Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Feel free to share your thoughts about the Global Shipping Program here. 


A few questions to get the ball rolling:


  • What has worked well for you with the Global Shipping Program?
  • Any ideas to help improve the experience for Canadian buyers?
  • What has deterred you from buying items offered using the Global Shipping Program?
  • How have you managed to search for items outside the program?

Please try & keep the comments constructive 🙂


If you have any questions about the program, please post them here.

~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 1 of 6,171
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6,170 REPLIES 6,170

is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

You wouldn't be paying eBay sellers.  You'd be paying a middleman who have inserted themselves into international eBay transactions because they can't seem to find another way to keep their company from sinking.


I don't care what happens to PB.  I do care about not paying more than I have to.  The only GSP item I ever bought was actually bought for me by a friend in the US, and I then bought it from him.  This saved me over $85 in extra fees.

Message 1761 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

Thank You Bennet, for responding to all my questions.


Message 1762 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

Bennett:  I have one more question for you as an American representing


What do you think of the overwhelmingly negative reaction by Canadian buyers to the GSP?

Message 1763 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

Well, any ebay seller that is in cahoots with this conspiratorical ripoff won't be receiving my business.

I'm not really surprised if Pitney Bowels or other business enterprises are involved - they have seen the opportunity to make a buck.

As far as I'm concerned, it starts with the sellers.

If the sellers did not want it, it wouldn't happen.

Do what I did: purge the GSP sellers.

Message 1764 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

Using this now Ebay/google freight 3 times and the first time my freight was double the stated freight I cancelled the sale for this reason, the second time I let it slide on completion the freight cost was again doubled I know I live in Canada but double the US freightis pure BS.  Like UPS and Fedex freight cost doubles to all Canadians at the door I pay the freight the carrier should be my choice not the sellers.  I'm getting tired of the freight rip off and may choose to shop online elseware for this reason.

Message 1765 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

highland.2112 wrote:As far as I'm concerned, it starts with the sellers.

If the sellers did not want it, it wouldn't happen.

Do what I did: purge the GSP sellers.

Ebay won't admit it, but there still seems to be sellers who are enrolled in the program without their knowledge or consent. If this is such a great program, why the need for deception?


I have nothing to purge: any listing with the "Customs services and international tracking provided" blurb automatically gets passed over without a second glance. I don't even want to know what it is I'm not going to buy.

Message 1766 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

For vintage and use clothing to put a duty is wrong. unless is a lot of money I paid for it.


The "lot of money" specified by the Canadian Border Services Agency is $20. That's the rule.

Message 1767 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

dont buy from united states sellers using global shipping,also only from those shipping  with united states postal service,we all learn as we go along.

Message 1768 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

I've seen examples where the "Import Charges" are 50% or more of the item value, even on more expensive items. A buyer would have to be insane to pay this. Good luck with the new GSP, eBay. Time to short eBay stock....
Message 1769 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

I've been checking out the Pitney Bowes blog about the GSP. 


An excerpt from a blog entry called "The Beauty of the Global Shipping Program"


"Cross-border shipping adds a layer of complexity. Sellers need to calculate import/export fees and duties and meet country specific regulations. That’s the beauty of the Global Shipping Program (GSP). It simplifies selling to an international buyer"


Excuse me? It has never been the seller's responsibility on Ebay to do any such thing. 


Is it possible that Pitney Bowes doesn't  understand how shipping items internationally on this site worked prior to their meddling?




Either they are woefully ignorant about how things work on Ebay, or they are telling "porkers" 

Message 1770 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

"how things work on Ebay,"


Is that blog referring to eBay specifically?


There is more in the world than eBay.  Hundreds of American retailers sell to Canada. Some do it themselves while others use forwarders like PB to arrange shipping and Customs clearance.   Those retailers try to make it easy for Canadians to buy by prepaying Canadian consumption taxes (GST/HST/PST) and duty (if applicable).  They also arrange for Customs pre-clearance in order to speed up the delivery process.  No tax collection at time of delivery, no brokerage fee.  LL Bean is a perfect example of a large US retailer with thousands of satisfied Canadian buyers.


Basically, in addition to their products, they sell convenience. 


Now, eBay is something totally different because it does not involve one large retailer but thousands of small sellers, many of them hobbyists (not businesses).  Canadian buyers have come to expect to have sellers ship directly by mail.  As we all know, GSP was ill conceived and eBay screwed up by giving incentives to American sellers to use it even when not appropriate to do so.


