Wynne hydro increase May 1st

Community Member

Not to be alarmed, this will happen every 6 months for the next 4 years. It's called the Liberals green energy act. I suppose this just enhances the 60% sale of Hydro One which will put billions of new infrastructure into the GTA. As for the rest of Ontario she will likely throw us a few table scraps.

Luv those energy saving smart meters!



Ontarians will soon be paying more than twice as much for electricity during peak demand periods.

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) announced new time-of-use (TOU) electricity prices for households and small businesses. The price is increasing by approximately $5.71 per month on the “Electricity” line, and about 4.6% on the total bill, for a household that consumes 800 kWh per month.

Starting May 1st, the price for peak periods — weekdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. — will be 16.1 cents per kilowatt hour, compared with 8 cents for off-peak hours on weekdays from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., and all day on weekends and holidays.

The mid-peak rate of 12.2 cents a kilowatt hour will apply weekdays from 7 a.m to 11 a.m. and from 5 p.m to 7 p.m.

The Ontario Energy Board estimates the change to a 2:1 ratio between peak and off-peak rates will add $5.71 to the average household electricity bill.

“This means customers who shift use to evenings and weekends will see a greater reward for doing so,” stated the company in a release Monday. “Through recent OEB consumer research, Ontarians have signaled a need for pricing that provides greater incentives to conserve. Giving customers incentives and opportunities to reduce their bills by shifting their time of electricity use is a key objective of the OEB’s price plan.”

The opposition parties say Ontario’s already high electricity rates will “go through the roof” if the Liberals proceed with their plan to sell 60 per cent of Hydro One, the province’s giant transmission utility.



"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."--Unknown
Message 1 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

The residents of Ontario will be pleased to know that their electricity bill will be increasing 10%  as of the 1st of January.



Ontario is becoming even less business friendly and certainly very  resident unfriendly.

Message 21 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

@nuvistors wrote:

The residents of Ontario will be pleased to know that their electricity bill will be increasing 10%  as of the 1st of January.


There are a whole bunch of changes coming. Changes to the cost of an individual Ontario hydro bill will depend on a bunch of factors. Many will see increases, some will see price drops.




The 10 per cent rebate on residential hydro bills will end on January 1. This rebate had a usage limit (big power users saw less than a 10% discount because of the power cap).


That program is being replaced by one that will offer hydro rebates based on income and family size. The hydro buyer must apply to get the new discount. Make more than $52000/year and see a net bill increase, under $28000/year (if you do the paper work), will pay less.





The debt retirement charge will end. It was a cost that was added to the hydro bill. So a small ($0.007/Kwh) reduction for that.




Hydro delivery charges are also being restructured.





Message 22 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

You have to be relatively poor to receive a rebate on the astronomical cost of hydro in Ontario. Make no mistake about it this is a take from the above $52000 per yr income earners into the Wynne coffers to pay for more wind turbines, more solar farms we don't need and the subsidies that go along with it. Wynne and Trudeau are on the same page playing Robin Hood with the population. Will it backfire to the tune of 1.2 billion as Trudeau's plan has? Everything Wynne has done so far has, stay tuned and keep your wallet open.



Message 23 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

" to pay for more wind turbines, more solar farms we don't need "




Of course we need power generated by renewable resources.  Ontario finally stopped producing electricity from coal. 


This is 2015.  There is no more excuse for ignorance about climate change. And yes producing power from renewable resources such as the sun and the wind does cost a bit more initially than burning coal.


It is the future of the planet that is at stake.


Pay up... you can afford it.

Message 24 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

You forgot to mention the cleanest cheapest power of all, nuclear which Wynne is paying the supplier to shut down.

Besides you and I you also forgot to mention the multitudes who cannot afford Ontario hydro.

Message 25 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

Take a look at New York or Boston or Detroit or San Francisco.


How much do consumers pay for their hydro?




It is time to stop complaining and pay. Smiley Happy

Message 26 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

I wonder where we are now in the charts. Those are over two years old and we've been hosed plenty since April 2014. And there is no end to increases every 6 months according to Wynne's Green Energy Act.


