Scales for shipping


For those who are looking for a low weight (under 5kg) scale the Starfrit 5-kg. Digital Kitchen Scale is on sale at Canadian tire for $11.99 this week.


Accuracy is very good (at least mine is).


More info:

Message 1 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

I also use a Starfrit and it has always been very accurate. It was actually a similar post on these boards years ago about the Starfrit scales being on sale at Canadian Tire that led our family to get one. It continues to serve us well.

For those who need a scale, the Starfrit is highly recommended, especially if you can nab it at such a good price.
Message 2 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

I recently sang the praises of my own Starfrit on another thread about postage scales versus kitchen scales. 


My Starfrit is satisfactory but I do always double-check I've got the correct weight being tabulated by jiggling the box a little. If it's not centred on the scale, I may make a mistake by underestimating the weight. Once I sat the scale itself down on some junk on my desk and then the readings were all across the board. But that was my own fault, obviously. 


p.s. If you're going to CT for a kitchen scale, ask behind the Customer Service desk for Hatchimals. I was trying to help my sister score two for my nephews last week and I got close enough to see them but they sold to the people in line ahead of me. CT is one of the few retail stores getting a trickle of 'the season's hottest toy'. Hatchimals don't float my boat; I like to sell toys that kids play with not just admire. Not getting the Hatchimals I went for was almost worth the experience of seeing other adults at their worst at Christmas. It was appalling what I witnessed with the yelling and accusations. Ugly. But I digress.....


Message 3 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

Been using my starfrit scales for 10 years now. It's a great scale for lightweight items. I have a larger one for weightier parcels.


mj, they had the hatchimals in at a local place last week. I had thought of getting one for my 7 yr old GD until I saw that once hatched they did nothing much but pee and poop. Then you get to buy the diapers, potty seat, etc. for them. Not exactly an educational toy is it? She's getting lots of lego sets instead.



Message 4 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

If you see Hatchimals anywhere in person, buy for resale! Don't forget to stomp, push and yell as you do it. There are stories all over the news about the toys being sold-out and last I checked the asking price on eBay ranged from $190 CAD at auction to $80,000 BIN. Although they're not my idea of a good time, children are clamoring for them. Over here, yes, it's all pretty much all LEGO all the time, plus Paw Patrol with a Sphero SPRK+ thrown in for my six-year-old who's dying for his own robot despite not knowing yet how to read or program one. Life goals, I guess. 

Message 5 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

@mjwl2006 wrote:

If you're going to CT for a kitchen scale, ask behind the Customer Service desk for Hatchimals. I was trying to help my sister score two for my nephews last week and I got close enough to see them but they sold to the people in line ahead of me. CT is one of the few retail stores getting a trickle of 'the season's hottest toy'. Hatchimals don't float my boat; I like to sell toys that kids play with not just admire. Not getting the Hatchimals I went for was almost worth the experience of seeing other adults at their worst at Christmas. It was appalling what I witnessed with the yelling and accusations. Ugly. But I digress.....

That's funny.  Did you ever see "Jingle All the Way" ?  Its almost painful to watch showing parents at their fictional worst over a toy.

Message 6 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping wrote:

@mjwl2006 wrote:

If you're going to CT for a kitchen scale, ask behind the Customer Service desk for Hatchimals. I was trying to help my sister score two for my nephews last week and I got close enough to see them but they sold to the people in line ahead of me. CT is one of the few retail stores getting a trickle of 'the season's hottest toy'. Hatchimals don't float my boat; I like to sell toys that kids play with not just admire. Not getting the Hatchimals I went for was almost worth the experience of seeing other adults at their worst at Christmas. It was appalling what I witnessed with the yelling and accusations. Ugly. But I digress.....

That's funny.  Did you ever see "Jingle All the Way" ?  Its almost painful to watch showing parents at their fictional worst over a toy.

I did when it was new. I remember it being painful, yes, this was too. My stomach is churning still after three days. 


ydpc_dennis: Is this the model of which you speak? It's the one I have at my desk, although mine is white. I like it for being sleek enough to tuck away with other things.

Message 7 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

@mjwl2006 wrote:

ydpc_dennis: Is this the model of which you speak? It's the one I have at my desk, although mine is white. I like it for being sleek enough to tuck away with other things.

I have a much older silver coloured model, like this one:


What's on sale now will likely have different packaging, but similar guts for the measuring.

Canadian Tire keeps reusing the same store code even when it's different Starfrit design -- which makes the accumulated reviews somewhat contradictory as the scale outsides keep changing.



Message 8 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

Oh yes. That's the one I started with and then it was reclaimed for the kitchen at which point my brood of children got their hands on it and weighed it to pieces. Good times. 

Message 9 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

That's the one I have too, the older model I guess. Comes in handy for weighing out the fruit and nuts for my Christmas cake which is being made as of tomorrow. (Sorry Mom, I know it's 2 weeks later than it should be!)

Message 10 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

@mjwl2006 wrote:
If you see Hatchimals anywhere in person, buy for resale! Don't forget to stomp, push and yell as you do it. There are stories all over the news about the toys being sold-out and last I checked the asking price on eBay ranged from $190 CAD at auction to $80,000 BIN. Although they're not my idea of a good time, children are clamoring for them. Over here, yes, it's all pretty much all LEGO all the time, plus Paw Patrol with a Sphero SPRK+ thrown in for my six-year-old who's dying for his own robot despite not knowing yet how to read or program one. Life goals, I guess. 

