Bough a fake GPU / Next Step?

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       This week-end a bought a GPU from a seller located in China. I sent the link to my brother who then told me that the items is clearly fake. I made my own research and can confirm myself to that the item is fake. I contacted the seller the same day and asked him not to ship the item and explained that I wanted a full refund since the item was fake. I received a response within minutes indicating that they would get back to me in 2-3 business. The seller just got back to me this morning saying the item was shipped and that I should just not have bought it then.  Ebay won't let me open a resolution since the item is not flagged as shipped and have not received it. I however know already that it's fake. WHat should I do next? 

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Re: Bough a fake GPU / Next Step?

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EDIT : There is now a notice on my Ebay Purchase History that Ebay has taken down the item and to look at my messages for the next steps. I did not get anything. Anyone knows how I can contact Ebay? 

Message 2 of 8
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Re: Bough a fake GPU / Next Step?

Messages do take time to arrive. Has it been 24 hours?



Message 3 of 8
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Re: Bough a fake GPU / Next Step?

Not applicable

I don't believe so but I should be close to that by now and still nothing.

Message 4 of 8
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Re: Bough a fake GPU / Next Step?

The Buyer's Protection is the Money Back Guarantee.

If the purchase does not arrive by the last estimated date eBay gave you for delivery, you can open a Dispute in the Resolution Centre at the bottom of this page and you will be refunded.

However, since the seller has been shut down (NARU) you can open the Dispute immediately.

If the seller cannot prove delivery (not shipping, delivery) you will be refunded.

State in the text box (this is a robot, no humans involved) you will be refunded.


If that doesn't work out, go to Paypal 's Resolution Centre at the top of your PP account page under Tools.

Same basic system (at one time they were the same company).

If the seller cannot prove delivery, you will be refunded.

You have 180 days from payment to open a dispute.


And if that doesn't work, go to the 1800 number on the back of the card and ask the clerk about a chargeback.  Card policies differ.


You may be asked to Contact the Seller. You did that. Ignore the suggestion.


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Re: Bough a fake GPU / Next Step?

Not applicable

Ebay won't let me open a dispute even though the listing was removed. I'm pretty disappointed that I would have to wait 8-12 weeks (shipping time on the listing), when the listing was removed by Ebay for violating policies. I understand that if I don't receive the item/proof of delivery that I can make a claim. My point is that I can prove by the listing itself that the item is fake (I agree I should have done  more homework before buying, but still...). So really, my point is not about even receiving the item, because even if I receive it with proof of delivery, it's fake. and I don't want it. Just disappointed that I am stuck waiting for 3 months before asking my money back. 

Message 6 of 8
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Re: Bough a fake GPU / Next Step?

Thanks for the tag @ypdc_dennis!


Hi @Anonymous - depending on the specifics of the removal there may be options to escalate sooner than the estimated delivery date. The best course of action would be to contact customer service directly and ask them to look into it for you. 


My preferred method of contact is via social media (Twitter or Facebook). That team is well trained, helpful and responsive. Also, I like being able to send a private message and move on about my day, and not having to listen to hold music is always good. 

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Bough a fake GPU / Next Step?


They are bad that way.

Which is why I always tell unhappy members that Paypal is still an option.

I hope this will be corrected by the time all sellers have to use eBay's new in-house payment processor.

It causes a lot of unhappy buyers who are angry with sellers to become furious with eBay -- are you listening tyler@ebay ?


Be careful. Do go to the Twitter/FB reps first because if you open a PP dispute, you will not be able to fall back on eBay.  But you can fail on eBay (although there is no reason you won't win on eBay) and still appeal to PP.

If you go to your credit card first, and fail, neither PP nor eBay will entertain a dispute.

Them's the rules.


So really, my point is not about even receiving the item, because even if I receive it with proof of delivery, it's fake. and I don't want it.

Proving that it is a fake is not part of the Resolution procedure. Many sellers are very grumpy about what we consider to be authentic items being returned as counterfeit but we don't get to "prove " anything either.  Basically it comes down to the buyer doesn't want it , the buyer gets a refund.

And you don't want to receive it, not because it is a fake, but because you might be required to return it (to China) on your own dime.

So Not Received is better.


I am stuck waiting for 3 months before asking my money back.

A new point.

I've been in mail order for about 40 years, and while delivery from China /overseas can be slow, there is no reason for it to take over 30 days.

Provided the seller uses Air Mail.

It can be faster to get purchases from Europe than from the USA in my experience.

While the pandemic has messed up all delivery systems, one takeaway from this is : Don't order if the delivery period is over 30 days.

Just don't.


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