Hello 'jafbcb_0',
<<won an auction . . . I WANT TO PAY FOR IT . . . this GPS BS as it is way off at $20.00+
. . . I reasearched item can be sent for $3.85 !!! >>
Well, I have to admire your enthusiasm.
But you're coming into the show a bit late.
You, the buyer, have no way to "opt out" of the GSP.
Oh, if only!
A seller can choose to remain in the program, and sometimes when you see an item you dearly want you can ask the seller if she would be so kind as to take the listing out of the GSP and ship to Canada using plain old First Class mail, thus enabling you to grab it.
However, once there are bids on an auction there is very little that a seller can change and removing the listing from the GSP is not possible at that time.
Most buyers simply ignore all those GSP listings for the reason you describe (among others!).
You say the seller is ignoring you. Granted, that's not very nice, but he may be one of those American sellers who never wanted to sell internationally in the first place. So not only is he less than delighted that you won his auction, now you want him to do the impossible.
Send one more very kindly worded message explaining that because you are new you had no idea how the GSP worked and that you thought you yourself could choose. Apologize for your bidding fervor having gotten the better of your good judgement, and ask if he would be willing to cancel the sale and re-invoice you for the item with a First Class shipping fee to Canada instead.
You can point out that First Class offers Delivery Confirmation for American sellers, and even include this link:
If he agrees he will be doing you a colossal favour so be outstandingly nice about it.
If he declines, pleasantly ask him if he would be simply willing to cancel the sale because you cannot afford the $xx shipping fee. Tell him what it will cost you in Canadian dollars, -- he likely had no idea it was so expensive.
And when you get a Request for Cancellation, - quickly click to Respond, then click to Agree, -- and you will no longer be on the hook for it.
In future, -- you can always ask a seller a question, but generally the way they have the listing set up is the way they want it. Do not bid or buy until you are fully committed to pay the clearly stated costs.
Good luck.