07-22-2012 08:12 PM
For example, I want buy item A and item B, but I want to buy them both in one store, not two different stores?
07-22-2012 09:51 PM
Depending what A and B are, that may or may not be possible. When you find a listing for item A which appeals to you, to the right of the listing under Seller info you will see See other items. Click that and search the sellers stuff to see if there is also an item B.
If not, you can try other sellers, seeing if those who sell B also sell A, and so on. Spend a bit if time with it, you might find both at one outlet, - or not. That all sounds terribly cryptic but without any clue as to what it is you seek, I'm afraid I can't really specify further. 🙂
07-23-2012 01:17 AM
07-23-2012 04:09 PM
Well, there are giant department stores like Sears or WalMart, where you can buy pretty much anything.
OnLine- that would be the company's own website or perhaps a venue like The River.
Then there are small businesses who specialize in a particular line of products.
In the Real World, several small businesses may open their stores in the same neighbourhood and create a destination shopping area. Here in Ottawa, Westboro is the destination for those looking for active sports equipment ever since Mountain Equipment Co-op opened their store and were followed by half a dozen similar businesses.
This is more like eBay. You may find everything you want on eBay, but you may have to make several payments to several sellers to do so.