Just one more indication that eBay is only concerned for its bottom line and could care less about the success of its customers.
Lets have a look at the possible motives for this most recent intrusion.
eBay (and PayPal) with rationalize that the addition of this logo to everyones listings will make it easier for buyers to browse and find sellers that offer PayPal as a convenient payment method. Imagine - as a buyer I don't even have to click on an auction to find sellers that offer PayPal.
PayPal is already the predominant method of payment for eBay auctions so what they hope to accomplish is a reduction in sales for sellers that do not offer PayPal in an effort to force them to accept that payment method.
If their rationalization is correct, the addition of that little logo will immediately reduce page views for sellers that do not offer PayPal. Reduced page views = reduced sales.
As each day goes buy I find fewer and fewer reasons to continue to do business in this venue.
In just the last few months eBay and PayPal have:
1) Forced the Buyer Protection program on us. I have opted out twice and they continue to slap that logo on my auctions.
2)Raised fees notice - despite the reported profits that are almost as obscene as those of the banks, eBay has decided to gouge us just a little more.
3) Now the PayPal logo in an effort to force all sellers to accept PayPal.
It will be very interesting to see how some of the largest corporate eBay sellers react to this newest ploy. Many of them have never and will never accept PayPal as they have their own merchant accounts and care very little for PayPal's penchant of dipping and freezing of accounts.