Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay
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We wanted to give you a quick heads-up about our new eBay “it” marketing campaign which launched recently. The campaign is designed to celebrate the extremely wide range of great things you can buy on eBay, just in time for the holiday shopping season. To view the campaign, visit

We want to hear all about your best “it” moment on eBay. What was the most memorable item you bought on eBay? Why? You can post your favourite “it” purchase here and we will gather up all the "it" stories and there will be an eBay prize awarded for the best "it" story.

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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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My Best "it" moment is when I was able to buy 3 old classic PS1 RPG games that have been out of stock in years. I had copies way back when but had ended up selling them do to a move and I needed the cash. But when I finally got established in my new "digs", I was RPG crazy again and was kicking myself for not keeping the games. But anyway, I found copies for $100 USD (for the lot of 3 games) and was very pleased with the purchase, as one of the games at the time was selling for over $150 USD easily. Anyway, that's my best "it" moment so far... 😃
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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I recently bought a Christmas Dress for my 12 month old. It is better than I expected. I simply LOVE it. IT looks wonderful on her, IT is going to look fabulous at Christmas, and IT was an awesome deal. As I had 3 handsome little boys before my daughter, I'm discovering what it's like to buy for a girl, and I love it! This buying experience on eBay was simply delightful!
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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My wife and I lived and worked in Japan last year. In the year we were there, we bacame familiar with a lot of Japanese pop-culture including an NHK T.V. mascot called "Domo-Kun". My wife thought it was the cutest thing she's ever seen and, like a devoted husband, I searched what seemed like half the country for a plush version of the doll but to no avail.

Our anniversary came up at the beginning of November and while searching through e-Bay in late October I found IT! IT was Domo-Kun exactly like I wanted and at a much more reasonable price than I would have paid in person overseas! IT arrived within a week of purchase and still in the original package and I had a great anniversary when I watched my wife open the package and her face lit up like a torch.
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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my best "it" moment was both finding a gorgeous marc by marc jacobs bag for less than retail, and also a beautiful diamond nose ring for MUCH less than retail. 😃
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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Hi all. Well me best "IT" purchace was several purchaces!! I bought everything I needed to start my own dog grooming shop!!!! This was shuch a great dael for me because it cost me less that 1/4 of what it would have if I had gone to a traditional store!!! Thank You EBAY!!!
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

I would have to say when I bought my copy of the Blues Brothers in the origional keep case when it was out of production at the time.

You know where it has Belushi and Akyroid standing infront of the blue backdrop. A classic DVD in my point of view.
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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Well I have to many "IT"'s that I was lucky enough to be the winning bidder for, but one thing does come to mind , it was last fall when I was just Ebaying one evening and didn't I come accross a Fisher Price Record Player(you know the one you probably had when you were a kid if you grew up in the seventies or eighties that is)IT was in mint condition and seeing I now have young children of my own I thought wouldn't IT be nice for them to play with a toy I had so much fun with when I was a kid!! Well when IT finaly arrived in the mail all bubbled wrapped I was very excited.And to my surprise I even remembered that the blue record was the Edelweiss one, but I must tell you that I have had more fun with IT than my kids have, so I thank you Ebay for giving me a place to find this IT and all other IT's I find to make my day!!
Tartanhoops aka Chantal :-x
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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My "it" moment was finding my brand new, hand-made, amazing sounding Dingwall Afterburner 4-String bass guitar. These basses are the most amazing instruments of there kind on the planet, and I easily saved $800 on my purchase of one (plus avoiding a 6-8 month waiting list to have one built). For me it was a dream come true, and I enjoy every minute I spend playing it. Thanks to Terry Regnier for the wonderful instrument, and thanks ebay for bringing us together!!!!!
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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my best "IT" item was actually purchased on Ebay for me by my husband 4 years ago.. IT was a stuffed chimp toy called zippy the monkey from the 60's..i had this little chimp as a child growing up and loved him literally to bits.. he was in safekeeping at my mom's (or not so safe as it turns out) and was lost in a move.:_|
My husband found the exact Zippy on Ebay, but even better this one's little palms still squeak when squeezed.. 😛
he is now in a glass shadow box on my bedroom wall!

