any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member

I need help with a problem I'm having with paypal and need to understand how to handle some customers issues and my own shipping issues. If anyone can help me this would be great

here is the issue

customer requests surface shipping. I have only CanadaPost as a surface shipping option from my location. Customer pays for item and shipping ..canadapost surface shipping notes can take up to 90 business days for delivery. Customer contacts paypal after 20 days and demands refund says never recieved item and has e-mailed me like 10 times.. Paypal refunds customers money no questions asked.
ok 1. customer never e-mailed me even once after payment. 2. informed in e-mail to customer could take up to 90 days. 3. have tracking number but paypal says to bad its over 20 days which is the maxium that anything should take to deliver.
ok so now out of money and customer has item?
what are my options>???????

anyone from paypal or anywhere else expalin to me why they have a 20 day is the quote from paypal below..

Thank you for contacting PayPal. We apologize for the delay in responding
to your service request.

"The tracking information must show that it has been received at the buyer's
specified address. PayPal sellers are not allowed to sell goods with
delivery dates delayed more than 20 days from the date of payment. You may
want to check the delivery options available to you to ensure that the
items are delivered within a reasonable time"

ummmm I have no other options so what can I do?


Message 1 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??


Where were you shipping to, Mark?


Message 2 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
Hi Ann,

I was shipping to Austria..

yes I'm very stressed about this.

Message 3 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
I thought if you had a tracking number then you were protected from Paypal's buyer protection scam (I mean policy)?

It appears that sellers just do not have any protections when accepting money from Paypal. Did you tell Paypal you have a tracking number? Where is the parcel now?

Message 4 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
YES gave them tracking number and well I have not a clue.

here is the tracking number CL034768070CA

take a look..

Message 5 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Tracking numbers...useless, PayPal seller protection...useless, honest buyers....priceless.

Touch wood...I've not had any PayPal problems (yet) but keep in mind they basically offer NO protection to sellers unless you have trackable delivery with online confirmation.

For high value shipments you must require Xpresspost service to Europe if paid via PayPal or credit card. If this package was sent "small packet surface" then it was insured for $100, if the buyer claims to have not received then you can file a claim for loss with Canada Post. I don't think they even investigate these claims (there really isn't any way to do so). At least you will get your money back although the buyer may end up with both the goods and his refund.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 6 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Canada Post investigates them by phoning or emailing the receiver of the goods to confirm that it was in fact not recieved or damaged, as the case may be.

If it does get delivered, presumably it will be updated in their online system and you will not be able to make an insurance claim on it. There is a Paypal specific discussion board on the .com site that might have actual Paypal employees and/or more responses. You should also contact Ebay directly, this should count as some sort of fraud or something...
Message 7 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

IIRC, Austria is not covered by the SPP. So it doesn't matter if there is a tracking number or not.

Message 8 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
I have to agree with Ben, as sellers we have no protection as one of my examples. Customer receives the parcel, photo id to pick it up from the post office, then claims his credit card that he never authorized the sale. So PayPal refunds him even though I had a tracking number and a photo id and signature. Sad to say but here is another pill i will have to take.

Message 9 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
Just remember that in some countries, such as the US, that is Postal fraud and taken very seriously.

If Lucie, what you said happened to you trasnspired in the US, you could report it to the US Postmaster General and their security department (which is huge with armed agents) would be dispatched to the person's home after confirming he picked up and kept the item, and likel they would lay criminal charges which could include jail time, fines and of course, high probability of recovery for you.

Message 10 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
This item was shipped to B.C and I explained the situation to Canada Post and they told me that they can't do anything because he did pick it up, i should take it to court. I thought that PayPal for sure was going to fight since we had a signature.

Message 11 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
PayPal wont fight with the credit card companies HOWEVER you are the merchant NOT PayPal so I would deal with that person's credit card company.

You have a legal right to the charge back information from PayPal including copies of the c/c chargeback identifying the credit card company and account number etc..

I would then call the person's credit card company, speak to a manager, probably in their fraud department and provide them for fruadulent activity with the required documents to support your claim.

By purchasing on eBay with a distinct eBay userid and then making payment through PayPal with a distinct PayPal userid and receiving and keeping the item, they have authorised use of the c/c and made the purchase.

It may not be easy, and take some time but I assure you that the credit card companies do not want to have clients that are pulling these types of scams as there will come a time when the credit card company may get caught with a large unpaid balance and a customer that skipped town.

I just went through a similar situation for a friend with Sear's c/c and while the company tried to state they could not deal with me as I was not the card holder, I told them I had the authority and I spoke with authority and was given whatever support and information that I needed from Sears to get the matter resolved in my friend's favour.

Message 12 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
Thank you for the advise I will be calling PayPal for the info and see what happens.
Message 13 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
Sad to say can't retrieve the credit card information unless there is a subpoena 😞 Yet another pill to swallow.
Message 14 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
Do they accept a subpoena from a Canadian Court or only a US court? This was, after all, a Canadian transaction.

I would try to go up higher in the PayPal line of people. I realise that PayPal can play the games they play of not being cooperative under the guise that they need a court ruling to release information however that is totally bogus as YOU are the merchant and as such, fully entitled to the information they were given as PROOF that the customer's c/c company charged the item back.

They are only the transactional company coordinating and accomodating the exchange of monies between yourself as vendor, and the buyer. They do not own that information nor are they prohibited by law to divulge that information to you if it is imminent to support the reason they had a legal right to charge it back to you.

This is no different from a third party bank charging back a c/c charge to your bank. You are entitled to the information, you are entitled to the proof.

Example in point: for all you know, PayPal could have kept the money and simply told you the client charged it back to the c/c company. They have a legal responsibility to provide you with the evidence that was what the client did.

I would not sit still for this with PayPal in the least. They are wrong!

Message 15 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

I would not sit still for this with PayPal in the least. They are wrong!

But they have good lawyers and practically unlimited funds to spend on them.

Unless this is a very large sum of money, take your lumps, mark it up to experience and move along.

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 16 of 17
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any paypal emplyees on here??

Community Member
You dont need to sue PayPal. You need to be persistent and get someone with brains in the organization to provide you with the information you are entitled to and then go after your Buyer and his c/c company.

Message 17 of 17
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