how can I remove question notices without responding.

Community Member

I get alot of harasment in the style of those red question notices.I would like to remove the red notice warning without responding to the question.How can i do that without ending and relisting the item.

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Re: I'm not sure myself , but remember no one but you can see...

I'm not sure myself , but remember no one but you can see those unless you both answer the question and tick off the box to make it public.

So if you ignore it, eventually it will go away. Eventually.

If the questions are actually harrassing, please Block the bidder (Site map-> centre column-> Manage Bidders). And report the harrasser to eBay.

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Re: I'm not sure myself , but remember no one but you can see...

I know nothing about musical instruments, but one reason you may be getting stick could be that your spelling and grammar are poor. I know it sounds condescending, but when you make simple errors (enquier for enquire, is a constant) some bottom feeders will think you are ignorant and can be bullied and taken for a ride.
Start by writing your descriptions in Word and using both spellcheck and the thingie that detects grammatical errors, even simple ones like using small letters when a capital should be. (I'm a professional editor not an IT guy. lol.) Then cut and paste the corrected descriptions into the listing form.
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Re: I'm not sure myself , but remember no one but you can see...

If you click on the ACTIONS button in the active listings page  on the right hand side of the page they is a drop down that says something to the effect of question responded too it works similar to a best offer

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