09-26-2013 10:34 AM - edited 09-26-2013 10:39 AM
Feel free to share your thoughts about the Global Shipping Program here.
A few questions to get the ball rolling:
Please try & keep the comments constructive 🙂
If you have any questions about the program, please post them here.
03-29-2017 11:44 PM
@bobenis wrote:
Perhaps but it is NOT a small packet by any means. It will be arriving in the retail box, which is approximately 20in long by 12in wide, and 8in in height. Then it will be inside another box of course so it should be a good 4in larger than that in all directions.
Well, those approximate dimensions that you gave are fairly close to the maximum size for a First Class International Package or small packet. Perhaps whoever handled it at the Global Shipping Center didn't bother to measure it, just eyeballed it and figured it was good enough to go as an oversized letter seeing as it isn't going through official mail channels until it reaches Canada.
03-29-2017 11:46 PM
@blackranda2 wrote:
I don't think I made a wrong assumption. Why would the seller use a larger box and pay more to ship it to Kentucky than she had to unless she felt it was necessary to pack it well to protect it? This was a collectible item which can not be easily replaced. It belonged to her mother. What a shame that it has now been damaged due to lack of respect. And yes now eBay wants me to call them. Waste some more of my time being put on their call wait list. I guess what bothers me more than anything else is that I allowed myself to participate in the GSP in the first place. Nothing is very clear about how it actually works. I should have known better. I do now.
The biggest reason why packages are opened and inspected at the Global Shipping Center is because the seller hasn't provided information on the item's country of manufacture in the listing's Item Specifics section. Did your seller provide that information? The Global Shipping Program requires that information from sellers, but they don't often get it.
03-30-2017 12:33 AM
I have no idea if she did or not and to be honest I no longer care. I am done with this. What should have been an easy transaction has turned into a ridiculous fiasco. The best way to avoid it ever happening again is to never buy anything from a seller who lists using the GSP. It is really just that simple. They are lots of other listings on eBay and on other sites as well which don't use the GSP so finding what one wants is not a big deal. Maybe you might have to pay a little more. Oh well. Saving a few dollars is not worth the hassle to me.
03-30-2017 07:51 AM
This stuff about GSP items being sent USPS seems rather like a story about some airline passengers being sent by bus instead.
It's just wildly improbable. It is just not the way the system works. It is pointless and expensive.
There usually needs to some sensible reason why a commercial operation does things the way it does, and this idea of shipping stuff to Chicage then sending it by USPS on an individual package basis (with the labour costs that that implies, for example every item would need to have a CN22 form completed by someone before the USPS would accept it) just seems like a shaggy dog story.
03-30-2017 10:08 AM - edited 03-30-2017 10:09 AM
@afantiques wrote:This stuff about GSP items being sent USPS seems rather like a story about some airline passengers being sent by bus instead.
It's just wildly improbable. It is just not the way the system works. It is pointless and expensive.
There usually needs to some sensible reason why a commercial operation does things the way it does, and this idea of shipping stuff to Chicage then sending it by USPS on an individual package basis (with the labour costs that that implies, for example every item would need to have a CN22 form completed by someone before the USPS would accept it) just seems like a shaggy dog story.
It does seem a bit strange, but then again, so does a lot of stuff about the GSP.
My wife recently purchased a GSP-shipped item that is technically small enough to ship as a small packet from the US to Canada. I'll try to remember to have a look at the item and the tracking information associated with it when it arrives.
03-30-2017 11:55 PM
Well whether you think it is improbable or not it is a fact and I have proof of it unless you are denying that? My last 2 purchases HAVE 100% been shipped by USPS and stayed held in customs for at least a week. If the seller had shipped to me direct it would have passed through customs the same day but whatever PB is doing is causing delays in customs and it is totally unacceptable and against what the GSP claims to do for foreign buyers.
@afantiques wrote:This stuff about GSP items being sent USPS seems rather like a story about some airline passengers being sent by bus instead.
It's just wildly improbable. It is just not the way the system works. It is pointless and expensive.
There usually needs to some sensible reason why a commercial operation does things the way it does, and this idea of shipping stuff to Chicage then sending it by USPS on an individual package basis (with the labour costs that that implies, for example every item would need to have a CN22 form completed by someone before the USPS would accept it) just seems like a shaggy dog story.
03-31-2017 01:34 AM
So tracking shows your parcels went byUSPS to Kentucky
From Kentucky by USPS to Canada
In Canada stopped at customs (CBSA)
And finally were delivered to you by Canada Post?
Could you post the tracking for this?
Because it's the first time in over 5000 complaints we've heard of this.
It's not unusual for confused sellers to be signed up for GSP, but to ship directly to Canada, with no stopover in Kentucky.
But usually the GSP takes care of the customs and sales tax at the plant (as a sub-contract from CBSA, nothing unusual, LLBean does the same for example)
Then they amalgamate a very large number of parcels, and sends them up using what is described as 'various shippers'.
Here is the tracking system another poster put together.
How does it match with what you see?