I know this thread is about scales but it was through you, mj, that I learned about Hatchimals.  Please explain something to me.  There is a seller with two of these available at a price of $55,000 USD each (and not even with free shipping).  He sold one a few days ago for $130.  What is his end game?  Is he/she just drawing attention to his site or does he think that there are multi-millionaire buyers out there who will pay that much to keep their kids happy?

Message 11 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

That seller actually has them listed at $55,000, $46,000 and $45,000.

I looked to see if they have best offer since they've sold 3 at the $130.00 level but they don't (if they did that would explain why people make exceptionally low BO on items so I thought I had a viable explanation!)
Message 12 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

@msmaggie060 wrote:

That's the one I have too, the older model I guess. Comes in handy for weighing out the fruit and nuts for my Christmas cake which is being made as of tomorrow. (Sorry Mom, I know it's 2 weeks later than it should be!)

I presume you are making that fruit cake for NEXT Christmas (2017). It's not "real" fruit cake" if it hasn't been aged for at least one year (and more is even better).



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 13 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

I'm honestly not certain what that seller hopes to gain from those listings other than attention. 


To list those items at that price at this time of year will get them death threats. Of that I am sure. I had my butt handed to me on Sunday after declining to split a complete set for a price that met a buyer's liking; with Those Hatchimals at that price, buyers who've come to shop here will only be angry to see it, and resellers get blamed for toy shortages at Christmas. We aren't seen as saviours, we're perceived to be the problem and not the solution. 


If it were me and I had those and wanted to list them only for the Views, I'd set the price at something high but within the realm of reason, like $10,000 which no one will pay but at least it's still possible that someone might, maybe but not really.


The other possibility is that those are the three that are supposed to go to his kids from Santa and $45,000 plus $55,000 plus $65,000 will cover the cost of his divorce if they sell. 


The most immediate problem with the listings as far as I could see when I looked at them briefly last week is that none are Immediate Payment Required. It will take some joker exactly three seconds to end the seller's fun. If he's met his listing cap for the month, he's sunk. Unpaid Items still count towards limits. ebay doesn't care if your limit is $120K per month and all $120K of it is left unpaid, it's still your limit. This bit me in the butt (apparently, it's all about butts today) when I was starting out. 

Message 14 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

@mjwl2006 wrote:


The other possibility is that those are the three that are supposed to go to his kids from Santa and $45,000 plus $55,000 plus $65,000 will cover the cost of his divorce if they sell. 


Thanks for the laugh.


The most immediate problem with the listings as far as I could see when I looked at them briefly last week is that none are Immediate Payment Required. It will take some joker exactly three seconds to end the seller's fun.


I didn't notice that .... strange!


Message 15 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

Yes, haha. You're welcome. I see that seller has more now, multiples of each for $45,000 USD and up. And I see he or she did revise the listings to make it Immediate Payment Required. Smart. 


But, yes, there are a substantial number of Watchers on each listing. Lookie-Lous, I suspect. Or people who hope to strike it rich too.


I also see there is no Contact Seller option on his page.


There is the Q&A at the bottom though. 


I really fear this is one of the dumbest fad toys yet. As far as I can tell form the one review of a user who actually opened theirs (if you look closely at the Product Reviews for this item you'll see they say, 'I'm so excited I got one when I did and Junior will be so excited to see it under the tree!') they said it all went downhill as soon as the thing hatched and you got to see what was inside. And then it's like Big Whoop. But whatever. I digress.


Kitchen scales.


Give a kid a kitchen scale for Christmas instead of a Hatchimal. Useful and fun for hours. "How much does my sock weigh when it's clean?" versus "How much does it weigh sweaty after hockey practise?" and "Does Mom's purse really weigh 30 lbs like she complains it does?" and "Did we all get exactly the same amount of Chocolate Cheerios for breakfast?"

Message 16 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

My first scale.... and still used by me ...  is a Sunbeam Model SP5, purchased at Staples in December 2002, just before I started selling on eBay.


Then I found an antique scale  for $20  at a garage sale.  It was license for use  by a business at about 1977... sticker attached.


It measured up to 10 pounds... The Sunbeam measured up to 5 pounds.


This scale was originally sold by the Computing Scale Company of Canada Ltd, Toronto Ontario ... which makes this scale about 100 years old..  It works very well considering it was certified  for use by a business not that long ago.


This Computing Scale Company was eventually bought by IBM...  and this started IBM on its way to what it became...


My scale is similar to this one one eBay


Mine was over-painted in silver,   and has a glass tray where the item being weighed is placed...... and with a value of about $200 to $250  considering it has the glass tray.

Message 17 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

My goodness, that scale is adorable.
Message 18 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

@mjwl2006 wrote:
My goodness, that scale is adorable.

On the subject of old things .... does anyone know where Pierre is?


I'm being silly, of course, but I've noticed his absence from the Boards for quite some time now.  It's possible he may have announced that he would no longer be participating but I never saw anything from him.  I hope he's okay and not unwell.  Does anyone know?

Message 19 of 24
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Re: Scales for shipping

I contacted him a few weeks ago as I too noticed he was absent. At that time, he assured me all was well and that he was simply taking a break from the Boards.
Message 20 of 24
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