The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
Since the US PS Forums have it I decided we should start a thread discussing politics here in Canada and abroad. Let me know if we can keep this thread going!
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
Personally, I give it 3 thumbs down! So far we're mostly friendly here - I prefer to keep it that way and traditional wisdom seems to be correct -- the best way to make enemies is to introduce politics and/or religion!

Some of my best friends are ...., BUT ... (fill in the blanks)


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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
I see how Politics can make us differ, not sure about how Religion does? Would be an interesting topic too.
Message 3 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
Actually here is the history behond the US Political thread:

In the months preceeding the last US election there were several threads dealing with politics. They got quite heated, sometimes outright vicious.

All of a sudden along comes a Pink and pulls a couple of the threads.

Well all hell broke out as nearly everyone started referring to eBay as a book burner and censoring healthy and timely discussions since everyone agreed the outcome of the election would have an effect on eBay sales and the US economy in general.

The Pink, after attempting to explain his actions, reluctantly STARTED the thread that you see there today with several thousand posts to its credit, months and months after the election has come and gone.

OK there lies the history of the US thread.

Now as Glenda so clearly points out, we have a special group here that remains very civil and deals with eBay matters, some outside topics and a bit of ocassional humour.

A year or so ago, there were some exchanges on the Cdn board that almost killed it completely. That is not to say that Canadians arent up to the challenge of a good one on one confrontation however if you want that, it is probably better to get it on the US board where loosing one or two or a dozen posters wont greatly affect the board.

Loosing 2 or 3 people here will kill this board, if not for 4 or 5 months then totally.

I have been engaged in some of the outright knock-em down crap that gets dished out on the US board as well however in recent months I have chosen to ignore it, visiting it perhaps once per month for no more than about 15 minutes.

I must agree with Glenda that a general thread on politics here would not be overly healthy although there is nothing wrong with bringing politics into a thread if it is related to the topic.

Just my Canadian 2 cents worth.

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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
I don't think one thread would hurt.

I have very strong views on politics, but I certainly respect the views of others. I thought this was the land of "tolerance" and "freedom".

I think this country needs more debate. We are far too silent and accepting.

I can understand the hesitation to start the thread though. I would not want to see ill feelings. I think it is just a shame that a debate could cause anger.

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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
Apparently there are some in Canada that don't feel tolerance is necessary and are completely close minded.
Message 6 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
I enjoy political discussion as much as the next person and dont care whether anyone supports my position or not.

I know, for example that Rob and I currently differ in our choice of federal parties however neither one of us has any problem with the other's choice which we both appreciate is well-founded and an educated one that we have each made for various reasons. As such we can respect each other's position and generally engage in good conversation and debate, in a healthy manner, the pros and cons of Canadian politics.

I only caution because there are so few people posting on this board (the Cdn PS Board) that should some people not share such open OT discussions and take things personally or respond personally, then there is a risk that the quality and participation on this board will diminish.

This board nearly died last year because of some more personal comments that were callosly strewn about which could easily arise again with such a possibly dividing topic as politics.

lynxamania, if you feel that my opinion on this is one where I dont feel tollerance is necessary and I am closed-minded then you are an example of the problems that arise when you start branded people by their opinions and that leads to a board discussion board.

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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
Let me retype that last paragraph:

lynxamania, if you feel that my opinion on this is one where I dont feel tollerance is necessary and I am closed-minded then you are an example of the problems that arise when you start "branding" people by their opinions and that leads to a "collapse of the" discussion board.

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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
All I meant was its unfortunate that some feel that way but thats only MY OPINION and is not meant to offend anyone, if I have offended you my apologies but isn't this a Free Country??
Message 9 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
...and so it starts.

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 10 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
lol...I believe we have a thread.

Actually, I agree that it is sadly not a good idea. THere are very few people here and there will be less when the stores start closing. I expect to only be here for 2 months, at which time my store closes and my sales drop below powerseller status.

And know I am always right!! X-)


Message 11 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
I'm with Glenda and Malcolm on this family says I'm often "all thumbs" "All thumbs down". There is likely room on the US board thread to get involved in political discussion, and there are a gazillion websites and chat rooms where one can satisfy a need to expound one's political leanings. I lean more towards a cheerful, humourous exchange of ideas and help on how our online dealings can run smoothly, along with a sharing of little events and episodes in life that reflect our pride in being part of the Canadian community. That's my two (deux) cents +COLA in both official languages........... Michael
Message 12 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
So its all downhill from here eh, the end of, oh well it was fun while it lasted!!!

