Comments about the Global Shipping Program

Feel free to share your thoughts about the Global Shipping Program here. 


A few questions to get the ball rolling:


  • What has worked well for you with the Global Shipping Program?
  • Any ideas to help improve the experience for Canadian buyers?
  • What has deterred you from buying items offered using the Global Shipping Program?
  • How have you managed to search for items outside the program?

Please try & keep the comments constructive 🙂


If you have any questions about the program, please post them here.

~Kalvin Community Manager

Message 1 of 6,171
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6,170 REPLIES 6,170

YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

...And now it seems that eBay's infamous Global Shipping Program is actually EXCLUDING CANADA when it comes to countries that some dealers have agreed to ship to (after they opt into the program), even though from all accounts those sellers INTENDED to include Canada, or at least did NOT purposefully EXCLUDE Canada.  I have seen this error pop up three different times recently from three different sellers.  I assume it is some sort of new "flaw" in eBay's auction creation system.  The shipping program was bad enough before.... and now THIS!  Wow.  Hmmm, I think I'll go and see what's available over at instead...

Message 4241 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

clearly shows their motivation is financially driven and not for the benefit of the sellers or buyers.


Well, yes, that's what businesses do. Make money for the shareholders.


Some find that looking out for the interests of customers can be good for business too, but it's not a rule.

Message 4242 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

.And now it seems that eBay's infamous Global Shipping Program is actually EXCLUDING CANADA when it comes to countries that some dealers have agreed to ship to


The modified GSP rules allow sellers to supply USPS or other shipping to Canada and use GSP for the rest of the world. You may have seen sellers who did not fully understand the process and selected 'exclude Canada from GSP' but failed to supply an alternative USPS rate.


The words misunderstanding and GSP are virtually synonymous. All ebay buyers will have encountered sellers apparently incapable of walking and chewing gum at the same time. The outcome is hardly surprising.

Message 4243 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

"..And now it seems that eBay's infamous Global Shipping Program is actually EXCLUDING CANADA when it comes to countries that some dealers have agreed to ship to (after they opt into the program)"


Think about it.  That is a good thing!


It means that American sellers will use GSP to ship overseas but not to Canada. 


They will ship to Canada directly using USPS, not GSP.  Don't you think that is a good thing?  That is what most Canadian posters have been asking for.



Message 4244 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

eBay global shipping lost my order and I only received a refund for the item not the shipping expenses. Doesn't add up, if ebay global shipping lost or damaged my item they should give me a refund for my shipping costs.
Message 4245 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

There have been reports that 'import fees' are processed separately from purchase costs and that refunds on these arrive separately. If this is true, it is an unnecessary worry for the unhappy buyer and eBay and PitneyBowes should review the policy.


How long has passed since the item was sent and you opened your case? The GSP/PB has a pretty good record of delivery especially since they use Canada Post for doorstep delivery.


Damage is a different question. There have been a LOT of reports of PB staff repacking, badly, items that are subsequently damaged. But if you have not received the item, what makes you think it was damaged?


If you are being refused a refund on import costs, go to the credit card you actually paid with (Paypal is just a mediator) and call the 1-800 customer service number. Ask about a chargeback on the import fees.

Message 4246 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

@reallynicestamps wrote:

If you are being refused a refund on import costs, go to the credit card you actually paid with (Paypal is just a mediator) and call the 1-800 customer service number. Ask about a chargeback on the import fees.

IF - IF she/he paid with a credit card.

Message 4247 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

Refunds fir the GSP part of the payment could be a week later than the purchase refund.

Message 4248 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

I guess I feel for you but ad nauseum WHY are people still buying from sellers using GSP?  rolleyes.gif  Is it something they just HAVE to have? or what!!  Why pay ridiculous amounts of money for shipment and there's too many chances of item getting lost when it goes via Kentucky or wherever.  Yes, I see stuff with GSP and by-pass pronto.

Message 4249 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

Have a seller in US who did not know their item was listed on via the GSP.

They have indicated will ship USPS First Class, but do not know what to do to get listing changed.


Any suggestions or steps the seller needs to follow in order to show USPS shipping costs to us on

Message 4250 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

All of us inCanada should simply contact their local member of parliament especially if he is not conservative and ask him or her tp inquire whether Pitney Bowes has been licensed to collect Gst pst or hst. I THINK WE KNOW THE Answer. If they have not been authorized then an act of fraud has been committed against I dividual Canadians and a f6rther crininal act has been committed by pretending to collect taxes for a foriegn government. THE PS4, GST OR HST NUMBER PLEASE Ebay. I am going to write my letter today asking the federal government if they receive any customs duties from Pitney Bowes. COMPANIES BUYING ON ebay from others in the USA are governed by the North American Free Trade Agreement and no one is authorized to interfer with that agreement.


In the interim we Canadians should infor each USA seller that we will not buy an item if global shipping is used. PERSONALLY I have decided to look for an alternative online selli g engine including settimg up my own

Message 4251 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

Nice rant!


"PERSONALLY I have decided to look for an alternative online selling engine including setting up my own"


That is the correct response.


Once again, the Global Shipping Program (GSP) is generally not advisable for Canadian buyers.  End of story.


Pitney Bowes is GST/HST registered.  Thousands of Canadian businesses receive invoices from them where their GST/HST number is shown.  That is not a problem


Yes, taxes (and duty if applicable) are properly remitted to the Canadian Government.  To suggest otherwise is.... quite frankly, unwise.  To imply someone in dishonest without any evidence whatsoever, is never advisable.  Many people - and you are obviously one of them - do not understand how the program works, when and where taxes are paid.  Learn about the details of the program then come back and explain it to us.


To waste time with your member of parliament is just that... a waste of his/her time.


