SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004
Community Member
Unlike most retail businesses, buying on eBay grows after the New Year. Heading into 2004, we’re already seeing huge growth in demand that is outpacing supply on the site. And much of this demand is coming from Buyers in Canada. There’s no customer like the one right around the corner!

What does that mean for you? If you’re new to selling, there’s no better time to start than now. And if you’re an experienced Seller, get your hands on more merchandise because people are lining up to buy!

And don’t forget that Valentine’s Day is coming soon. So stock up on anything to do with love and you’re sure to sell.

Here are some categories that are really hot this Winter:

· Watches
· Diamond Rings
· Fur Coats
· Sunglasses
· Lingerie
· Handbags
· Kitchen Appliances
· Vacuums
· Cell Phones
· Digital Cameras
· Video Games
· MP3 Players
· DVDs
· Laptops
· Routers
· Skis & Snowboards
· Hockey Gear
· Vintage Jerseys
· Cars & Trucks
· Wheels & Tires

Don’t miss out on this surge in Buyers on the site. Good luck selling!

eBay Canada Team
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
Well, this completely disgusting thread has turned into a joke. Hopefully eBay still sees that we're serious here.

Oh, by the way, if you like playing or collecting Magic cards, buy from "shooger"!
Message 41 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
eBay doesnt come here any more. They dont love us like they used to. We didnt all go out and buy brand new inventories of fur coats, watches, lingerie, Q-Tips, toilet paper etc. and list them on eBay like it was suggested.
So if anyone is feeling a little down and a little blue, there is nothing like purchasing a brand new musical instrument from your favorite eBay music dealer and strumming all your troubles away.

Message 42 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
I think it all started to go down-hill when everyone slammed the Powersellers package they received in the mail...

Message 43 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
I guess they just dont understand and appreciate Canadian humour although 75% of the comedy writers are Canadian.


Message 44 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Hi All!
Did anyone notice these so-called "HOT" categories are so obvious any office low-level marketing drone/pink could have come up with them. hmmm...WINTER = WINTER SPORTS: snowboards, hockey gear etc etc... ho-hum
WINTER=VALENTINE'S DAY: Watches, diamond Rings, fur coats again, appliances?
WINTER=COCOONING: DVDs, Video Games etc etc...
who's paying these people to come up with these brilliant strokes of genius? oh yeah that's right WE are!
think I'll stick to my own tried and trusted market research team - ME!
the mind boggles...
cheers, the Molten Core
Message 45 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
eBay Average Sell-Through for Week Ending February 1, 2004

All Categories - 42%
Antiques - 40%
Art - 21%
Books - 39%
Business & Industrial - 41%
Clothing, Shoes & Accessories - 44%
Coins - 63%
Collectibles - 43%
Computers - 39%
Consumer Electronics - 32%
Dolls & Bears - 43%
Entertainment - 40%
Everything Else - 45%
Home - 39%
Jewelry & Watches - 42%
Musical Instruments - 47%
Pottery & Glass - 46%
Real Estate - 41%
Specialty Services - 15%
Sports - 46%
Stamps - 50%
Tickets - 45%
Toys & Hobbies - 49%
Travel - 38%

Source: Medved Quote Tracker (
Message 46 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
So based on this information, where does the original assertion "huge growth in demand that is outpacing supply on the site" come from?

It looks, on the surface, like there is more than enough "supply" if only 42% (average) are selling thru.

Whew - it appears that I have dodged a bullet and that it's a good thing I was still able to cancel all my orders with vendors for all of the items and categories mentioned.

I guess I'll just go back to trusting my own market research instead of that of the giant maw that eBay has become.



Message 47 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
Wow!! Musical instruments didnt even make their HOT list and it had one of the highest Sell-Through ratios at 47%.

And to think I was going to get out of selling musical instruments and start selling lingerie because eBay siad it was going to be a really big seller than Canadian were lining up to buy.


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