Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Okay - I see eBay/Liveworld has been cutting the valuable threads here - ones that have helped us as buyers and sellers. That information is long gone but hopefully we can re-create some of those threads for the benefit of everyone interested.

I'm not an expert in this subject but I have specialized in selling vintage needlework patterns and items since I began on eBay 4 years ago. So here are just a few tips that may be helpful to some.

Collectible and saleable sewing patterns need not be very old to be sought after by the collector and profitable to the seller. But the condition is important and if you feel you don't have the time to check over each pattern envelope, don't expect to reap the rewards of high bids as some have.

When looking - check garage sales, thrift stores and flea markets - I usually prefer to pay 10 to 25 cents per pattern or maybe a dollar or two for a box of them, which usually yields one or more good finds, but leaf through them first....nothing but current patterns that have been used are generally a waste of time and money.

Envelopes needn't be in great condition BUT if mousey chewed or piddled on, avoid...ripped and/or taped is fine as long as all the pieces are inside, but if it's old (1940's or earlier) it's worth the risk and I'll buy it. I've sold many patterns which were missing a piece or two because the experienced seamstress can usually duplicate the pieces if the pattern is one she wants.

Factory folded is great - meaning the pattern is still folded neatly inside the envelope, flat and untrimmed and all there. If the pieces have been trimmed you can tell if they are all there by looking at the paper instruction sheet inside and matching the pattern pieces to the letters or numbers (12 pieces 1-12 or A-L etc.)

Some of the best sellers are for doll clothes especially from the 1960's and earlier. Doll collectors want clothes from the era their dolls were made and collect these patterns even if a few pieces are missing as most patterns offer several outfits per envelope.

Look for a date either on the instruction sheet at the bottom, front or back...or on the envelope, usually at the top of the back or along the side. The price can be an indication too as most of these will be 25 cents to 50 cents originally whereas today's patterns are several dollars each.

Barbie doll fashions are very saleable as are women's fashions from the 40's (halter tops, swing coats, purses and hats etc.), some children's fashions are but mainly those for babies. I've rarely found men's fashions to be worth the effort to sell. Costume patterns are iffy as profit makers unless sold in lots of several to make the shipping worthwhile to the buyer.

Transfer patterns (those with tissue sheets inside with patterns you iron onto fabric or linens and then embroider) are very collectible especially if they are ones for days of the week (7 patterns one for each day and usually of an animal or child doing a daily chore), Mexican scenes, Dutch scenes, animorphic (sp? -fruits/vegetables with faces)etc.....never found much enthusiastic interest in the alphabets/monograms ones so I usually avoid them unless very old.

Handle any tissue pattern very carefully as they may be fragile if stored in hot or damp areas in the past.

When listing give a good close scan of the envelope and if possible the inside pieces (stacked together, not individually) - mention the date and any information from the back of the envelope about contents (name of the doll the pattern is for, date if available, if counted to make sure all pieces are there etc.) - do a search for similar patterns on eBay and see if others are having any success listing the same or similar ones and whether they are getting counter hits and/or bids.

Be realistic in your starting price - I've seen so many sellers starting a single pattern at $4.95US and higher "because it's old" - lots of things are "old" but that doesn't make them worth anything if the buyers are looking for a more reasonable starting bid, especially if condition isn't factory folded and extremely good. And if you can sell 2 or more patterns in one lot it will be more attractive to bidders than just one.

Okay these are just a few things to look for in the sewing area. Next time I'll try and cover the Knitting/Crocheting area of pattern collecting. Any questions or personal observations of your own?? Add them here.

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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

You got my vote Lyd!
Message 181 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Community Member
Saturday mornin' watchin' a quilting show...not sure why???
Thought of you BUMP
I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.
- Augusten Burroughs
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

A useful thread - especially with garage sale season upon us- BUMP
Message 183 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Community Member
Hey, Where is everyone???

It's been a while and came here to catch up and there isn't anyone home?

What gives guys? Am I missing something somewhere else? If so, tell me where to go! (Not literally mind you, but you know what I mean) LOL

Hope everyone's fine and just too busy to pop in....

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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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Just me again...

I wanted to let everyone know that I have finally written my first Guide.

You can find it at the address below.

Let me know what you think and any suggestions will be greatly appreciated...
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Message 185 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Hi Marnie - don't usually pop in here very often. Been busy designing crochet patterns for a UK magazine - and being paid handsomely for it too 😄

Nice guide on smocking pleaters and I voted YES for very helpful. I know a few of my former buyers who smock and will let them know about your guide.