What does NAFTA have to do with anything here?  Nothing.  That subject has been covered several times already on this thread.  Obviously you never took the time to read about it.


The full text of NAFTA (including annexes) is available here:


Message 4252 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

Its so funny when I raised the alarm .. Ebay gets to answer .. and I do not get to respond .. they do not even tell me the question has an answer .. no email notice ..then they ask if this one sided answer which calls it a rant .. did it answer my question .. NOTE NO CANADIANS STATED IT WAS A GOOD ANSWER JUST EBAY ...  so .. you will note I have bought over 200 items through ebay ... NOT ANY MORE .. your unethical and you know it .. when you have China Shipping to CANADA for FREE .. YOU HAVE CHINA with no import duty's ... when you have .... there is to much proof your unethical.   YOU WILL NOT EVEN LET ME ANSWER BACK TO YOUR EBAY DEPARTMENT WHEN THEY WANT TO PUT OUT THERE OWN PROPAGANDA ... .. free speech .. nope .. not on ebay.  How dare you know the truth ... well I am a marketer .. and I am contacting every group in Canada to stop using EBAY.  MERRY CHRISTMAS ... you money garbing corporate PIRATES


According to your own Sellers ..


EBAY this year came up with a Scam on Canadians ... The international EBAY Shipping Program ..  ACCORDING TO YOUR VERY OWN SELLERS IN THE USA .. when I should them the shipping charges ... they told me to email the seller and ask them to mail it direct because ... THIS WAS A RIP OFF!!  YOU OWN US SELLERS .. no me ... your own


Look at my history ... its true .. first there is no import duty's on old used oil lamps period.  Either from the US or CANADA .. go ahead ebay .. answer .. but all you do is lie.  There are no import duty's according to Canadian and US Law and free trade .. but who cares .. YOU ARE THE MIGHTY USA .. that is also killing your own country by taking US jobs and giving them to the Philippians .. your sad. AND your UNETHICAL


First the EBAY seller NEVER KNOWS HOW MUCH EBAY CHARGES THE BUYER ... for shipping and duty

THE SELLER sends a two pound pkg all the way to Kentucky for a whole TEN .. 10.00 dollars


Then Ebay makes up a bill for the buyer stating shipping 25.00 and import duty's of 12.00  MONEY GRAB UNETHICAL ...


Think about this one .. what a joke .. and the SELLER gets a whole 10 percent kickback for screwing Canadians


That did it .. If the USA wants to do this .. then fine .. I will buy from CHINA with out any import or shipping charges .. your destroying your own country from the inside out .. congratulations ... unethical shipping charges .. 


YOUR UNETHICAL ... If you do not thing so .. Think on this ... EBAY has now also taken jobs away from the USA .. phone customer service people .. its now in the Philippians

ANY ONE thinks that any thing that ebay customer service states is legally binding ... its not.  TWO different country's ... and two different laws ...  EBAY RIPPING OFF CANADIANS AND DESTROYING THERE OWN COUNTRY OF ORIGIN ..

Message 4253 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

I have found the global shipping program to be an expensive pain in the backside.

Are sellers in the U.S.  aware of the frustrations international customers are experiencing?

I don' think so. If we simply pass by their listing they have no way to know they are losing a potential

customer because of the GSP.  Rather than simply ignoring the listings that have GSP I have been

contacting the sellers of items I would have bid on.  I explain that I would be willing to bid or accept

a "buy it now" price if the seller would simply change or re-list the item with USPS shipping. This has

been successful 2 times out of 3.

 Sellers are also sensitive to positive feedback. If I find an item that I really want in spite of the GSP and

the shipping costs and delays are an issue I will simply leave appropriate feedback.



Message 4254 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

Seller says well I sent it to the global shipper can't tell you much more. eBay still shows my item as paid but not shipped.
This program adds extra delays, costs and all around frustration. I will not buy from a seller using it again. Too bad for sellers and buyers alike and a big miss for EBay in general.
Message 4255 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

@2011limey1 wrote:

WHY are people still buying from sellers using GSP?

I know your question is rhetorical, but I'd really love to know the answer anyway. There is no way on Earth I would ever buy anything that is being shipped with this wretched program. At least, not until they start taking the buyer into consideration (I'm not holding my breath...)


It could be that people are using mobile devices to browse eBay and do their purchasing. I know from doing some spotchecking that the GSP is much harder to detect when using a mobile device. It can be done, but you have to know what to look for.  And for that, you have to read the boards. Something that only a very small number of buyers do.


The GSP has one big advantage for me: I now buy so little on eBay that it frees up some $$$ for other stuff. A week in the sun in the middle of January or February would be nice...

Message 4256 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

Have the seller bill you through Paypal Send Money.

Both of you will be protected by PP's Seller and Buyer Protection policies.

Make sure that the item number is given on the PP invoice, so the connection can be made if necessary.

When you pay, the seller can mark the item Paid manually on eBay.

Message 4257 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

Everyone here in Canada I talk to is boycotting eBay and turning to Amazon to shop online. This is due to the incredible audacity on Ebay's behalf to rip off us poor Canadians (who used to LOVE shopping on Ebay). Amazon provides a fabulous platform on which to buy and sell goods and one day soon more and more fellow Canadians will have Amazon boxes on their doorsteps, leaving eBay without a country full of sales. Truly is a sad day, for you.
Message 4258 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

"Have the seller bill you through Paypal Send Money."


But if the listing is not modified, could I not theoretically be on the hook for the GSP charges?

Message 4259 of 6,171
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YOU DO OVER CHARGE FOR SHIPPING to CANADA according to your own sellers

But if the listing is not modified, could I not theoretically be on the hook for the GSP charges?


No, they (the GSP) have no 'unpaid item' process of their own.


They must be used by now to sales being unconsummated for whatever reason.

Message 4260 of 6,171
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