You are right on with most of those comments.
With the budget now before Parliament, it passed yesterday with Harper's support and will pass the next 2 readings today with his support again. The 2 reasons are he supports much of what is in it and he doesnt want another election.
An election call would seal the Conservative's future as either opposition or worse, falling behind the NDP and possibly/likely result in a Liberal majority with the Liberals taking extra seats from the Bloc and from Liberals who voted Conservative last election and are not pleased with Harper.
Even Lowell Green has been expressing deep disatisfaction with Harper recently, referring to him as too much of a family man to give what it takes to lead a Party let alone a country.
I also think that there are some surprises coming forward about our increased participation with the US through Norad and other agencies in absence of signing the Missile Program Agreement.
I am very confident that these matters had been discussed between Martin and Bush in depth previously and are underway right now without any animosity between the governments for our not signing into the missile agreement.
As for a Western party out of Alberta, I thought that was what the Reform Party was, a Western Grass Roots Conservative Party led by the least likely of what one would expect as a leader.
With a squeeky voice, over-sized glasses, weekly frame, and some accidental comedic phrases, he took nothing and turned it into an oppostion in a historicly short span of time that wracked havoc with the old Conservative party. Combine that with Mulroney's fiascos and a major new party was here to stay (or was it)?
No it wasnt. It took greed, old Conservative type politics, lust for power and back room deals that took over and killed that party and created another Liberal-like party, only with a much weaker leader with no vision for the country, only a vision to become leader of the country.
I dont think the country needs another party. I think we need another visionary, a true leader to take this beautiful land with all its resources and wealth of diversity in its peoples and give the majority of Canadians a rejuvinated sense of pride and anticipation of our destiny.
I believe that the Conservatives and Liberals of today will only manage the country but that is not good enough. We need to grow, to expand our horizons, anticipate challenges from International competitors and prosper.
... and no the NDP is not the alternative. They have their place and that is in downtown Toronto.