Message 27 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

These charts do not show the true cost of power.  They do not include all the items listed on the electricity bills.


The true cost of power is found by  taking the bottom line and dividing it by the number of KWH used.

Message 28 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

Anyone complaining about the high cost of power in Ontario, thinking Ontario Hydro (Hydro One) is ripping them off should buy shares in Hydro One - it is now a public company -  and make money that way.  Their dividend is expected to yield around 3.8%




If you can't fight them... join them!

Message 29 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

Unfortunately the average resident of Ontario has to pay the  obscene price for electricity and has no funds left to purchase shares in a for-profit company such as Ontario Hydro.

Message 30 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

A analyst that follows Hydro One pegs the shares worth no more than $19 although they have not traded below $21 so far. He sites some serious problems going forward not to mention aging infrastructure. Notably is the 100 million dollar power line to nowhere costing taxpayers 50 million a year in interest payments since 2007. The 76 klm line was to import electricity from the US, I guess when Wynnes wind turbines don't spin and the sun doesn't shine. Anyhow the last 5 klms can't be completed because of the native land dispute at Caledonia. Justin will straighten that one out! 




Green energy costs plenty for example the 10 klm tunnel from Niagara to the Sir Adam Beck generating stations in 2013. Budgeted to cost 985 million it soared to 1.6 billion. Wonder what the interest is on that one!



Message 31 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

This is amazing, well worth a try! 


This math exercise will only take you about ten seconds.  Amazingly, it really works and will reveal your all-time favourite movie.


DO NOT cheat. DO YOUR math, THEN compare the results to the list of movies at the bottom You will be AMAZED at how scary true and accurate this test is.





  1. Pick a number from 1-9. 
  2. Multiply that number by 3.   3. Add 3.   4. Multiply by 3 again. 
  3. Your total will be a two digit number. Add the first and second digits together to find your favourite movie (of all time) in the list of 17 movies below:







Movie List: 

  1. Gone With the Wind 2. E.T.
  2. Blazing Saddles
  3. Star Wars 
  4. Forrest Gump 
  5. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  6. Jaws
  7. Grease
  8. The Kathleen Wynne Farewell Speech
  9. Casablanca 
  10. Jurassic Park 
  11. Shrek
  12. Pirates of the Caribbean 
  13. Titanic
  14. Raiders of the Lost Ark 
  15. Home Alone
  16. Mrs. Doubtfire 
Message 32 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne support a carbon tax, as if it makes sense to tax an element in the periodic table. They actually want to tax air. That's not surprising. Liberals love taxes like fish love water. They sometimes call it putting a “price" on carbon, through "cap and trade” or another sales trick. It’s still a carbon tax. But shockingly, even Ontario PC Party leader Patrick Brown supports a form of carbon tax in Ontario and with Brown supporting the tax in Ontario, there is no one to oppose it. Well maybe the NDP but who knows what they support.

Also keep in mind your electricity bill will reflect an increase May 1st and every 6 months thereafter for as long as Wynne is in power. I guess to pay for subsidies on more wind turbines and solar farms.


Message 33 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

"to pay for subsidies on more wind turbines and solar farms."


And that is a good thing. 


We need to protect our planet for our grandchildren and future generations. If we were listening to you, Ontario would still be burning cheap coal to produce electricity.  Thanks heavens we kicked the Conservatives out of Queens Park and the next generation of Conservatives moving into Queens Park in a few years will know better than to listen to dinosaurs wanting to use fossil fuels for the only purpose of making money instead of using more expensive clean energy.


Message 34 of 35
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Re: Wynne hydro increase May 1st

Ontario Wind Turbines

Ontario has the most expensive electricity in North America
The result of subsidized, over-priced wind power that Ontario doesn’t need.

On November 1, 2015, rates increased by 8.7%.
On January 1, 2016, rates increased by another 10%.
Since 2010, Ontario’s electricity prices have increased by 88%.



Wind Ontario with the facts puts it all in perspective:



Message 35 of 35
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