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eBay Restricting use of outdated Internet Security Protocol

Hi eBay Members, eBay has decided to restrict the use of outdated Internet Security Protocol, SSL 3.0, because we have determined that it does not meet our standards. As such, some Turbo Lister users could see some connectivity issues. For more infor...

Holiday Returns available in Turbo Lister

Hi Turbo Lister Users, The option to apply Holiday Returns in Turbo Lister is now available in the Beta version of the program. When deciding whether or not to be a Beta user, please keep in mind that the beta versions aren't free of bugs, nor are th...


Recent Issues w/Turbo Lister Sign In

Hi Turbo Lister Users, A recent Windows update has caused some programs, including Turbo Lister, to crash. To sign-in to Turbo Lister before the improved Windows update is released, please follow these steps: Open Internet Explorer Open the Tools men...

How Do I Save My Listings?

Can anyone suggest a service to save my listings? I currently use Auctiva and the Seller Source Book. I thought that all of my listing were being saved on Auctiva, but it appears that they only are saved for a few months. I have turbo lister too, but...

DID you know PESA Members Get Revealing Data on Their DSR Ratings?

Just found out from a fellow eBaY seller that eBaY has agreed to provide ALL PESA members with detailed "revealing" data on their DSR ratings so the PESA members can see what detailed scoring was left for them by a user for each of the main DSR categ...


(The following sci-fi story is made up and any resemblance to reality is only coincidental) May 3rd 2015 I just finished packing my daily batch of parcels for my eBay customers and attached a RFID chip to each one of them. Y'all may remember in 2010 ...

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Canada Post USA Expedited any problems???

For the last couple of days I have been unable to generate shipping labels only for USA Expedited, all other services are fine. Gives me the message that dimensions are out of range for this service, although they are within range. I wonder if anyone...

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Board Etiquette

I have seen some people posting here and other Power Sellers, myself included, take the time to try and assist but the OP seems to have vanished off the face of the earth, never to be heard from again. There are other 'infractions' of what I would ca...

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~~Happy Mother's Day~~

To all of you who are Moms and to all of you who are Grandmoms, I wish you all the very best of the Day. It belongs to you, so use it well. All the best, Love, Jackie...:x

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obtaining contact information

Good afternoon I have a buyer that is driving me nuts.I actually think he is trying to scam me. I would really like to talk to him personally but there is no phone number listed.I tried "information" from his home province but he is not listed.Im won...


I found this from a KEYNOTE SPEACH given by Bill Cobb in JUNE of 2007: Keynote: Bill Cobb This post was written in June 2007; specific information contained within it may be out of date. (truncated) Bill, or rather a “lawyer” from behind the scenes, ...


I ship 250+ parcels and about 500+ letter mail a week with CPC i have about 1.5 % damaged or broken items . I do my claims 1 time every 2 weeks , Which would equal about 4 broken parcels . They call me up today and ask if there is any way i could pac...

Lina Mallows 2

Lina, Can I or anyone else assist you in your quest to de-register your PS status? I'm just trying to help you fulfill your wish... that way you don't have to do what you are doing, as it has stopped being funny. Xena

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Is eBay going to kill itself slowly?

Recently eBay has decided to spend 1 million dollars in China for advertising. This to me and too many others is very stupid. At the moment, many sellers, powersellers... buy in bulk, wholesale directly from China, Hong Kong etc. What i have already ...

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What is with the itty bitty font?

What is eBay doing now with the itty bitty font showing up in My eBay? One minute it is the regular size, the next time you look, it is the size of the fine print on credit card contracts that they don't want you to be able to read. I spend enough ti...

Package returned....customer gives different address?

I received a message from a buyer today asking for tracking (none on Light Packet) because her order hadn't arrived. Later in the day I received her package back in the mail marked "Not deliverable as addressed - Unable to Forward". The original addr...

eBay LIVE HELP experience -- not exactly helpful!

That's the last time I try this garbage. See my transcript below! Anybody have any similar experiences ever? 7:36:45 PM System Initial Question/Comment: Selling 7:36:51 PM System Thank you for contacting eBay Canada Live Help! 7:36:51 PM System Nes U...

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Small but Important Change to Seller Dashboard

For sellers with a billing period ending April 30th, the Seller Dashboard now reads: Applied to invoice: 04/30/08 You earned your PowerSeller discount on 04/21/08. See details If you place your mouse on see details eBay will give you a reading of you...

Canada Post Does Not Make any Sense

Can Anyone make any sense out of this? I can ship a light Packet to the USA 22 x 15 x 2 cm and up to .500 Kilo and it only costs $2.17 CAD Now That's a great price, Now try to send this Across the street here in Canada It Cost $9.14 To ship the same ...

Interesting Statistics for you...

In January 2008 Number of Ebay listings Approx: 14 million Number of listings on other online auction sites Approx: 5 million. In February 2008 Number of Ebay listings Approx: 13.9 million Number of listings on other online auction sites Approx: 7 mi...

Canada Post Charging GST on items going to USA - Warning

Warning For all Electronic Shipping Tools Users. Canada Post is now charging GST on Items with shipping less than $5.00 going to the USA! I noticed that there was a price increase when I clicked the calculate button. I send a lot of packages via smal...

Paypal exchange rate

Paypal, an ebay company, "converts" my US$ for me before depositing it in my bank account. Problem is, they use an exchange rate about 3 cents lower on the dollar than the current rate. So, I lose 3% automatically (on top of all those other f...

Rejecting Bidders because of New Feedback Rules Would you?

Good evening, I just finished cancelling bids that a bidder placed on 6 of my items. Why? Well the user Id of the bidder was registered in 2004, no transactions until 2007, then they got 2 positives in May 2007 and nothing since. I pulled the bidders...


Here the full story: I sold 4 items (total - 26 USD) to a guy from US about 8 weeks ago. He paid through PayPal, the items were shipped timely, he got them and left a positive feedback to me. Two weeks ago I got the information from PayPal, that the ...

Canadapost question Small packets Charged Ground Rate instead of Air rate

Hi, today I went to my normal drop off (Home Hardware). They are very busy there and I dropped off about 20 small packages. Some were Air Mail and some were Ground Mail (2) to the USA. I paid her out, but she did not have time to put the stickers on ...

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