Economists predicted 2005 to be the year of a global recession. Brace yourselves!

Hey even if no one really likes this thread big deal it looks like no one will be on the forums in the next few months either so lets just enjoy it while it lasts 🙂

Message 13 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
"And so it starts".

The four words that hit it right on the nose.

Exactly the type of crap I was expecting (not you catseye). I expressed an opinion about how such discussions could lead to name calling and the eventual demise of this board and I ended up being referred to as "Close-Minded" and "Intollerable".

Rather than debate what was said, call the person names and that is what a "Free COuntry" is all about.

"And so it ends!"


Message 14 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

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Malcom I didn't say you were close-minded or intollerable???? I was saying it in general NOT AGAINST YOU???? Again I do apologize if I have offended you and hope you accepted my apology. Peace.
Message 15 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
Another thing is Malcom I don't know you so I can't judge you and I do appreciate your input on this board.
Message 16 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
Historically, political threads have turned to name-calling and people getting their backs up in the air.

Not everyone, not all of the time however I think that you can now see for yourself just how quickly something can be turned around to appear ugly and take what good healthy conversation and assistance this board has been examplary of in the sharing of ideas amongst fellow Canadian Power Sellers and turn it into something that it should never become.

The example in point is that your suggestion to start a political thread began on the basis that there was one on the US Board. I provided the history behind that one and the extreme measures that it took, with threads and posts being pulled by Pinks because of name-calling and profanities and finally the Pink starting the thread that you see today.

I also reflected on what has happened in the past with the Cdn PS Board and expressed concern that some people may cause it to go the same way as it had a little over a year ago.

Your response, while not directed at me suggested, I assume because of the 2 non-supportive responses, that there are those that would be close-minded and generally not tollerate such open discussions.

In fact there was no one that posted anything on this thread that expressed those traits at all however taking advantage of your comments I showed just how easy it would be for people to feel that they had been labelled and how that could cause exactly what the problem is in having such topics in these forums.

It is far more difficult to offend me than what was suggested so dont worry about it. I know that no offence was intended and none was taken, but I hope that you see your response to people who might not embrace your suggestion was one to catorgize them as not being open-minded. A suggestive attack on them and not on their beliefs.

This is exactly the reason that political threads have a difficult time being successful as many people resort to name-calling or catagorizing people if they dont support the other person's position rather than actually debating the issues.

Now take Rob as an example. He still thinks that his party won the election when in fact they still dont even know who is leading them. But we let him talk about "those guys" anyway. LOL


Message 17 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
lynxamania, what you said was that obviously some people are intolerant and close-minded. It's only natural that those of us who disagreed with you assumed you were referring to us! By the way, I live in BC - I'm an entrepreneur in a heavily unionized province and a free-enterpriser in a rather heavily socialistic province - believe me, I wouldn't survive if I weren't tolerant! It's that kind of misunderstanding that leads to the problems caused by political and religious topics among people who are, after all, complete strangers to one another. As I think perhaps you're finding out over on the .com board!

By the way, thanks for your wish for Peace on your other thread - I wish the same to you and yours!


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Message 18 of 140
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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
Thats exactly why I used the comments made as an example of how some people could take it as a personal attack.

By my assuming that those statements were intended for me, the whole thread took on the tone that it is INEVITABLE to take on as some people will resort to name call or labelling as they are unable to keep up with an intelligent debate.

It is, unfortunately, a natural occurrence and an inevitability.

We should at least be thankful in our society that is all that we resort to as in so many other countries, violence runs parallel to free elections (even in Jamaica, about 1,000 are killed with each Presidential election).


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The Official Canadian PS Politics Thread

Community Member
PS we arent the law around here so you are free to start any thread you wish. We just toss our 2 cents in and having been totally familiar with what happened in the US one, I felt my 2 cents was worth, well maybe 10 cents this time.

Just remember to be prepared for what you wish for because your wish may come true.

(Wishing for Peace is always good though)


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