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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Community Member
Hello all: Just thought I'd check back with you during Apple Blossom Time and re-read this thread. Such wonderful information when I was starting out last fall! If anyone's listening maybe you could tell me how patterns seem to sell throughout the coming months as a rule? I hear so much chatter about sales slacking off for the summer. I just can't imagine most crafters taking the summer off!.. and just when I'm finally putting a small dent into my craft room -- where did I get all this stuff??

Message 187 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Hi Lorna - eBay is slacking off - in sales and in support of its sellers, however - crafters are still busy so don't give up hope on selling those patterns and craft supplies.

I've found lately, when I do list, and it's not regularly anymore, or in as great a number, BUT, with good pictures, offering a few things in a lot rather than single items, and weighing your lots to make sure you can give as much for the postage dollar as possible - there are bidders out there.

Just do a search (as glitchy as the eBay search function is, it's the best we have for now 😞 ) check your item to see if there are many listed, what others are starting theirs at, whether they have many hits from viewing and also check the completed auctions to see if there are any that sold and what they received in a final bid.

There's no rhyme or reason some week a great crochet pattern receives no bids or just a piddly one and then the next week there are 3 or more competing for it and a seller realises a good profit for her/his time and item.

We may not sell much some weeks, but if we give up completely, we never will.

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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Community Member
I just want to say thank you to everyone for all this wonderful information. I have found this thread to be one of the best and most interesting.

Thank so much.

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Message 189 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Marnie - you just made my day - maybe even my year. Thanks.

If anyone posts a question here and doesn't find a response within a day or so, please use Contact Member and send me an email through eBay and I'll pop over and see if I can help at all, or I'll try and find someone who can.

Message 190 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Just bumping up my favourite thread! It seems awfully slow on eBay these days, of course I don't seem to list as much myself either, I don't have a computer at the cottage.
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Community Member
"no computer at the cottage"

ooowah that sounds so nice... well at least the cottage part!! Just at home plugging away in the heat... :_|

I read recently about a knitting book that was quite collectible and could sell for good dollars.... it might have been here, and without re-reading this whole thread, can anyone tell me if they remember the name of it?

I found Pat Harste's The Knitting Book among my crafty clutter this week, and although I don't think that's it, it remined me to look for the one spoken of...

Hope everyone's having a great summer.
Keep cool! namma
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

I think the book you are thinking about is called "The Principles of Knitting". Yeah, we're all looking for that one!
Message 193 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Yup - that's the one June Hemmons Hiatt - The Principles of Knitting - very large and heavy and usually can bring in from $190 to $400 US depending on the bidders.

Another knitter to watch for is Alice Starmore but especially her older books, hardcover or softcover. Check her name on search and you'll see what I mean.

Mary Card Giant Crochet Charts, in a long rectangular envelope if possible, but the large sheet with filet crochet charts are very sought after as originals...some sell the copies too but they only bring in about 10-15 a copy for the hard to find ones. She was a prolific crochet designer from the late 1800's to early 1900's and some of her designs can be found in the vintage Needlecraft magazine out of Augusta Maine, especially the 1910-1930 era. I have a few dozen of them myself and love the walk through yesterday even without a Mary Card pattern.

Lace knitting patterns by Niebling are also good money makers. Some german magazines have a pattern or two by him plus I think there are books as well but do a google search and get familiar with these designers. Well worth the research.

Message 194 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Hi Lydia! Thanks for the new info on what to look for. I do have an Alice Starmore book, the one called Celtic Needlepoint. Is the needlepoint as sought after as the knitting books? Its hard cover so will cost $$ to ship.
Message 195 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

You're welcome "msmaggie" - I hadn't seen any of her needlepoint books so did a check on ebay...there's one in the US and one in the UK both asking around 10.00 and neither with a bid so far...but her knitting patterns are the most sought after. Saw a Rowan knitting pattern book with some of her designs and it has over 30US in bids so far.

Better get back to bed and try for a few more hours sleep.

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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

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I think it's time for a

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We don't want this very informative thread to drop off the ends of the earth.

Thank you Lyd for sharing your expertise. You have provided us with lots of excellent advice in what to look for in patterns, what's hot, and lots of food for thought in the wonderful world of knitting & crocheting.

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Message 197 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Community Member
Can anyone please help me. I am looking for a old McCall's design idea knit and crochet magazine. It is Volume 7. My Mother has it but it is missing the one page that she needs.
She has every crochet book known to man and would give some up if she could find this one volume. thanks.

Pam Heidinger
Message 198 of 219
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Hi Pam, sorry can't help you with that one. Have you tried posting to "Want It Now"? Good luck in your search!
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Vintage Patterns - Knitting - Crocheting - Sewing - What to Buy OR Sell

Pam - just emailed you with an auction for a Vol 7 - hope it's the one you need.

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