eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Please join us on Thursday, August 25, from 1-2 PM ET for a workshop with Canada Post. Kim from Canada Post will be here to answer all of your questions about Canada Post letterpost service and what the regulations are for using this type of service.

If you are not able to attend, you can leave your questions here in advance of the workshop and they will be answered during the workshop, and you can come back in and check the answers.

Hope you can join us!

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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
to: Skminus:

Great idea- although- idealistic 😉 Protests- sadly- are a thing of the 60s. I'm only 27 and am well aware of the fact today's youth (I'd like to still think I'm part of it heheheh) is more content in watching CNN of CBC and talkin' about issues- as opposed to making things happen (brings me back to a scene from the movie "Meet the fokkers" (This is how we used to get things done in the 60s) Today it seems many of us feel fury- but- without passion. We're angry about gas prices- or CP rates- but- will we really do anything about it? If there is a protest- if someone would suggest even a one or two day CP boycott- how many would follow? Besides- CP knows a few days later- the mail we withheld for a few days would be shipped anyway. There are ways- many ways to win- however- not enough people out there willing to roll up their sleeves and make things happen.
Message 61 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

"Even a 5% increase in the value of our dollar translates into 6-7 digit increases in revenue alone for Canada Post-"

This is not accurate, canadapost pays salaries and almost all expenses in C$, so the dollar change is not very relevant to them(like it is to us trying to retail internationally). The C$ increase has slightly mitigated the C$ cost of oil, but we all know how the rise in oil has far oustripped the rise of the C$.
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
to: Tobyshitzu

It's become quite apparent that not all that much is very relevant to them these days... Do keep in mind however we are talking about millions of dollars. The slightest move in the value of the currency that sits as the core of CP equates into an increase in the wealth they amass. Be it the dollar or gold one is paid in- if that which I remit to you in exchange for your service gains in value say- 25% doesn't mere logic suggest you have gained that much in what you've amassed? I do realize there are many factors I'm unaware of- afterall- I'm merely a heavy metal lovin' / hockey watchin' / Canadian enterpreneur- however- no matter how you put it- regardless of what minute factors are refuted in our arguments the truth is: paint a garbage can red- it's still a garbage can.

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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hello, Pompono again,

By the way, has this whole thing something to do with the TAXES? Is this a disguise?CP needs money - CP doesn't digest LE SCANDALE DES COMMANDITES. Again, what are the real reasons to have a so bad service for Canadians who try to sell to other Canadians? No respect for Canadians! Is there someone there who listen? Y A-T-IL UN PILOTE DANS L'AVION?
Message 64 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I mail out a lot of CDs by mail. I call my wife My Little Stamp Licker cause she is continually putting stamps on our CD mailers.

Is there any tool we can have at home that would do this for us? I know with the volume I am sending I should be eligable for a shipping discount but you are not able to see this while I am buying rolls of stamps off the shelf.

1. Is there any way/tool to automate the postage?
2. How do I get a discount for volume shipping? (I got the 5% discount with some card but that is only for packages).

Message 65 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

I am a seller on ebay and the most common complaint I hear from my buyers is that shipping is so expensive to another province. As a seller, it's very discouraging to quote a shipping price to another Canadian, especially when shipping a parcel is so much cheaper to send to the U.S. and sometimes even overseas. How does this really make sense? The US offers media mail at a very reasonable rate, why can't Canada Post offer this? Now the postal rates are going to change again and make it even more difficult for the little guy to make a living. There is definitely something wrong with this picture.
Message 66 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
To all my fellow Canadians - I will write in French because it will be easier to give my information. Pourquoi ne pas envoyer une lettre à votre député avec des photocopies de nos "reply". Si nous sommes plusieurs à faire pression, peut-être en parleront-ils entre eux? Le pouvoir de se réunir dans une seule cause peut quand même faire la différence - si nous ne changeons riens à Postes Canada, nous ferons parler de nous dans les journaux et à la télévision - et qui sait, un journaliste va creuser le fond de cette histoire et même si aucun tarif ne change ni aucune nouvelle politique apparait, on aura sensibilisé la population canadienne à ce problème qui touche chacun d'entre nous!

Write to your deputy, to your local newpaper, to a journalist and who knows, maybe ordinary people will ask questions et someone somewhere will listen and by chance, will talk!

As far as I concerned, if I cannot use Other Letter-Posts for my items, I better find something else to do. I wish I would live near the frontier, I wouldn't give any more money to PC - If we could dream of a competitor!
Message 67 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I got question how many times do have file complaint about a missing parcel that been lost or damage before recieving funds from Canada Post. We put a 100.00 worth insurance and we have to fight o even get money pretty sad. Thats why i'm going complain to better business bureau. It was neglect on your companies part than jak rates and expect us to file book on something that she be easliy file by phone with any reviews. of waiting months on top of months. Mabe its best some of us get to gether and get ups involve more in candad and get a better service than what we are getting now from this monpoly of carrier that has no respect what so ever for its customers or for ours that matter.
Message 68 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hello Everyone
I am another one who does not understand how Canada Post can jusify another price increase with no added benefits to service. They obviously are making more money than ever before because of all the Ebay sellers. I just counted 5 in my small area that give them about 100,000 in sales in one year. They still charge higher prices instead of giving a discount. Their poor staff is in the dark about any new policies and cannot answer questions because they do not now the answer. I am using more more UPS as they do give discounts for higher volume. Maybe everyone should consider this option.
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
What further frustrates me is that I can go to five different outlets and get 5 different prices???? Is UPS practical for smaller items?
Message 70 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

