Sneaky fee hike for listing upgrade?

I'm almost certain that the "UK visibility" listing option used to just cost $0.10, which is why I sometimes used it for items I thought might appeal to Brits.  I found it fairly effective in getting UK sales. 


Yesterday when doing some listings I noticed the fee was $0.50 -- not a big deal, but all those little bits can add up to a large pile. 


Am I mistaken, or has anyone else noticed this?  I don't recall seeing any announcement about it, not that it's an essential feature.


During free listing promotions too I think sellers really need to watch out for listing upgrade charges.  Have any others changed that anyone knows of? 

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Sneaky fee hike for listing upgrade?

Site visibility has always (last 3 years) been 50 cents for fixed price. And 10 cents for auctions under $9.99. I used it often 2-3 years ago. I would only put it on low priced auctions because it was expensive and never on Fixed price.


So no sneaky increase in rates as far as I recall.

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Sneaky fee hike for listing upgrade?

Thanks 'poco' - that's probably why I recall it being $0.10, as I used to run quite a few auctions.  You're right, it isn't worth it on FP at $0.50. 

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