Thank you Mr Harper.

The federal government sent me my monthly Old Age Security cheque and there was a huge increase in January 2013 from $544.98 to $546.07


Thank you Mr Harper for the extra $1.09 a month,


All seniors across Canada thank you for the extra $1.09


Every little bit heps! 


Since we are old, we easily forget.  How much did you spend on those F35s ?  How does that compare to the extra $1.09 you sent me?

Message 1 of 69
latest reply

Re: Thank you Mr Harper.

 They won't be available until February 4.  I guess that stops those who have refunds from filing on January 1 to get their money back quickly.  This way, the govt. gets to hang onto it longer. 



First refund cheques never come out before the 20th of February so no need to send them in early.

Message 61 of 69
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Re: Thank you Mr Harper.

Income tax forms are already available at the postal outlet that I go to.

Message 62 of 69
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Re: Thank you Mr Harper.

Income tax forms are already available at the postal outlet that I go to


Please do not bring TRUTH and FACTS into their great story! it ruins things for them!

Message 63 of 69
latest reply

Re: Thank you Mr Harper.

Income tax forms are already available at the postal outlet that I go to.




Same here;


 They have about the same number in both french and english even though 2 ifrench might be needed to 25,000 english.     Waste of money.

Message 64 of 69
latest reply

Re: Thank you Mr Harper.

pjcdn2005 wrote:

Income tax forms are already available at the postal outlet that I go to.




Same here;


They have about the same number in both french and english even though 2 ifrench might be needed to 25,000 english.     Waste of money.


if you 2 start expecting certain posters to be truthful and not be able to create the story that suits their needs the best . I figure there will be a lot less being posted on here!

Message 65 of 69
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Re: Thank you Mr Harper.

Used to do my taxes by Telefile but tey have eliminated that this year.

Message 66 of 69
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Re: Thank you Mr Harper.

"Income tax forms are already available at the postal outlet that I go to"


That is a truthful statement.  The forms are there!


However, the postal outlet manager or postmaster may have ignored the "embargo" instructions not to release the forms until next week.


We see the same thing with new stamps.  They are received at postal stations and post offices well before the issue date with instructions not to release the stamps before such date.  Many ignore the "embargo" instructions.

Message 67 of 69
latest reply

Re: Thank you Mr Harper.

"They have about the same number in both french and english even though 2 french might be needed to 25,000 english.     Waste of money."


A statement that has no basis in facts. Why bother?

Message 68 of 69
latest reply

Re: Thank you Mr Harper.

would not really matter. Like I said you can file january 1st but the government does not "officially" start receiving until Feb. with the first refund cheques going out around the 20Th (depending on when the monday lies) they then start releasing cheques on Mondays and Fridays only then in march they start mon,wed,fri cheque release.

Message 69 of 69
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