01-28-2013 02:17 PM
The federal government sent me my monthly Old Age Security cheque and there was a huge increase in January 2013 from $544.98 to $546.07
Thank you Mr Harper for the extra $1.09 a month,
All seniors across Canada thank you for the extra $1.09
Every little bit heps!
Since we are old, we easily forget. How much did you spend on those F35s ? How does that compare to the extra $1.09 you sent me?
01-28-2013 02:35 PM
So, if the cheque had been $643.68, would you have been satisfied with that amount?
What would have made you "happy", Pierre?
Or is this just another opportunity to engage in partisan politics? 😉
Are you suggesting that the money expended on the F-35 program was "wasted"?
01-28-2013 02:59 PM
Did Cretien give you any raises?
How much did he waste by cancelling the Mulroney helicopter deal and by buying garbage subs from the Brits?
01-28-2013 03:03 PM
A buck nine, how......nice.......of him. Not even enough for a large coffee at Timmies.
Just trying to remember how much tax breaks he is giving Corporations.....I'll have to look it up. Maybe a buck nine as well? I hope so.....those poor Corporate owners and their share holders are just scraping through life.
01-28-2013 03:06 PM
All seniors across Canada thank you for the extra $1.09
Maybe we need a union.
Of course, if you don't want it, he would probably take it back.
ou could donate the extra when you file your income tax.
I am sure that $1.09 would help to retire the countries debt a millisecond sooner.
01-28-2013 03:07 PM
01-28-2013 03:11 PM
A buck nine, how......nice.......of him. Not even enough for a large coffee at Timmies.
You need to shop weher the seniors shop.
Senior coffee at McDonalds is 79 cents.
Coffee and a muffin is $1.39.
Way cheaper than Timmies.
Our little group of seniors were discussing our tastes in coffee.
Many had spent years drinking Timmies - like it very much.
Went to McDonalds - hated the coffee.
But, you go where your friends are and you end up liking the coffee.
Now, after drinking Mickey D's for a couple of years - they all hate Timmies coffee.
It is all in what you get used to.
The cops all used to go to Timmies for free coffee.
Now, with their high wages, they are more likely to be seen at Starbucks or William's.
01-28-2013 03:35 PM
So I guess you were overwhelmed by the $2.61 you got last Jan. and the $2.15 you got the year before.
01-28-2013 03:54 PM
You need to shop weher the seniors shop.
Can't......I'm not a senior. Not that I buy coffee from Timmies or McD's anyhow. I prefer my own office made coffee or one gas station in the area that has great coffee! Oh.....and of course Coffee Culture....but that's a treat when I can get one. I like coffee you can stand a spoon up in, or pave roads with.
01-28-2013 04:01 PM
It must be nice all these seniors getting free money! Yet some of them are barely living! Some have homes in decrepit shape. Some live in areas where there is no hope for even part time work. They should sell off their homes and land and move to the big city like everyone else!
But to keep an open mind......I suppose they have an agreement with the government and they want it kept.....or they will get really angry!
01-28-2013 04:14 PM
"seniors getting free money"
Those of us who are seniors remember having to pay a special tax for our eventual Old Age Security.
When established in 1952, the personal income tax surcharge rate was 2%. That was increased to 3% in 1959.
It was increased again in October 1963 to 4%.
The old age security tax was eliminated effective 1 January 1972 when the tax was incorporated in the general income tax rates.
Not "free" folks. We paid for it.
01-28-2013 04:17 PM
01-28-2013 04:27 PM
It must be nice all these seniors getting free money!
Free money? Paid income taxes for the last 48 years. I also contributed to Canada Pension plan from its inception. I earned my pensions.
Some have homes in decrepit shape. Some live in areas where there is no hope for even part time work. They should sell off their homes and land and move to the big city like everyone else!
My home was in excellent shape. The real estate agent said it would sell as it was very "desireable". Listed it in 2008. Sold for 12% above the listing price. This is the house I bought and paid for, without any help from the Government. Part time work. Lived in a small town and there was tons of part time work - based on the fact that I was known to be hard-working and totally reliable. I did not decide to come to work because the beer money ran out.
