What about warning other buyers?

Community Member

Regarding "What type of feedback do I leave when I received a used/faulty item?" posted on Jul 18, 2012 04:45 PM, OP was advised that positive feedback was in order because they received a full refund from the seller.  Was seller's performance taken into account when giving this advice?  While I agree that honest mistakes happen and a seller should not be punished for one, previous feedback suggests this may not have been the case in this particular situation.


The seller in question has been selling for less than a year and has 4 negatives and 7 neutrals in that time.  Now mind you, they have over 1600 transactions so that is not a terrible number of negs and neutrals and overall their feedback percentage is very good but of the feedback received at least two of the negatives and one POSITIVE comment said that they sent opened products described as new/sealed.  When a buyer leaves a positive in a situation like this, it defeats the purpose of feedback.  It does not give an accurate telling of the transaction and provides no warning to other buyers that there COULD be a problem.


The item recieved was not pleasing to the buyer so at that point they feel disappointed about the transaction.  They contact the seller and the seller reimburses buyer's money and hopefully neutralizes the disappointment.  Nothing lost but time (usually).  In my opinion, a neutral should be left.  No only does it more accurately describe the transaction, it provides warning to others that there may be a problem here if several others start sharing similar experiences.  The buyer that left a positive rating with a comment that make-up was used might as well not have bothered leaving any.  The warning gets buried in 1600 other comments that most are not going to bother to read.


Generally, if a seller makes an honest mistake, forgiveness and a positive are warranted but the buyer really needs to consider the entire situation before making that desicion.  Are they a good seller that offers to pay for the return shipping required when they make a mistake or are they one of those that hide behind the high cost of return shipping knowing most buyers won't bother to return item because it is too costly and not worth it.  Do they have a history of making this same mistake?  Do the buyers that have left negatives or neutrals have a history of being reasonable or unreasonable?  What does their feedback left for others say?  In other words, are the comments left by other buyers reliable statements?  All of these things need to be taken into account and in this instance with three others claiming the "used, sent as new" mistake, I would be leery.  If I felt that this was not indeed an honest mistake (based on the above factors and my communications with the seller), I would leave a neutral, warning others that there may be a problem.  That, in my opinion, is the purpose of feedback.

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Re: What about warning other buyers?

I  believe dmil's comments are valid as seller did everything they could to make right. Whether it should have happened in the first place is another matter.


Should the seller's history be part of the feedback determination , absolutely, if pertinent to your experience. On the other hand there are posts from sellers with a perfect record , who bend over backwards to please buyers, devastated by having received an unwarranted negative.

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Re: What about warning other buyers?

I believe that if a seller made a mistake and did everything possible to make it right when the mistake was brought to his attention he deserves positive feedback. Feedback is about more than posting warnings,it's also about telling everybody about the effort made to make it right after a mistake is made.
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