the shipping costs based on the weight and dimension you enter for the one item thereby costing the seller to lose money if a buyer buys more that one.


So if I read it correctly, if a Canadian Sellers lists on the USA site the CanadaPOST shipping option will not be available (selectable) option. ?


I take it we can still use the UPS option for USA destined shipment originating in Canada?


Also, it would be nice to REMOVE the USA shipping section from the DOMESTIC shipping area and put it into the INTERNATIONAL section - like this a seller can have one set of rules for Canada based shipping and another set of rules for INTERNATIONAL shipments.


Specifically, the way the shipping section is setup in the SYI form currently bundles CANADA & US shipments under DOMESTICS shipments so the values you enter apply to both CANADA & USA. It would be better to have CANADA on its own and USA on its own - so you can set different values.

Message 1052 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

Oh Boy! Another 10 days for the Migration Tool to come to its fruition......Problems? Ya, Probably........... Just like the rest of us that have to concur to this unpopular change

Message 1053 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

Thanks for hours and hours of work to get our listing converted from USD to CAD - plus I hear the tool your offering will only create a copy of existing ad converted to CAD$ so sellers will have to manually go and remove the US dollars adds - I am sure this will result in a lot of duplicate ads for the item causing sellers a nightmare.

Message 1054 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

eBay Listing Migration Tool trying to use it to convert my US on my .ca but its just sits there spinning, how long does this take? is there an issue with it? I do not want to have to convert one at a time 😞

Message 1055 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

I tried using it, its just sits there spinning, how long does it take, I have been waiting nOTHING 😞

Message 1056 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

I adjust it so that US buyers (which is about 80% of my sales) continue to see the same rate. $3.50 US is nearly the same as their media mail rate, which keeps me somewhat competitive. Now, I'll have to constantly be updating my US shipping charges, so that it stays at the same $3.50US rate.
Message 1057 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

@xavierg66 wrote:

I tried using it, its just sits there spinning, how long does it take, I have been waiting nOTHING 😞

Te early tool is just for looking up listings. It might not work yet properly even to look up listings See this post I made early in this topic.




The eBay migration tool is available in Early May. May 2 is what I see posted. See this page.  (English)  (French)


From the English page, here is what the page says.


eBay Listing Migration Tool

An early version of the eBay Listing Migration Tool is available now. Use the Tool to look up and download a list of your US dollar listings.

Coming in May: The full Listing Migration Tool


Starting in early May, the full version of the eBay Listing Migration Tool will be available to help you either convert your US dollar (USD) listings to Canadian dollars (CAD) and keep them on, or move your listings to and keep them in USD. You will be able to select a choice for each listing.

Affected sellers will receive communication when the Listing Migration Tool is live. Additionally, this page will be updated with illustrated steps on how to use the tool. In the meantime, you can learn more about how the Listing Migration Tool will work below

Message 1058 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

The "Early version of Migration Tool" does not work and I suggest to any Canadian who wants to use it, to wait till Ebay comes up with a functional version as promised by mid-June. Now mind you, it would not surprise me if they are unable to keep to that date for implementation as well, after all we are still waiting for the Shopping Cart to work, which has been over 2 years.


After reading all the posts, I have reached the conclusion that has not been telling us the truth of the reason why we should sell in Canadian dollars. Many of us have tried selling in Canadian dollars in the past - all with the same result - NO SALES! So Ebay Canada, why not come clean and really tell us why you are giving us the boot. 

Message 1059 of 1,448
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eBay Listing Migration Tool issues

@99sportscards wrote:

Does this mean that Paypal Shipping With Canada Post will not be available to sellers who list on in USD?


ALSO, what happens if Ebay limits the shipping cost to listings made on Does the limitation apply to  Canadian sellers? There is no listing tool available when listing on that allows you to use a shipping calculator to specify shipping costs for items. You have US based shipping services and only a choice between Expedited Shipping, or Standard shipping. The actual services utilized by Canada post do not show up when making new listings for in US dollars.

Paypal shipping will still be available. You can go to your .ca selling manager or my ebay to access it or just sign in directly to paypal.


There are shipping limits in some categories such media and books. It would be best check the info on .com for the amounts and for which categories it is for.  That limit applies to anyone who lists on .com. I have never heard them talk about putting shipping limits on any other categories.


If you list on .com you have to use a flat rate if you are using Canada Post. For shipping to the U.S. you would use standard, economy or expedited shipping from outside of the U.S.   For Canada and other countries you would use international standard, expedited or economy.    If the shipping calculator is important to you then you should stay on .ca and see how that works.


Message 1060 of 1,448
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