Thanks Ebay!!
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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Wow! There have been a huge amount of "it" items for me over the years. I have gotten so many wonderful Disney collectibles and rare LPs, CDs and the like, but most recently, I was able to buy something for my husband that he has wanted for years. When he was a little boy, Star Wars was just entering popularity and he had everything to do with Star Wars, and I mean EVERYTHING!! He had all the action figures, ships, toys, and even a Star Wars themed bedroom. He moved a great deal during his childhood and lost most of these things during various moves. He has spoken of all his beloved Star Wars toys over the year and how much he wishes he still had them. He has specifically mentioned several times how much he loved his big stuffed Chewbacca doll. He loved this toy and slept with it at night. I have been hunting for one of these original 1977 issued Chewbacca dolls on ebay and they are usually far too expensive or they are in bad condition. I had all but given up hope, until one fateful day when I found one from a seller in excellent condition for a very fair price. I was so happy. Chewbacca arrived and I love him as much as my husband. It will be his Christmas gift this year and I can't wait for him to see it. I know his grown up eyes will shine like the child's who first recieved Chewbacca for Christmas in 1977 or 78. Almost 30 years later, Chewbacca will once again find himself under a Christmas tree.
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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🙂My best IT moment........well it was of course seeing the UTTER DELIGHT in my son's eyes, when he opened his birthday gift this year and found the gift we literally tripped thru the top western half of the United States, looking for. The STAR WARS RETURN OF THE SITH REPUBLIC GUNSHIP. Every store, every major town left a trail of tears because he could not spend his hard earned money on the only gift he wanted. Of course we had a wonderful vacation thru to the West Coast, and back through Canada, but no Gunship found. Then I SAW IT ON EBAY!!!.....why didn't I look here first? It came, in wonderful shape, and of course one birthday slam dunk. The comedy of the story, we now have a small surplus in our city of the same toy, and I am very busy making other little boys and girls equally happy, leaving Mom's and Dad's smiling too. I guess what goes around really does come back to you. Thanks EBAY!!!
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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this will be simple and sweet....Ebay has made it possible to turn my car from regular to the shhhhhhhhhhh......... "it"
thanks to the mass amount of car parts and accessories my car is now the ride!!
Message 13 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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My most memorable "It" on eBay - well there are two moments: my first buy - a scarf by Madame Grès with the right colors to complete a collection. I was so happy! And the second "It" was a very special buy from France. I had been looking for a book for many years, and no one has ever know about: Maggy Rouff about elegance in fashion. On eBay Germany, there were this book written in german, but why buy a book if you can't read it? And suddenly, on, it is proposed at a much more expensive price I wanted to pay, but I wanted to so much and SURPRISE - this book was absolutely fascinating - all leather, great paper, in mint condition, a real collector's item - I have told the seller my great appreciation of having offered this "livre magnifique" - on eBay, we have to be patient and suddendly, WOW - HERE IT IS!
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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University the books cost a fortune and when my son came home and sid he needed a 35mm camera for class I was worried. I looked around the presale shops and was looking at $500. I just bought a better camera for $100.00 Thanks for Ebay. Now he has a good camera for his education.:-)
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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All my son wants for Christmas is a train. We knew exactly what he was referring to (one like his friend), but we were shocked to see that it would be $200 - $300, and they we not available in our area. We found IT on EBay, just like new, even more pieces than we imagined and only paid $45.00.
I can't wait to see his face on Christmas morning when he sees IT!

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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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I recently bought a Christmas Album on ebay that I have been hunting for since 1976. We had it in our home from 1962 until 1973 when we moved from Canada to Australia. It got left behind in the shuffle and since I returned to Canada I've been trying to find it. We recently got on-line so I was able to look on ebay for it. It is Dennis Day's Album - Christmas is for the Family. I sure look forward to listening to it.
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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After all these scam I met.. I don't remember any of my best "it".....:_|
Message 18 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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It seems most of my recent purchases would classify as "IT". Christmas gifts for my kids include: $6.00 Kodak digital camera, $15.00 cell phone, $20.00 MP3 player, From a personal purchase, An external cartridge drive for $5.00 to replace one I bought 'NEW' from an online store for $50.00 that died half hour after installing. Gotta go, "IT" might be waiting for me to bid on "IT". Peace2All.
Message 19 of 132
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Tell Us About Your "it" Item Purchased on eBay

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hi, i duno if thissounds silly..... i bought an mp3 player but now i/m havn problems i bought it and i paid for it but still it shows tht i have to pay for it .... i tried it again... and clickled on the PAY button everythong and still the same thing i duno wht should i do im a new user here and im really panicking ryt now i hink i paid twice can ANYBODY HELP ME!!
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