Xmas gifts from eBay

Community Member
I've noticed on the US board, that our southern neighbours are getting swacks of free stuff from eBay.......pins, socks, mugs, business card holders, eBay stickers, markers....and so on........presumably as rewards for being good Powersellers. I do have my eBay pen from eBay live in Victoria (Glenda got the good one, I got the cheap one, but the ink hasn't run out yet, so I shouldn't complain), but no hearty Christmas greetings from eBay Canada. Has anyone received some tangible seasonal recognition ? ....Michael
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Re: Xmas gifts from eBay

Community Member
I would give up the long-ago-promissed and never-received coffee mug for decent customer service.

At least PayPal came through with T-shirts and my son and I wear ours quite often. Great marketing tool for PayPal.

Of course I will only be giving eBay about $1,100 in fees this month so what do I deserve? A $2 coffee mug? A $0.25 pin?

Naw, I guess its more of a where do I live thing? I live in Canada, the great 3rd world country to the North!

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Re: Xmas gifts from eBay

Community Member
Actually Michael, I got a cheap one too -- John got the good one! Of course I latched on to it anyway 'cause he doesn't like that style of pen. I also got his t-shirt as well as my own (they're both different) and I got a PayPal t-shirt when Damon was still with us!

But nahhh ... I don't expect they'd actually mail a card-holder and other goodies to Canada. But don't give up hope - we still might get an emailed Christmas card!


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Re: Xmas gifts from eBay

Community Member
I live for those emailed Christmas cards signed by all the reps we never see or hear from throughout the year in support of our questions and problems.

Yes I love the emailed Christmas card so much I put my 21" monitor up onto the fireplace mantle with that emailed card proudly displayed next to all the real Christmas cards I get in the mail.

I never realized how impersonal emailed cards were when I used to send a couple to friends as a joke, until I statred receiving them.

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Re: Xmas gifts from eBay

Community Member
I think they should just save their $700 and not send all Canadian PowerSellers an 18 cent peice of plastic. Put it to good use, decrease fees, hire someone to oversee this board... anything but plastic crap in the mail.
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