Seller canceled listing but is still selling item elsewhere

Just got notification that a listing I had bid on wand winning was cancelled "This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available." with less than 24 hours remaining.  Yet, the exact same item is being offered on his eBay site for more money.  I assume there is no recourse....?

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Re: Seller canceled listing but is still selling item els...


Hello 'bentforkx', 

<< I assume there is no recourse....?>> 


Not really, no.  It may be that the bidding wasn't high enough and so rather than gamble whether the price will shoot up in the last few minutes of the auction, the seller took it out of auction.  It happens quite a bit.  


The thing is, no one can really 'prove' the other listing at a higher price is not a different one.  Maybe the seller had 2 and the one listing he ended was because it had previously unseen damage.  Or it fell and broke.  . . .  Or his dog ate it. 


Look on the bright side, it is better this way than to win the auction and the seller doesn't ship it, instead refunding your payment with lame excuses.  Or worse, adds on an extra charge to the invoice because the item price was too low.  They are not supposed to do that, it is against ebay policy, but you'd be surprised how many will try it.


Your choices are pay his higher price or find a different and more worthy seller upon whom you bestow your patronage.  Sometimes even if an item costs a bit more with someone else, it is worth it to deal with a more competent person.  


Happy hunting. Smiley Happy


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