Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Have you ever searched filtering " Canada only " chosen item in CANADIAN funds such as C 60.00 and then charged the same amount for the item ... however in US funds of US 60.00?
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Community Member

Can't say it's happened to me.  Well, I could say that, but I'd be lying.


A listing in Canadian dollars would be created on the Canadian eBay site.  Canadian sellers no longer have the option of listing in US dollars on the Canadian site and would have to create the listing on the .com site if they want to use US dollars for the sale.  I can't see how there would be a "flipperoo" like that, but then, we are talking about the newish Managed Payments system, I suppose.


How do shipping charges compare between the listing page and checkout?  Or did you get that far?

Message 2 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Good question but shipping "free". I looked many times comparing dresses price and obvious free shipping included in the price to judge if good deal or not... Also had search filter on "CANADA ONLY" as sick of US to Canada GSP variants in shipping and length of time in transit. It is a .com and . ca situation...all her items came up C dollars Some when clicking on them went down to show US amount then the canadian conversion to higher dollars ... these dresses did not fluctuate to US at any time until delivered when I went to add feedback and saw the change to US . one other thing looking at her feedback buyer comments show, but all item photso & details have been removed. Talking to help agents #1 "he has tool that shows items were always US dollars" agent #2 "something wrong with the site I'm going to report it" (never to hear from again) agent #3 shouldn't be help agent. Seller herself says she lists .com and sells . ca and that is the problem basically nonsense able and vague.
p.s. For sure the items were C 60.00 free begin with!
Message 3 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

If you go to your purchase history and click on the listing there it will show you the listing exactly as it was when you purchased it.  I suspect it will show you that the listing was in $US as it isn't possible for the seller to show one currency and then charge in a different currency. 

Message 4 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

If a seller is listing on dotCOM her items will be made in USD.

If a buyer is looking on dotCA she will see those items in loonies during Search BUT in both loonies AND USD on the actual listing.


It wouldn't matter if the seller was in the USA or in Canada, because the listing will show on every site the seller has a shipping price for.

Message 5 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Free shipping . As I said the item showed C 60.00 in search. I asked the community if this has ever happened to them ... Has this happened to you? This is the first time for me in 15 years with 600 plus purchases .com & . ca and I'm hoping someone that also had this experience can clarify🙊
Message 6 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Hi Actually I was asking for info from someone else that had this exact experience to reply as I'm trying to fine out what happened ... As in the world of programming computers the possibilities are endless no such thing as "impossible"
Message 7 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Community Member
If you do a “completed items” or “sold items” search, what price comes up in the search results?

BTW, are you using list view or gallery view?

Message 8 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Again interesting completed items dresses come up C 77.22. Now if only I knew what to do with that fact. I search using lists, why? Thank you
Message 9 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Just asking out of curiosity more than anything.  There used to be a few quirks with gallery view when it came to displaying GSP listings, so I was wondering if there may be other issues as well.  I haven't used gallery for a while but when I gave it a shot a few minutes ago, it appeared as though those GSP-quirks had been eliminated, i.e. one can tell from a few "clues" that the item is listed with the GSP without having to click on it.


Does the seller list in both Canadian dollars and US dollars?  (You probably know this, but US dollar listings will have a Canadian dollar price in italics to indicate that the price is an approximate conversion from another currency.)  That is to say, do they have some listings in Canadian dollars and some in US dollars, which will be converted to approximate Canadian dollars in search?

Message 10 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Thank you for trying your ideas. I had filtered to 'Canada only' to search for dresses...all prices showed Cdn. Her dresses came up C 60.00 even... did not show US when clicked on. Now all her items come up in uneven Cdn amounts click on them and they shown the lower US amounts in even dollars and the Cdn in brackets as normal as you mentioned and all free shipping.
Another curiosity her feedback shows buyers comments however when you click to see what the buyer bought & amount paid the photos & info has been removed.

Message 11 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Now all her items come up in uneven Cdn amounts click on them and they shown the lower US amounts in even dollars


Then she's listing on dotCOM in USD, but ships to Canada.

Dress is $50USD on the origanal sit and $59.99 Cdn here on dot CA.

Free Shipping to both Canada and the USA is unusual though -- Although I do it normally, most of my items can travel letter* rate.






*The difference between 199gr to USA or to Canada is small enough that the increased market is worth it.

Message 12 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

I don't disagree that one can't say that something is impossible. But I've been on the boards for years and have never heard of this particular problem happening.  You didn't mention whether you checked the item's currency through your purchase history if it is showing $US or $C now.   


In the future, ifyou want to see the item's price in the listing currency rather than in $C when you are searching, click on the four dots next to the sort option at the top of the page. Then click on customize and uncheck convert prices to Canadian dollars. Then you will know for sure if a seller listed in $C without having to click on the actual item. If the item is listed in another currency (which means you will be charged in that currency) the search page will show that is $US, UK pounds etc.

Message 13 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

No in my 15 years it had not happened to me before I believe it is a computer glitch on seller's site between .com and . ca as an eBay telephone help agent has indicated.
Message 14 of 15
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Re: Item showed C 60.00 charged US 60.00

Computer glitch between .com and . ca
Message 15 of 15
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