Step 1: Go to the Pitney Bowes Parcel Tracker page at https://parceltracking.pb.com/app/#/dashboard/
Step 2: Enter your eBay-supplied Global Tracking number (mine began with UPAA...)
Step 3: You will be shown limited tracking info. In my case, only up to the point the package left the USA and entered Canada.
Step 4: Click on the "Track on carrier's website" link at the top right.
Step 5: You will be provided with tracking on the page of the actual shipping company, in my case Canada Post, with a tracking number in THEIR system.
Problem solved! If only eBay would put a link to https://parceltracking.pb.com/app/#/dashboard/ in their shipping emails, this could all be avoided...
03-31-2017 09:51 AM
03-31-2017 10:56 AM
@kraamer001 wrote:
Unfortunately for Ebay sellers to Canada, I will not be ordering again. Order takes almost twice as long as before, was a low cost item that had never before been charged $, now it costs me. Sorry EBay , but I guess it's EBay sellers that lose.
Well, yes and no. Many sellers with GSP forwarding on their listings aren't aware that it's there. eBay has automatically applied the GSP to their listing because the seller didn't specify shipping to Canada but didn't block Canadians from purchasing, either.
The way I see it, a seller can't lose a sale that they weren't anticipating in the first place.
04-01-2017 02:28 AM
@femmefan1946 wrote:So tracking shows your parcels went byUSPS to Kentucky
From Kentucky by USPS to Canada
In Canada stopped at customs (CBSA)
And finally were delivered to you by Canada Post?
Could you post the tracking for this?
Because it's the first time in over 5000 complaints we've heard of this.
It's not unusual for confused sellers to be signed up for GSP, but to ship directly to Canada, with no stopover in Kentucky.
But usually the GSP takes care of the customs and sales tax at the plant (as a sub-contract from CBSA, nothing unusual, LLBean does the same for example)
Then they amalgamate a very large number of parcels, and sends them up using what is described as 'various shippers'.
Here is the tracking system another poster put together.
How does it match with what you see?
Step 1: Go to the Pitney Bowes Parcel Tracker page at https://parceltracking.pb.com/app/#/dashboard/
Step 2: Enter your eBay-supplied Global Tracking number (mine began with UPAA...)
Step 3: You will be shown limited tracking info. In my case, only up to the point the package left the USA and entered Canada.
Step 4: Click on the "Track on carrier's website" link at the top right.
Step 5: You will be provided with tracking on the page of the actual shipping company, in my case Canada Post, with a tracking number in THEIR system.
Problem solved! If only eBay would put a link to https://parceltracking.pb.com/app/#/dashboard/ in their shipping emails, this could all be avoided...
I provided that info from the tracking on the previous page already.
That clearly showed it was sent to Erlanger, KY and then from KY to Chicago and from there via USPS to Canada.
In Transit with Destination Carrier
Mar-29-17, 00:23 AM, CA
In Transit with Destination Carrier
Mar-27-17, 23:49 PM, ISC CHICAGO IL (USPS) 60688
Shipped from the Global Shipping Center to International Destination
Mar-27-17, 12:29 PM, Erlanger, Kentucky 41025-2501
Customs Documentation and Labeling
Mar-24-17, 21:44 PM, Erlanger, Kentucky 41025-2501
Processing at Global Shipping Center
Mar-24-17, 20:41 PM, Erlanger, Kentucky 41025-2501
Arrived at Global Shipping Center
Mar-24-17, 10:56 AM, ERLANGER, KY 41025
In Transit-Sorting Complete
Mar-24-17, 08:35 AM, ERLANGER, KY 41025
In Transit-Arrived at Post Office
Mar-24-17, 03:57 AM, ERLANGER, KY 41018
In Transit-Departed USPS Destination Facility
Mar-23-17, 17:24 PM, CINCINNATI, OH 45235
In Transit-Arrived at USPS Destination Facility
Mar-23-17, 17:07 PM, CINCINNATI, OH 45235
In Transit-Arrived at USPS Origin Facility
Mar-22-17, 20:47 PM, CLEVELAND, OH 44101
In Transit-Accepted at USPS Origin Facility
Mar-22-17, 19:32 PM, CLEVELAND, OH 44128
In Transit-Shipment Picked Up
Mar-22-17, 16:01 PM, CLEVELAND, OH 44128
04-01-2017 05:44 AM
Can you post the tracking number for independent verification of your results. Will you post pictures of the labels on the package when it arrives. The customs form if any would be most significant.
My problem s that when somebody reports seeing a unicorn I do feel it possible that the report may be untrue or a misinterpretation of a regular horse standing in front of a spiky thing
04-01-2017 03:40 PM - edited 04-01-2017 03:41 PM
@afantiques wrote:Can you post the tracking number for independent verification of your results. Will you post pictures of the labels on the package when it arrives. The customs form if any would be most significant.
My problem s that when somebody reports seeing a unicorn I do feel it possible that the report may be untrue or a misinterpretation of a regular horse standing in front of a spiky thing
What would be my motive or agenda in taking so much time to fabricate such an elaborate ruse?
