12-12-2016 06:25 PM
Does anyone know the least expensive shipping service when selling from Canada ? I would like to ship internationally as well as to the United States but Canada Post rates are really high and my items aren't selling because of this ( I believe). I have to charge for jewellery approx. $15.80 for a small bubble parcel more than 2 cm thick weighing over 80 grams. Would really appreciate your help
Thank you
12-12-2016 07:26 PM
The least expensive service is Surface. But I do not recommend using it at all as it can take forever to get to the destination. I always use Small Packet Air for sending my jewelry to the US & International. And for more expensive items I send them Small Packet Air Tracked. In Canada I always send my items Expedited. If you print up your own labels through PayPal you save about 18%.
12-12-2016 08:53 PM
@walteratk-0 wrote:Does anyone know the least expensive shipping service when selling from Canada ? I would like to ship internationally as well as to the United States but Canada Post rates are really high and my items aren't selling because of this ( I believe). I have to charge for jewellery approx. $15.80 for a small bubble parcel more than 2 cm thick weighing over 80 grams.
Canada Post Small packet (air)
- No 2cm thickness restriction.
- Has a bar code (you can ask for an Originate Scan with receipt at your post office/outlet).
- Flat rate, no fuel surcharges, no dimensional charges.
- No paypal discounts.
- No insurance.
- No on-line tracking.
USA - Small Packet (2016)
000-250g .. 8.36 Small Packet (Air)
251-500g .. 11.07 Small Packet (Air)
251-500g .. 15.75 Tracked Packet (*)
501g-1kg .. 16.65 Small Packet (Air)
501g-1kg .. 18.19 Tracked Packet (*)
(*) tracked packet is variable price (typical shown for comparison), has paypal discounts, tracked
Canada Post 2016 International rates:
The small packet price varies by world region (UK is shown).
000-250g .. 9.78 . Small packet (air)
301-500g .. 19.55 . Small packet (air)
500g-1kg .. 38.34 . Small packet (air)
1.0-1.5kg .. 47.98 . Small packet (air)
1.5-2.0kg .. 57.62 . Small packet (air)
Small packet (surface) is not available for the USA. It is inexpensive for the rest of the world -- but is NOT recommended for eBay because it takes too long with eBay's current delivery standards.
If you live in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer, Toronto area, Halifax there are re-shippers available you can use to send your packages. How it works: you get your parcel to the company, and they re-ship it with their high volume discounts (for Int'l) or take across the border and let you use the cheap domestic USPS rates.
Savings can be quite good if you are near enough to take advantage. I'm not, any savings on shipping is wiped out by the cost of getting my packages to the closest re-shipping company.
12-12-2016 09:20 PM
I agree that Canada Post is the least expensive and most reliable service.
The high cost is in part because you are paying for international Confirmation of Delivery for most of these parcel services.
As a new seller in a high fraud category you need Confirmation of Delivery, which is the most basic level of Seller Protection. (I thought your category was jewelry, but I notice that you also sell hair extensions, which in my opinion attract even more scammers.)
If you were willing to go without Confirmation of Delivery (tracking), you could use LetterPost/LightPacket for shipping. But the cost of international Registration of those services is $17.50, so really you're back where you started.
This is mail order and one of the basic concepts of mail order is that some things are not meant for mail order.
Anything heavy or bulky (and in this case 3 cm is bulky) is probably not suitable. Anything cheap and bulky is definitely not suitable.
If you decide you can use Flat Rate Shipping instead of Calculated Rates, you can include part of the cost of shipping in your asking price.
You have to consider would the customer who will pay $150 for Russian Hair extensions go for $175 with Free Shipping to the USA?
Or $165 to Canada and $165 plus $10 shipping to the USA?
Shipping in the hardest part of mail order. Take your time.
12-20-2016 07:05 PM
12-23-2016 11:02 AM