01-03-2014 12:28 PM
Find it difficult to understand why a seller has the right to refuse a buyer, because the buyer pointed out a defect in the description of
a article purchased. Answer would be appreciated.
01-03-2014 01:00 PM
Not understanding.
You saw something but did not buy? You sent an email pointing out the flaws of what you did not buy? Seller then blocked you? You bought and then complained?
That is generally viewed as a precursor to a SNAD complaint. You are viewed as setting the seller up for a fall by critisizing before buying, if I am understanding your question.
01-03-2014 01:16 PM
Elm....if you look through the buyers feedback left for others you will find the seller in question.
Negative feedback was left by this buyer for said seller on a previous purchase.
Looks like the seller took it personally and blocked them.
01-03-2014 01:19 PM
"Why does a seller have the right to retaliate"
I do not see it.
Sellers have the right to block any member from bidding or buying from them. This is generally the result of a bad transaction or when the seller feels a potential bidder/buyer may eventually complain about the transaction (leaving less than perfect feedback/DSR) since the item is not to his/her satisfaction.
Looking at it from a seller's perspective, some sales are not worth having.
Move on and find an item you want from someone else.
01-03-2014 01:21 PM
"Negative feedback was left by this buyer for said seller on a previous purchase."
01-03-2014 01:22 PM
Pierre, there is 2 negative feedback's left by this buyer for the seller in question.
I think we should consider that perhaps this seller possibly did not provide proper customer service on unknown issues. We really don't know the details.
But that being said, to the OP, why do you want to still buy from this seller?
01-03-2014 01:29 PM
@007steveb16 wrote:Pierre, there is 2 negative feedback's left by this buyer for the seller in question.
I think we should consider that perhaps this seller possibly did not provide proper customer service on unknown issues. We really don't know the details.
But that being said, to the OP, why do you want to still buy from this seller?
No doubt to slam them again.
True, Steve, we do not know the details. Buyer left seller negs and is surprised to be blocked from doing it again?
01-03-2014 03:55 PM
Best to post with "Clean Hands."
Buyer can't understand why they have been blocked after leaving the Seller two negs & yet they want to buy another item from them.
You call this seller retaliation ? Duh !
01-05-2014 04:59 AM
@babydolltrish2013 wrote:Find it difficult to understand why a seller has the right to refuse a buyer, because the buyer pointed out a defect in the description of
a article purchased. Answer would be appreciated.
It doesn't take much to put a good seller out of business. If you are willing to buy from the same seller again, the transaction couldn't possibly have been that negative.
If you haven't done so and you want to point out a defect, contact the seller and give him a chance to make things right. If not, don't be surprised when you find yourself unable to buy again. Every neg and low DSR that you leave threatens someone's business.
Sellers who refuse to make things right when something goes wrong (assuming it was their fault and within their control) -- these are the sellers who deserve bad feedback.
01-05-2014 02:23 PM
@electricnorth wrote:
@babydolltrish2013 wrote:Find it difficult to understand why a seller has the right to refuse a buyer, because the buyer pointed out a defect in the description of
a article purchased. Answer would be appreciated.
It doesn't take much to put a good seller out of business. If you are willing to buy from the same seller again, the transaction couldn't possibly have been that negative.
If you haven't done so and you want to point out a defect, contact the seller and give him a chance to make things right. If not, don't be surprised when you find yourself unable to buy again. Every neg and low DSR that you leave threatens someone's business.
Sellers who refuse to make things right when something goes wrong (assuming it was their fault and within their control) -- these are the sellers who deserve bad feedback.
I agree, and further, I would say that it seems the majority of buyers are unwilling to contact their seller before leaving negative FB and/or low DSRs. If they did, I'd guess that 99% of buyers would get satisfaction. Most sellers do not want an unhappy buyer.
So, to the OP: Next time you are thinking of leaving critical comments in FB or low DSRs for a seller, consider contacting the seller first and giving them a chance to make things right. I think you'll find most sellers will be grateful for the opportunity.