A program like GSP has a place on eBay but not as currently administered.  It should be offered specifically to American sellers not currently shipping outside the USA for items of value. Considering the value of the service in potentially expanding exports for those sellers, part of the service should be paid by the sellers benefiting from the program, not buyers.


eBay has a long way to go to make it right.

Message 1771 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

All of you are completely missing the point. GSP is a total scam. The import fees collected are fraudulent. Don't you people get it? Sellers are being forced to use this scam and are not being given a choice. This is another Ebay tactic to make everyone march to their own drummer. What ever happened to freedom of choice? Oh sure we could go somewhere else to sell our goods, that's very true, but that only makes Ebay continue to be the monster it has become over the years. Ebay needs to go back to it's roots. Too many changes have been made and not for the better. This Global Shipping Program is nothing more then a rip off. and if sellers on here that use it, saw it for what it actually is, they would dump it in a moment. If anyone here is a seller currently using GSP get rid of it. You are not doing your buyers a service by using it. Indeed, you are costing a buyer more then needs to be charged. If you are intent on using GSP, then have the courtesy to offer a choice between that and regular mail. The more sellers who use GSP exclusively, the less you'll sell. Remember, and educated consumer is the best buyer. Those of you who defend the Global Shipping Program are the rip off artists yourselves.

Message 1772 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

@ubid-ikill wrote:


All of you are completely missing the point. GSP is a total scam. The import fees collected are fraudulent. Don't you people get it? 


No, I don't get it.  Give me some numbers for listings where you see fraudulent import charges.

Message 1773 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

They are charging duties on EXEMPT ITEMS. Which IS ILLEGAL period.


GSP is a SCAM and offers absolutely nothing to Canadians before and since it was implemented. It plain out screws buyers to line their pockets even more. Listing fee > Final Value > PayPal Cut > GSP


No one in their right mind would pay 50% more on top of a selling price just for the privilege of taking it um the bum for the GSP. Either i will buy from Canadian sellers, NON GSP sellers. Or buy from Amazon.  I for one will not be getting ripped off from GSP and their imaginary scam fees on import charges!


Funny how USPS there is NEVER import charges. Just the old **bleep** brown UPS.


Just follow the money it's another revenue stream period!

Message 1774 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

"They are charging duties on EXEMPT ITEMS. Which IS ILLEGAL period."


Could you please provide a specific example (listing number)

Message 1775 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

Look yourself why should i waste my time find a GSP seller and 85% of the time it's EXEMPT from duties..





No duty is payable on goods imported for personal use, if it is marked as “made in Canada, the USA, or Mexico”, or if there is no marking or labelling indicating that it was made somewhere other than Canada, the USA, or Mexico.

Message 1776 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

I have looked and cannot find any instance of illegal "duty" being charged. 


Since you claim you have seen it, please provide a listing number to back up your claim.

Message 1777 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

Like many other posters, I think you are confusing consumption taxes (GST/HST/PST) which are payable with "duty".


From the government of Canada official webpage:


I do not make the rules.  The government of Canada does,


Where is that instance of "illegal" duty being charged?

Message 1778 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS

You looked at all the listing give me a break...I know all about TAXES i am NOT talking about TAXES. IMPORT CHARGES which is an added CHARGE ON TOP OF THE TAX!!

Maybe you should look at the CBSA website and get a clue! GSP IS a Scam and they are charging illegal fees period on exempt goods!

Why backup a scam oh wait because it has ZERO effect on you.

Guess Free Trade is a one way street for the USA to screw Canada now...

Message 1779 of 6,171
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is it possible to opt out of ebay freight BS



No duty is payable on goods imported for personal use, if it is marked as “made in Canada, the USA, or Mexico”, or if there is no marking or labelling indicating that it was made somewhere other than Canada, the USA, or Mexico.


Interesting. Was that on the CBSA website? Could you add a link?



pierre: Another thing that some buyers seem to miss is that the shipping charge from the seller covers the cost of shipping from the seller's doorstep to PB in Kentucky.

PB charges another fee at that point which seems to cover thier assessment costs (somebody is opening all those packages and damaging the contents Woman Mad ) and then trucking/flying the parcels to Canada and transferring them to a Canadian deliverer (often Canada Post).

Pretty good making a profit on what seems to be about a $5 charge on average.


Also : the one and only item I have purchased with GSP handling was just dropped on my porch by Canada Post. Is PB not worrying about fake Item Not Recieved claims?

Message 1780 of 6,171
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