I am not going to post my personal tracking number and asking me to do so on a public forum is totally silly, seriously.
This is the second package in a row shipped to me exactly this way via the same route and method.
Essentially calling me a liar or stating that I might just be "accidentally" misreading my tracking info is neither helpful nor mature, sorry to say.
I will post a screenshot directly from my ebay tracking info and if you seriously think I am fabricating it after this then please just keep it to yourself lol.
04-01-2017 03:53 PM
@afantiques wrote:Can you post the tracking number for independent verification of your results. Will you post pictures of the labels on the package when it arrives. The customs form if any would be most significant.
My problem s that when somebody reports seeing a unicorn I do feel it possible that the report may be untrue or a misinterpretation of a regular horse standing in front of a spiky thing
As I previously stated (my post just vanished?) why would I fabricate such an elaborate ruse and for what purpose?
To suggest that I am either falsifying information OR somehow misunderstanding the tracking over the past 2 purchases (a regular horse standing in front of a spiky thing) is both ludicrous and slander on my character but whatever you wish.
I always see the same 3 people on the forums defending the GSP and not sure why you spend so much time here doing so.
I will post a screenshot of my tracking DIRECTLY from my ebay page.
If you honestly think that I spend time in photoshop editing or doctoring it then I worry that you may have much larger issues at play.
04-02-2017 01:58 AM
I have no idea what a motive might be, people do not always post truth on the internet. I don;t think posters defend the GSP willy-nilly, I was one of the first to declare it a really terrible idea for buyers, but fairness demands that any over the top accusations should be refuted if possible, in the same way criminals are given legal representation to try and give them a fair trial.
There are plenty of real problems without inventing any.
It may be that the items have not been sent by USPS, just that somehow consignments of parcels have been routed intact through the Chicago International service centre.
The best guide to what actually happened will be the labelling of the parcels when they arrive, and most notably the presence or absece of a CN22 customs form.
04-02-2017 02:55 AM
@afantiques wrote:I have no idea what a motive might be, people do not always post truth on the internet. I don;t think posters defend the GSP willy-nilly, I was one of the first to declare it a really terrible idea for buyers, but fairness demands that any over the top accusations should be refuted if possible, in the same way criminals are given legal representation to try and give them a fair trial.
There are plenty of real problems without inventing any.
It may be that the items have not been sent by USPS, just that somehow consignments of parcels have been routed intact through the Chicago International service centre.
The best guide to what actually happened will be the labelling of the parcels when they arrive, and most notably the presence or absence of a CN22 customs form.
On the previous page I provided an image of the USPS tracking.
The tracking number IS a USPS tracking ID and it works via their website.
I cannot BELIEVE after providing this proof you are STILL trying to convince yourself otherwise.This is the second in a row they transferred to USPS via Chicago and has sat for a week in customs.
This would already have been delivered if not.
Fact of the matter is they ARE sending the item USPS and they are sitting in customs since they did not do any paperwork in advance to streamline the process and the items are not being shipped within Canada as Xpresspost but rather ground, which is taking up to 10 days to reach me once released from customs.
Proof attached, AGAIN, below.
If you are going to deny it still then it is all on you as the proof I have provided is legitimate.
04-02-2017 03:00 AM
04-02-2017 03:01 AM - edited 04-02-2017 03:05 AM
04-03-2017 06:02 AM
The first and last screen shots make no mention of the GSP, and there is no actual tracking number cited on the middle one, but it is certainly puzzling. I am sure you do not still have the packing from that, but when the next item arrives detailed examination of the shipping labels including any CN22 customs form would be significant.
I am just trying to figure out what is going on with this abberation in the delivery system, and as much evidence as possible is helpful. Curious minds wish to know.
04-03-2017 12:48 PM - edited 04-03-2017 12:49 PM
@afantiques wrote:The first and last screen shots make no mention of the GSP, and there is no actual tracking number cited on the middle one, but it is certainly puzzling. I am sure you do not still have the packing from that, but when the next item arrives detailed examination of the shipping labels including any CN22 customs form would be significant.
I am just trying to figure out what is going on with this abberation in the delivery system, and as much evidence as possible is helpful. Curious minds wish to know.
Why would the USPS's site mention GSP in any way? Their tracking never tells you who is sending you the parcel, just where and when it was dropped off or that electronic info was submitted and that they are awaiting for the shipment to be dropped off. The screenshot right from ebay's tracking CLEARLY shows you that Pitney Bowes is sending the parcels to Chicago (meeting their end of the agreement via using their private courier to send it "part way") and that USPS is taking it over the rest of the way via that screen show I showed you as well. The dates line up and perfectly correlate to one another.
You have all the proof you need and you honestly do not need anything else to show unequivocally that they are transferring parcels to USPS who ship them via small packet which are then sitting in customs (still has not moved!) and reaching me 10 days later. I am done explaining and/or trying to prove it to you. What you do with the clear and precise information is entirely up to you.
04-03-2017 03:10 PM
I always see the same 3 people on the forums defending the GSP and not sure why you spend so much time here doing so.
We are sad sad people with no lives or friends and nothing better to do.