eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Topic: eBay & Canada Post Workshop

Date: Wednesday, September 28, from 1:00 PM -2:00 PM ET

Where: Right here on Canada Town Square

Description: Please join us on Wednesday, September 28, from 1:00-2:00 PM ET for a workshop with Canada Post. Kim from Canada Post will be here to answer all of your questions about Canada Post and how you use the various services with your eBay business.

If you are not able to attend, you can leave your questions here one week in advance of the workshop and they will be answered during the workshop, and you can come back in and check the answers.

Hope you can join us!

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Everyone,

Welcome to today's workshop with Kim from Canada Post,

Lets get started!

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Well, the CP workshop is about to being, and I will be reading everything. The fiasco that transpired over the past month is truly embarrassing for Canada Post. I do hope that Kim (or whomever is going to be here), really does answer all questions fully and truthfully. Now is your chance to make things right. You cannot afford more embarrassment.
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hello all,

It's nice to be back here again. I want to say that I'm very excited that Canada Post was able to respond to your letterpost issues as a result of the last chatboard. The response we received from you was overwhelming!

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
USA VS CANADA !!! Why is it that if i drive across the border to mail a package to Canada, it costs me less than 50% than if I mail it from my post office. I sent licence plates from Montreal to Quebec. Canada Post wanted $11.00. USPS was $3.85.

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Q. When will the website be updated to reflect the recent LetterPost changes?

A. The website will be updated within a week. This will include an announcement about letterpost, as well as changes to the Postal Guide.

Thanks to zeddosaurus ,thomasj7342

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Kim,

When are we going to have a CANADIAN SMALL PACKET SERVICE!???? A Few other users have complained about this and there really isn't a good answer for why an item sent to your nightbour costs more than sending it ourside our borders.

Is there any news or timeline on the front for a DOMESTIC SMALL PACKET SERVICE?

ALSO EXPEDITED PARCEL SERVICE IS NEVER ON TIME. What can we do to improve this service so that is comes close to Delivery Standards posted. I have had some items arrive 6 weeks (more than once) and it was to NEW YORK (6 day delivery standard.

Thank you for listing,
Message 46 of 146
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
We were asked some questions about how we were going to ensure that all outlets know & understand the new LetterPost policy.

At this point we have notified all outlets about it. Please understand that it will take some time to reach all of our staff at out 7,000 postal outlets.

You can always print and bring-in the posting about the new policy with you, if by chance the clerk serving you has not yet been made aware.


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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member

1)Small Packages were insured upto $100, now that anything that meets the requirements now must go Letter Rate, are these packages still insured? If so, what is required to make a lost claim?

2) To ship Letter Rate in Canada was a problem previously because we use poly envelopes, which automatically got sorted as "packages", will this still be the case, and will I need to enclose my poly envelope in a manilla envelope so the sorters see it as a letter?

Thank you.

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
First of all, thank you to Canada Post for offering this workshop, it is truly appreciated. I would like to know how we can better serve our Canadian buyers with better rates similar to those small packet rates to USA. I sent a package to AK yesterday and it was the same price as a package 1/2 the size sent to AB.
Message 49 of 146
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
You are going to articulate just what the rules are about letterpost, right?

(There was some confusion over the wording of the announcement on eBay... some felt it meant we could get Small Packet service at Letterpost rates.)
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Q. What exactly does "Effective immediately and until further notice" mean ?? Does this mean that no goods via Letter Mail will be re-instated at a future date? or does it mean that Small Packet will have more smaller increments?? How do you predict this will be done??

A. The position that was presented to you on your website will be effective until an appropriate product is brought to market. We are currently evaluating different solutions -- but we will try and make this as clear and easy as possible.

As we progress with the solution, we'll keep you posted.

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
There was a question from Vintage-ephemara about online shipping and rates to the USA using Commerical Expedited. ...

Glad to hear that you enjoyed shipping online with Electronic Shipping Tools! You can use Commercial Expedited Parcel-USA no matter what type of contract customer you are (small business, large volume mailer, etc.) as long as you have an account with Canada Post. The shipper pays duties and taxes, if applicable. When you select the Small Packets service, the insurance coverage box is greyed out as this service includes $100 coverage and you cannot purchase additional coverage on this service.


- Kim
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Could Canada Post make the Venture One card more useful and give us a real incentive to use it? Bigger discounts on more types of parcels???
Message 53 of 146
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Kim....regarding your response in post # 49....

With all due respect, I did bring the printout of your announcement with me to the post office. They just rolled their eyes, and told me a few choice words. They would not take me seriously. They also insisted that they had no green CN22 customs stickers, because they've been obsolete for some time now. They are still insisting on tiny items (flat, under 50g) must be sent small packet. As of today (Sept. 28) they have NOT received anything official from Canada Post stating otherwise. As I already said, it is NOT the customer's place to tell Canada Post the rules.
Message 54 of 146
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Kim,

I just got off the phone with a customer service rep for Canada Post. I want to get pick up of my packages and I am willing to pay the per week rate(based on volume). However the rep told me I had to get ebay (??!!) to authorize pickup as part of "their" contract with Canada Post (I assume this is because I am using the Power Seller "discount" offered by Canada Post/Ebay)

Is there a way to get this authorization or do I have to cancel my Power Seller arrangement with them and enter into a new agreement with Canada Post?

Message 55 of 146
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
When will Letter mail be available thru the Online tools?

*JMHO* - to be taken with a grain of salt!
Message 56 of 146
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
What can be done about changing Canada Post policies other than these forums? What politician/ombudsman monitors CP and what are the addresses so we can start sending letters?

I realize there is lots of comparison to USPS standards and also realize that Canada is a larger, lesser populated country with many remote areas to service - so slightly higher rates are understandable. However, one thing does affect our specific eBay category.

We sell flat 12"x12" paper. Currently, the CP standard for letter mail is 11"x15". Is there any way to increase the 11" to 12"!?!?! This would greatly increase our ability to compete with US sellers in this category as we currently have to pay the $3.95 small package rate rather than oversize letter.
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi laurahowes,

To clarify the announcement that was made on ebay...you can mail any item that fits within the size and weight requirements of the letterpost product.

Small packets is a different service that has its own set up size and weight requirements. From an eBay perspective, it shouldn't matter what you're sending, the rates should be determined by size and weight only.

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
You can always print and bring-in the posting about the new policy with you, if by chance the clerk serving you has not yet been made aware.

You're kidding???

You must have never used a Canada Post outlet. Just to stop one from charging GST on exempt postage - a rule that has never changed - took months and direct communication with the CP upper management. There is no way an ebay annoucnement from "kim" is going to help anyone deal with most outlet staff.
Message 59 of 146
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
is there something the works for canada post to be an effective, and competative shipper for ebay sellers.
I am extremly irate at the deceptions, and micky mouse efforts to placate us.
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