It is clear that this customer service representative will have no authority. I recommend that everyone contact his or her MP and perhaps members of the opposition. Do you not recall Canada Post's alleged role in the sponsorship scandal? The Post Office is killing Canadian small business.
Message 71 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
When is the deadline for items no longer be able to be sent via lettermail?
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Good day:Kim.I sell sports cards and non-sports cards on ebay and usually send them to the USA for $1.70,and $3.40 overseas [under a certain weight]in a bubble pack with customs sticker on them without registration or insurance because alot of them are under $5.00CDN,etc.The Postal outlet I deal with says as of SEPT.19/05,I will no longer be able to send them for this price.These are a paper product and should be able to go.Is this true?Thanks,Wayne
Message 73 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Let us not all forget that CP got a whopping increase a couple of years ago when they changed the way postage was calculated by instituting the cubic volume calculation. Most of my packages to the US are "large pkgs" that go expedited and the difference between actual weight and cubic volume ranges from 30% to 50% increase in the postage. That was a huge blow to my business. $15 to $20 postage on $10 to $15 items is a hard sell for Canadian ebayers mailing to the US. It virtually wiped out overseas sales of items that exceed the 2K small package limit. About 10% of my sales used to be to UK AU & NZ and now I doubt it would be 1%!

I think CP needs to have a "book rate" category. I have given up trying to sell vintage books, mags, albums etc because the postage cost makes it impossible to compete against the US sellers unless it is a very rare and expensive item and I can eat the postage. It makes no sense to try and sell a book for $4 that will cost $10 to mail.

I also want a flat rate small parcel service for mailing within Canada - just the way it is for US & international mailings. Postage within Canada is outrageous!

CP just doesn't seem to understand our issues, or more likely, it doesn't care because it doesn't have to. It is the only game in town for most of us.

Message 74 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Can Post Workshop-I buy and sell coins on eBay. I am no fan of C.P. for the following reasons:

1) Many U.S. sellers won't ship to Canada because they can't insure coins sent here. USPS will insure coin shipments within the U.S for $1.30/$100. Why cannot Canada Post trust its employees and service to offer us the same protection that USPS offers American citizens? I've asked this question of Canada Post three times and have not had the courtesy of a reply other than an automated one saying I'll get a response (which I never did). Here's hoping this offering by Canada Post is more than just "lip service".

2) If you won't insure coins, why won't you let us track them more cheaply? Americans can get tracking service on letters for less than $2.00. Why do Canadians have to go through Expresspost or registered mail and then pay 4 or 5 times that much to have tracking?

3) Why is it cheaper to ship a parcel to the U.S. than it is to Can., but more expensive to send a letter to the U.S.?
Message 75 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member

Title: EBay PS & CPC Pick ups

I'm switching to UPS, yes, enough is enough from Canada post.

My main reason, is the pickup schedule for powersellers, after 6 months of paid regular pickup, an issue happened with local pickup service, when i officially complained, they stop picking up without notice, after a lot of wasting time calls, the answer was who give you the privilege of pickup, you are ebay ps. Pickup is important for the load i have and for other personal reasons. At one point, CPC employee, hang-up on me when i asked her about phone extension or name? Ya, just like this. Sorry Kim, I am totally upset, cheap service but with a price. time is money.
Message 76 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I recently paid $380. for a coin that was ordered from 300 km within the province and was lost in the mail. It makes me very irate because Canada Post will not insure coins. USPS by comparison has enough confidence in the integrity of their employees and their service to offer domestic insurance for $1.30/$100.

I find this EXTREMELY upsetting and have nothing good to say about CP as a result!
Message 77 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I find the gas surcharge a real crock! It was introduced at the same time as general increases in rates took place and then was added on as an additional cost.

Let me ask you - "Are you not in the business to deliver mail and is there any way to do it without spending money on fuel?" NO, of course not! So why don't you start nickel and diming the Canadian public by adding on surcharges for increases in all your other costs of doing business such as the raises you give your employees, surcharges for increases in insurance policies Canada Post has to buy, surchages for increases in paper costs, surchages for increases in contractual services that you pay, and ad nauseum? What made you think you could slip that one through - that it is a small cost and Canadians might be upset about it, but who is going to take the time to complain? Well I don't mind complaining and I think it is disgusting because there is no honest justification for it!
Message 78 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I use OBC to ship golf clubs. There is no problem shipping them within Canada, however whenever I have tried to ship to the US I get a notice that says the package doesn't meet the specifications required, but if I take it to a postal outlet there is no problem getting it shipped. Can you tell me why I'm having this trouble with the EST to the US
Message 79 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Is Canada Post trying to put the small sellers out of business with this new enforcement of letter post? Our cost of sending small items to the US will now jump from $1.70 to $3.95, an over 100% increase. Do you think our customers will not blame the seller as trying to grab more money from them and not rightfully blame Canada Post? I do not see the difference in sending goods or paper as long as it fits in the weight and size restrictions. And the rather lame excuse that people are trying to claim money for lost or damaged items is not true as Canada Post offers no insurance for letter post. It is also interesting to see this enforcement happen in time for Christmas, a time when lots of mail is sent. I, for one, will definitely be looking into alternate ways to send my product as this is an absolute cash grab!
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