SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004
Community Member
Unlike most retail businesses, buying on eBay grows after the New Year. Heading into 2004, we’re already seeing huge growth in demand that is outpacing supply on the site. And much of this demand is coming from Buyers in Canada. There’s no customer like the one right around the corner!

What does that mean for you? If you’re new to selling, there’s no better time to start than now. And if you’re an experienced Seller, get your hands on more merchandise because people are lining up to buy!

And don’t forget that Valentine’s Day is coming soon. So stock up on anything to do with love and you’re sure to sell.

Here are some categories that are really hot this Winter:

· Watches
· Diamond Rings
· Fur Coats
· Sunglasses
· Lingerie
· Handbags
· Kitchen Appliances
· Vacuums
· Cell Phones
· Digital Cameras
· Video Games
· MP3 Players
· DVDs
· Laptops
· Routers
· Skis & Snowboards
· Hockey Gear
· Vintage Jerseys
· Cars & Trucks
· Wheels & Tires

Don’t miss out on this surge in Buyers on the site. Good luck selling!

eBay Canada Team
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
See, that's why I am taking January to slow down in my sale of musical instruments and do some maintenance, we didnt make the list.
Message 2 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
We didn't make the list either, but I can tell you demand is there for books! I can see the instruments not being so much in demand right now but I'd bet Aug-Dec is great for you Malcolm. Gloria
Message 3 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
Actaully January probably would have been a good month but we planned to do our computer system upgrades and get new product lines listed which is what we are working on right now.
Message 4 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
I just thought that wouldnt it be interesting if eBay published the statistics instead of just the propaganda.

Certainly they must be referring to numbers they produce based on sales and populations so it would be a great asistance to see how sales for each category is doing this year over comparable periods in previous years.

I am not a great one for acceptiong generalities without the numbers supporting the statements to reflect the exctent of any growth.

Message 5 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
We didn't make the list either.....

Message 6 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
Without statistics its nothing more than propaganda to get people to list more to feed eBay more listing fees.

Sorry eBay but show us the volume sales to Canadians has increased in each area and maybe we can adjust some of our product lines to match what is HOT right now but I am not about to invest time and money in new items to sell if it is not supprted by numbers that would substantiate an investment.


Message 7 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
Watches 201 watches listed, approximately 30 being bid on
Diamond Rings 3 listed ZERO bids
Fur Coats 6 listed, 4 bids on one, 1 bid on another
Sun Glasses 10 listed, ONE bid on ONE pair
Lingerie 290 listed about 40 being bid on
Handbags 18 listed, 6 being bid on
and so on and so on and so on

I dont see the masses rushing to purchase any of the items listed as HOT that Canadian are lining up for.

Sorry, we need support with real facts and figures to help us run our businesses and I really dont appreciate this type of propaganda.

Message 8 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
This info was published in Nov 2003.
Message 9 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
I'm with you on this one Malcolm.

I get enough commercials on TV that I don't really appreciate pinks depositing eBay marketing hoo-hah on a discussion board.

Carly, please tell us that this was an experiment to determine response and that this will not be a regular feature on the PS boards.

If so, can I start spamming the board with messages to other PS'ers to visit my auctions.

It was always my understanding that the boards were supposed to be free of attempts to solicit business.

Correct me if I am wrong. I'll visit for your reply.



Message 10 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
I am actually very upset about this. Toss this crap out to the newbies if you want but stop treating Power Sellers like we do this for a hobby.

There is alot of time, energy and money invested by all of us together with marketing plans etc. and
1. I sure as heck dont need eBay leaving my categories off such a list and
2. It is totally misleading and may have some people going out and purchasing huge inventories of items on their list.

Ok Ok I know most of us have more brains than to do that but it is apparent that eBay doesnt think so.

I really take offense to something like this from eBay, it is false and misleading and something that should not have found its way onto the PS Board.

I sincerely hope that this type of posting from eBay will stop.


Message 11 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
I got to agree with Malcolm on this

This info is not correct or needed. This info is comparable too

: Reading the mileage posted on the window of a new car .

We all know there is no way in the world you can ever get the mileage stated on the paper from the dealership.

However there are people whom read the paper posted on the car window and say "WOW THAT'S GREAT mileage"

There is no way older PS honestly think this info is 100% truthful or useful

There will be the odd person who says " this is great info " but it's about as comparable as the new cars mileage.

Let's say the info above has merit? How was this info obtained . What makes this category hot ?? profit !!!How is ebay able to tell our profit margin ??

They must have done a study and if they did do a study it had to have been with people selling on ebay and stating their profit

Or is this info above about Ebay's profit ??
Message 12 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
I don't appreciate this hoohah either. If I wanted a random list of stuff eBay makes a lot of profit on, I could have made one up myself. This just looks like items eBay profits well on (the really big money items, in other words).
Message 13 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
Well, how's about I press this little "report" button and see if the thread gets pulled for selling on the boards?

Carly, please report back that this effort was met with total disdain for the effort. Save it for the monthly marketing emails your guys send out.



Message 14 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
If this isnt pulled I will loose yet more respect for eBay.

There is no support from the Cdn PS community for this type of solicitation on its board. This is false advertising at its worse.

As I said in my first 2 comments, I would welcome published statistics showing the increase or decrease for identical periods for each category.

Whether I would use this information or not is irrelevant but it would at least be fact.

Bill, I wonder what would happen if you pressed that little "Report" button.


Message 15 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
I did press it this morning... it must be broke because the thread hasn't been pulled. Either that or the rules have changed.

I have to assume that is re-writing the rules governing doing business on the boards so I will ask a direct question to any pink - are we now allowed to solicit business on the boards?

A response would be appreciated.



Message 16 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
Gotta love this one.
I just read the updates on this thread and I have Back-clicked" 5-times to take me back to the duscussions and I keep being re-routed to this one thread. I cant get out (until I close down my these discussions and sign back in).
Message 17 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
I just check the board usage policy and I'm undecided. Does Carly's post violate one of these rules?

1)Advertising merchandise, auctions, services or commercial web sites, including offers to trade, or charitable solicitations.

2) Posting "wanted" messages or posting solicitations of interest in the sale of an item or service.



Message 18 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
Has anyone hit the "Report" button yet?

Message 19 of 48
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SELL NOW: Canadian Demand Roars Into 2004

Community Member
Bill did and nothing happened.
I guess eBay is beyond being reported for violating its own rules.

Message 20 of 48
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