First, See the pictures are from the seller advertise post. Circle make shown the baggie seller did not include .Two days ago I send a massage regarding missing part ( A small baggie Pack)from my bought
Seller did not included1
Seller did not included 2
Seller did not include 3item. Seller did not reply yet. So I contact the seller again and an E bay quote pops up as
"We're sorry we couldn't find an answer for you. Unfortunately, this seller is not able to respond to your question. We suggest reviewing the item again to see if your answer is in the seller's listing."
This is the only thing in the seller listing "Item is New Without Tags"
I assumed that means the price tag will be not included or removed when the item is sent. (Sometimes some eBay sellers sent with a price tag).
I just wanted to contact the seller.Cos I wanted to know what is his side of the resolution. I have paid the custom duty fee.