I suppose they have an agreement with the government and they want it kept.....or they will get really angry!
Nope! No agreement. No treaty. Worked hard all my life and never received a dime of money from the government. All done on a handshake. (I once shook Pierre Trudeau's hand) I am assuming that he liked me because I never blocked the entrance to his driveway. And never asked him for money. And I never claimed to own land that someone 600 years ago may have set foot on as they travelled from one place to another. Or that they stole from another tribe after they conquered them (no doubt, without a treay).
01-28-2013 04:28 PM
It must be nice all these seniors getting free money! Yet some of them are barely living! Some have homes in decrepit shape. Some live in areas where there is no hope for even part time work. They should sell off their homes and land and move to the big city like everyone else!
But to keep an open mind......I suppose they have an agreement with the government and they want it kept.....or they will get really angry!
I guess if and when you reach 65 you will tell the Gov. you do
not want the OAP.
01-28-2013 04:29 PM
I was just using an analogy, but you may have missed
More likely ignored it than missed it. Analogies usually compare something similar.
01-28-2013 05:18 PM
Well puck……….first of all refer to post 11. It was not an attack on seniors. Do try and keep an open mind.
Secondly if you look at post 9 I said ….” Some have homes in decrepit shape”. Please note the word ‘some’. Why did you get so defensive and with a retort about your history? ‘Some’ elderly people do live in homes with a Lot of problems and they are barely trying to make ends meet. I know…..I’ve been in them. Others have been shown on TV. Do you not remember the elderly veteran who needed a lot of work done on his home and couldn’t afford it and out of the goodness of some contractors and another organization he got help. Or the disabled woman who needed a lot of work done in her home and others again helped her. Believe it or not there are a lot of elderly people out there who are in financial straights!
Nope! No agreement. No treaty.
Sorry but you do have an ‘agreement’ called the Canada Pension Plan……and if the government took that away or took any part of it away…….people would be outraged!!!
More likely ignored it
Probably. People hate it when they hypothetically could be in the same boat as others.
Analogies usually compare something similar.
Similar definition: ''Having a resemblance in appearance, character, or quantity, without being identical''.
Analogy definition: A correspondence or partial similarity.
They are……..’similar’.
01-28-2013 05:25 PM
Duh, where does CPP come into the conversation???
01-28-2013 05:40 PM
Did Cretien give you any raises?
That's like talking about some past train engineer who crashed the train 3 times. He's gone, adios. All that matters right now is ..........is the new engineer doing better?
Yet you keep talking about the past and the indians.
Is the difference that we paid for it and for them ?
01-28-2013 05:55 PM
Yes there is a difference.
a) They have agreements.
b) They own the land, it's theirs. Doesn't matter if it is in the past or not. There are many buildings and businesses owned by the same family in Canada for a 100 years and more. In England (where the Crown is) there are properties owned by the same family for hundreds of years.
01-28-2013 06:06 PM
"They own the land, it's theirs"
This has been your assumption all along.
Have you considered the possibility you are wrong?
Is it at all possible most treaties were signed with "Indians" who occupied lands but had no concept of "land ownership"?
When it comes to Aboriginal rights and treaties, history tells us things are not as simple as you generally present them as your line is always the same: "the owned the lands".
Nowhere in any of these treaties signed by our forefathers and theirs does it state the Crown (now the government of Canada) would send money for health care, or education, or exempt them from paying any tax (GST, HST, PST income tax etc...) other than the only tax in existence at the time (land or property tax). All these other taxes did not exist at the time.
Nowhere did it state they would have the rights on their reservations to sell stuff "tax free" to people that did not reside on reservations or territories.
It is the Canadian government and courts who have extended the meaning of "taxation" over the years. Today we see many bands asking for "autonomy" yet they want our money to keep on flowing. Is this fair?
Time has come to sit down with all of them and iron out an agreement based on current elements of society, not what existed then and cannot be replaced today.