anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
Is it just me, or does anyone else find that PP logo next to each listing when you search annoying. It is very distracting. Is there any way to turn it off?

Can Ebay find any more ways to shove Paypal down our throats?

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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
Just one more indication that eBay is only concerned for its bottom line and could care less about the success of its customers.

Lets have a look at the possible motives for this most recent intrusion.

eBay (and PayPal) with rationalize that the addition of this logo to everyones listings will make it easier for buyers to browse and find sellers that offer PayPal as a convenient payment method. Imagine - as a buyer I don't even have to click on an auction to find sellers that offer PayPal.

PayPal is already the predominant method of payment for eBay auctions so what they hope to accomplish is a reduction in sales for sellers that do not offer PayPal in an effort to force them to accept that payment method.

If their rationalization is correct, the addition of that little logo will immediately reduce page views for sellers that do not offer PayPal. Reduced page views = reduced sales.

As each day goes buy I find fewer and fewer reasons to continue to do business in this venue.

In just the last few months eBay and PayPal have:

1) Forced the Buyer Protection program on us. I have opted out twice and they continue to slap that logo on my auctions.

2)Raised fees notice - despite the reported profits that are almost as obscene as those of the banks, eBay has decided to gouge us just a little more.

3) Now the PayPal logo in an effort to force all sellers to accept PayPal.

It will be very interesting to see how some of the largest corporate eBay sellers react to this newest ploy. Many of them have never and will never accept PayPal as they have their own merchant accounts and care very little for PayPal's penchant of dipping and freezing of accounts.



Message 2 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
I sent the PS support this Message last night: Hi-Just want you to know that i think that the "new" PP icons that come through on
search pages are ugly, unnecessary (if I want to search for PP items only, I can already and it
shouldn't be forced on people), distracting from the listings and I would like you to refund me
5 cents for each of my listings since you are using part of MY listing line to advertize PP
which we all know is an ebay company. I hope the FTC or someone else goes after you all for
trying to exclude all other payment services from the market place. I resent how much you push
PP lately and wish that it would go back to being an on-line payment service and not the golden
boy of ebay. Spend your time getting rid of the deadbeats bidders, improving PP so it's not
accepting fraudulently used charge cards and try to think of something nice for the sellers who
pay for all of this through their fees. Do you guys ever consult anyone before your "genius"
ideas are implemented? WHY do we need those !
stupid icons when we could do a PP search (which i already don't agree with, but at least was
not on MY listing line) if we wanted.-Gloria

Message 3 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
The reply from PS support-


Thanks for writing to us. I appreciate the opportunity to assist you
with your questions.

Your request for listing fees has been denied. The notice of PayPal is
only on auctions where the seller has stated they will accept PayPal.

It is my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing eBay.



Yup-you're right--ebay is only concerned about the bottom line: money! What a stupid response that shows no consideration for anything except those nickels I asked for
Message 4 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
Gloria, as I have suggested before, it appears it is inevitable with eBay and PayPal that sellers will get scr*wed... it would just be nice to be asked once in a while.



Message 5 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
Here is the response I got from ebay when I complained. I will be submitting a formal complaint. I will post any resonse I get in this forum.


Thank you for writing back to me. I appreciate the chance to help you

I understand your frustration with the PayPal icons that appear beside
the title in the listings. These icons appear because the seller accepts PayPal as a payment method on their listing.

I apologize for the previous email because I thought it was a PayPal
logo issue. This is a very new feature that has recently been added to
the eBay website, and it's actually the first time I've seen it.

This is a part of the website, and cannot be turned on or off. If these
icons are frustrating you, I would encourage you to submit a formal

Many of the changes made on the site are due to suggestions received
from our eBay Members. While we are unable to implement every
suggestion, we do review all of the suggestions we receive.

You can send your suggestions by following these directions:

1. Click on "site map" located at the very top of every eBay page. 2. Click on the link titled "suggestion Box" found in the third column
near the bottom.
3. Click on the link titled "Send us your suggestion to improve the eBay site."

I'd like to thank you for being part of the eBay community, and hope you have a great eBay day!

With best regards,

Michael T.
eBay Customer Support
Message 6 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
eBay "suggestion box". Send in your suggestion and it gets spammed all over the globe.

I knew a guy that had a suggestion box in his office, it didnt have a bottom and sat ontop of his garbage pail.

Same reason why hotels have their suggestion boxes located on the 13th floor.

I knew another guy that owned a store. His suggestion box didnt have any openings to put in your suggestions.

Once heard of a company that had a big suggestion box placed 7 1/2 feet high on the wall by the staff room.

Or another company that put their suggestion box in the bathroom where it never left and was never opened. They felt the suggestions were right were they should be.

Too bad though, none of those companies are in business anymore!
Message 7 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
heheheh Yes I know. But what else can you do. The least they could do is not make them darker than our titles. It is all you can see.
Message 8 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
Well, they could just PRETEND to read or care about your notes--buddy only saw the nickels and nothing else. I was trying to get his attention (to no avail, obviously!). Well, since I take PP and try to deal with any issues between my buyers and myself anyway, I'll have to live with it. On a brighter note, I found myself a new postal outlet that WANTS my business and is doing their best to keep my happy. They give me the right rates and DON't charge fuel surcharge (since they have to look up everything from the manuals and the surcharge isn't on those charts!) Acid test will be Monday morning when I usually mail about 25 parcels out!
Message 9 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
I like it. 85% of my customers pay by Paypal. As a buyer I skip over auctions that do not accept paypal. This makes it much easier for me to browse auctions and I'm sure it makes it easier for my customers as well.
Message 10 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
I knew from the moment eBay bought PayPal that this day would come. And trust me, it's going to get even more incestuous.
Message 11 of 12
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anyone else find that PP logo annoying

Community Member
I am sure there will be people who like it or find it useful. Personally I detest it. Not just because I don't like having Paypal rammed down my throat, but I just find it very distracting.

All I want is the option to turn it off when browsing. I know it will never happen.
Message 12 of 12
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